Autonomous Drifting using Reinforcement Learning
source [full path to setup.bash]
in your .bashrc)The first time you open Gazebo, it will download all models from the Gazebo servers, which may take some time. Run rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo
to run Gazebo and install models.
To run | Command |
ROS Core | roscore |
Gazebo Simulator | roslaunch drift_car_gazebo drift_car.launch |
Controller | roslaunch drift_car_gazebo_control drift_car_control.launch |
Keyboard Teleop | rosrun drift_car_gazebo_control |
Joystick Gazebo Controller | rosrun drift_car_gazebo_control |
Joystick Car Controller | rosrun drift_car_gazebo_control |
Double Dueling Deep Q-Network | rosrun drift_car |
rosrun drift_car_env
.To run using the Monster Truck, rosed drift_car_gazebo drift_car.launch
and toggle the comments to load truck.xacro.urdf
# Awesome Autonomous Vehicles: A curated list of awesome autonomous vehicles resources, inspired by awesome-php. Contributing Please feel free to send me pull requests to add links. Table of Contents
The past few years have seen active development in autonomous driving by organisations and academia. One of the standard practices in autonomous driving is developing and validating prototypes of driv
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