Aslak Grinsted, John Moore and Svetlana Jevrejeva
Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, S. Jevrejeva (2004), Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series, Nonlin. Process. Geophys., 11, 561566 link
Most of the routines included are MIT licensed. But please read details in individual files, as it includes some codes that are not authored by us.
We would like to thank the following people for letting us include their programs in our package. See the licensing details in the individual files.
wavelet-coherence-master/.gitattributes wavelet-coherence-master/.gitignore wavelet-coherence-master/anglemean.m wavelet-coherence-master/ar1.m wavelet-coherence-master/ar1nv.m wavelet-coherence-maste
Cross wavelet and wavelet coherence toolbox for MATLAB Aslak Grinsted, John Moore and Svetlana Jevrejeva Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, S. Jevrejeva (2004), Application of the cross wavelet transform and
Wavelet wavelet is an open ledger for scalable, mission-critical, decentralized WebAssembly applications. Wavelet's very first protocol specification was written by Kenta Iwasaki and Heyang Zhou. This
Coherence是Oracle为了建立一种高可靠和高扩展集群计算的一个关键部件,集群指的 是多于一个应用服务器参与到运算里。Coherence的主要用途是共享一个应用的对象(主要是java对象,比如Web应用的一个会话java对象)和 数据(比如数据库数据,通过OR-MAPPING后成为Java对象)。 简单来说,就是当一个应用把它的对象或数据托管给Coherence管理的时候,该对象或数据就能