Intensity normalization of multi-channel MRI images using the method proposed by Nyul et al. 2000.In the original paper, the authors suggest a method where a set of standard histogram landmarks are learned from a set of MRI images. These landmarks are then used to equalize the histograms of the images to normalize. In both learning and transformation, the histograms are used to find the intensity landmarks. In our implmentation, the landmarks are computed based on the total range of intensities instead of the histograms.
The normalization is carried out in two steps:
From a set of training images, the landmark parameters are learned using the function learn_intensity_parameters
. Intensity parameters ì_min
and i_max
have to be set by the user. These two values establish the minimum and maximum intensities of the standard intensity scale.
methodT= 'spline'; % or methodT= 'linear';
train_im_path{1} = '/path/to/images/1/t1.nii';
train_im_path{2} = '/path/to/images/2/t1.nii';
train_im_path{n} = '/path/to/images/n/t1.nii';
i_min = min_intensity;
i_max = max_intensity;
% learn the parameters
m_k = learn_intensity_landmarks(train_im_path, i_min, i_max);
The output struct m_k
contains the standard landmarks learned from the input images. These landmarks refer to the minimum intensity, the signal intensity deciles {d10,...,d90}, and the maximum intensity of interest.
The output struct m_k
is used to map the intensities of each of the input images with respect to the standard scale. The original paper implements a function that maps linearly the input intensities into the standard histogram. However, the authors suggest that other mapping functions can be also used. Here, input intensities are mapped using a spline function.
input_image = '/path/to/input/image'
out_name = '/path/to/input/image/normalized_scan'
apply_intensity_transformation(input_image, out_name, m_k, methodT);
Input images have to be skull-stripped for optimal results. If images are not skull-stripped but background intensity is < 0.05
, the method should also work. With background intensities higher than this threshold the landmarks may be altered in some unexpected way due to remaining skull, fat or eyes.
The current method uses the nifti_tools
repository available here. Add it to your Matlab path or initialize the included submodule after cloning the project as:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Sergi Valverde / NeuroImage Computing Group. Vision and Robotics Insititute VICOROB(University of Girona)
MRI图像处理——图片不均的校正 面向MRI影像的处理 图像不均匀性产生的原因:现有的MRI成像因为多个线圈并行会导致,随着距离变化,线圈的灵敏度下降,信号强度出现了变化,形成了不均匀的磁场由于磁场的不均匀性,会导致图像的不均匀,图像会出现部分区域低频的成分。 失真导致的问题:不同图片的不同组织之间出现了灰度级的重叠导致了图像在配准、量化处理、以及分割时阈值不容易设置等困难。 失真的校正方法:计算