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Matlab Implementation of RRT Variants



Adnan Munawar (

RRT*, RRT-connect, lazy RRT and RRT extend have been implemented for 2d and 3d c-spaces with visualization

General Information:

This is a basic yet meaningful implementation of RRT and its variants in Matlab.

How to run

All you need to do is fire up the benchmarkRRT.m file, it is pretty self explanatory.

Specify the number of runs for each planner

  • num_of_runs =1;

Specify if we want to run the specific planner or not, 1 for yes and 0 for no.

  • run_RRTconnect =0 or 1;
  • run_RRTextend = 0 or 1;
  • run_LazyRRT = 0 or 1;
  • run_RRTstar = 0 or 1;

Specify whether to run the planner in 2D or 3D (only for now)

  • dim = 3;

Specify the step size, the world is 100 * 100 for 2D and 100 * 100 *100 for 3D

  • stepsize = [10];

Specify whether to use random obstacles or to use pre programmed obstacles

  • random_world = 0 or 1;

For RRT* only

  • radius = 10;
  • samples = 4000;

Showing output or not

  • show_output = 0 or 1;
  • show_benchmark_results = 0 or 1;
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