
GD Graphics Library
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Objective-C
所属分类 应用工具、 图形和图像工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 施靖
操作系统 OS X
适用人群 未知

GD Graphics (Draw) Library

GD is an open source code library for the dynamic creation of images byprogrammers.

GD is written in C, and "wrappers" are available for Perl, PHP and otherlanguages. GD can read and write many different image formats. GD is commonlyused to generate charts, graphics, thumbnails, and most anything else, on thefly.

The most common applications of GD involve website development, although itcan be used with any standalone application!

The library was originally developed by Thomas Boutell and is now maintainedby many contributors (see the CONTRIBUTORS file) under theumbrella of

If you like to contribute, report bugs, see how to contribute document

For security related issues, please contact us at

Support available in or using issues.

We also have a mailing list. To subscribe to any mailing list, send an email to Then emails can be sent to


Please visit our homepage for more details.

Supported Image Formats

GD has support for:

Besides that, GD depends on some external libraries, which are all optionaland disabled by default:

  • FreeType for rendering fonts
  • Fontconfig for configuring and customizing font access
  • libraqm for complex text layout
  • libimagequant for conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color images
    • NOTE libimagequant is dual-licensed: GPLv3 and commercial license

Platforms supported

CI means whether we have an automatic CI for this platform. If someone has CI for these platforms or any other platforms not listed here and would like to add them to our automatic CI, please get in touch with us, it will much appreciated!

Platform Support CI
Linux x64
Linux x86
Linux ARM64
Windows x86
Windows x64
Windows arm64 x
macOS x64
macOS M1 x
S390 x

It is also known to work on almost all variations of *BSD, Solaris, etc. We don't have CI nor environment to test them. However many progamming languages binding do test libgd on these platforms.


It should compile with all C99 and C++ compliant compilers, either using CMake or the configure script.

We do have CI using:

  • GCC
  • CLang
  • Visual Studio
  • Xcode
  • MingW

Supported Versions

  • GD 2.3 (Branch GD-2.3) serie is in active support for bug fixes. No new additions will be added.
  • GD 2.4 (master) is the active development branch. No release date yet.
  • GD 3.0 has been started, focusing on high quality 2D Vector drawing APIs and full support of actual ARGB 32 bits/8bits or float. It is not production ready yet
  •        最近跟着导师做项目,要求使用C语言编程,达到的目标是将字符串转为jpg格式的图片,在网上翻帖子的时候看到libgd这个库正好可以满足我的使用需求,先将其使用学习过程记录如下。        参考内容博客地址:         libgd官网网址:      

  • 近日帮朋友安装GD库一直失败,安装所需要的依赖库很多。本来放弃了,今天发现自己想要circos画图,也需要GD模块。在此记录自己的安装过程,以防下次安装碰到安装问题。 按照以下步骤按照依赖库就可以,报错信息一般都是上一步的库未安装。 GD依赖库-zlib wget tar zxvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz

  • 今天安装启动nginx的时候报这个错误:error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object,网上查了相关资料,解决了,在此记录下,也让后面遇到这个问题的朋友能快速解决。 先说解决办法,帮助着急解决问题的朋友,这个是因为缺失gd库,把他装上就可以了。 安装办法: 1、直接yum install gd最

  • 最近由于项目需要jpg进行压缩,查了相关资料,发现php的代码中使用了压缩图片使用libgd库,于是下载进行编译,因为历史问题,需要编译成32位的库,这个可就把我搞死了,他的源码中有cmake和automake方式,直接编译成的属于64位平台。于是我在cmake命令上面直接加上了如下命令: SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -m32 -w -std=gnu++98" 编译的时候是通过

  • 根据报错提示,是类库文件加载失败。这种情况要么对应lib没有安装,要么安装位置没到正确位置。通过ldd命令查一下nginx依赖的类库文件: ldd /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx => (0x00007fffd5fb6000) => /lib64/ (



