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RobotCar Dataset SDK

This repo contains sample MATLAB and Python code for viewing and manipulating data from the Oxford Robotcar Dataset and Oxford Radar Robotcar Dataset.


extrinsics: Extrinsic calibrations between the sensors on the vehicle

matlab: Sample matlab code for viewing and manipulating data

models: Camera models. See the sample python or matlab code for how to use these

python: Sample python code for viewing and manipulating data

tags: Lists of tags for each dataset

Obtaining Data

Oxford RobotCar Dataset

To obtain the data, please visit the dataset website.Downloads are chunked into .tar files containing no more than 5GB each, where each chunk corresponds to the sametime window for all sensors.

It is recommended that you extract all tar files to the same directory - this will leave all the data in a sensibleheirarchical directory structure.

An example script for scraping the dataset website can be found at RobotCarDataset-Scraper.

Oxford Radar Robotcar Dataset

To obtain the data, please visit the dataset website.Downloads are separated into individual zip files for each sensor, for each traversal.

It is recommended that you extract all tar files to the same directory - this will leave all the data in a sensibleheirarchical directory structure.

An example script for scraping the dataset website can be found at radar-robotcar-dataset-sdk.

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  • �� Note: please do not claim diagnostic performance of a model without a clinical study! This is not a kaggle competition dataset. Please read this paper about evaluation issues: