
Rofi-Based YouTube RSS Reader
授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 张伯寅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



YT-Feeder is a Rofi-Based RSS Reader made specifically for YouTube video platform. It’s written purely in bash and allows user to watch or download new videos.


While in the project folder:

chmod +x YT-Feeder

Then to actually run the script:

rofi -show YT-Feeder -modi "YT-Feeder:/Absolute/Path/To/YT-Feeder"

I highly suggest binding the above command to your keyboard shortcut of choice. After launch you can select your favorite channel from the list, then select video and then you have a choice to:

  • watch(best) -> watch it in the best quality
  • watch(worst) -> watch it in the worst quality
  • play in the background -> play audio from video in the background
  • open in a web browser -> opens YouTube link in a default web browser
  • download -> download video
  • download audio -> download audio from video
  • command -> use your custom command on video’s link

There’s also an option to refresh the RSS feeds at the top of the list and there might be an option to stop currently playing audio in the background(only after selecting “play in the background”).

Worth noting

The default directory for downloaded videos is ~/Videos/ and the default directory for downloaded audio is ~/Music/.


Change ~/.config/yt-feeder/config file to configure this script. If it doesn’t exist, create it. The general syntax for this file is:

// Some comment
rss link or channel's ID
rss link or channel's ID
rss link or channel's ID

Comments must be placed on separate lines, every line starting with “//” will be ignored by the script

  • DOWNLOAD specifies the custom directory where you wish to download your videos.
  • COMMAND specifies your custom command to use on youtube links.
  • DOWNLOAD_AUDIO specifies the custom directory where you wish to download your audio.


Currently only requirements are:

  • mpv
  • youtube-dl
  • ffmpeg
  • rofi


  • Add option to open link in the browser
  • Add information about the number of new videos
  • Auto-detect Channel’s name from RSS Feed
  • Clean bash code
  • Add option to change the default directory of downloaded videos
  • Add option to play video in the background
  • Add an ability to just use channel’s ID in the config file
  • Add option to use a custom script on selected video
  •  yt-dlp 是 youtube-dl 的一个分支,基于现在维护不太活跃的 youtube-dlc。该项目的主要重点是添加新功能和补丁,同时与原始项目保持同步。 安装: yt-dlp 不特定于某个平台的,它适用于 Unix 机器、Windows 或 macOS 可以使用以下方法安装 yt-dlp: 从 Release 页面下载二进制文件(推荐方法) 使用 PyPI 包:python3 -m pi

  • 最近,我们的客户注意到视频长度指标存在差异,因为似乎我们在YT和API调用中获得了2种不同的长度。 例如,我们从YouTube的API中获取了持续时间。(对于以下视频)CTM 1556 Google UAC CO 6s API响应显示7秒。 在YouTube上我们看到长度是6秒: API文档 https://d



