It is a set of image/video enhancement methods, implemented by Java, to tackle several common tasks, such as dehazing, denoising, underwater backscatter removal, low illuminance enhancement, featuring, smoothing and etc.
NOTE that this repository is the integration of several repositories of Image/Video processing on my GitHub, and those standalone repositories will be deprecated later.
RemoveBackScatter -- Deleted, its zip file is available here: [link].
OptimizedContrastEnhance -- Deleted, its zip file is available here: [link].
RemoveBackScatter, Removing Backscatter to Enhance the Visibility of Underwater Object, is a fast and effective backscatter removal and enhancement method to enhance the underwater image/video as well as light hazel images. Details and Results are shown here: [link].
Despite the above methods implemented in both Java and MATLAB, below contains several image enhancement and underwater restoration algorithms implemented in MATLAB (They will be implemented in Java in the future).
EnhanceViaRetinexDTCWT, Image Enhancement Based on Retinex and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, which is a efficient and effective method for enhancement of low-illuminance image/video. Details and Results are shown here: [link].
OpenCV. To make the OpenCV can work with JAVA IDE, like IntelliJ or Eclipse, you may need to follow the guide of [Install OpenCV for Java] to setup OpenCV.
ImShow-Java-OpenCV, a plain image display codes implemented by OpenCV Java version (This codes is already included in the project).
Adaptive Local Tone Mapping Based on Retinex for HDR Image
Image Enhancement Based on Retinex and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
Optimized Contrast Enhancement for Real-time Image and Video Dehazing
Enhancing Underwater Images and Videos by Fusion
Removing Backscatter to Enhance the Visibility of Underwater Object