is, at the moment, subject to heavy development. From v0.9.0
, we won't add any feature unless small with backwards compability in mind.
Currently, the roadmap for dext
2.0 is to move to the direction of having the following accomplished:
Dext is a JavaScript powered smart launcher. Built with JavaScript behind the influences of Alfred.
Made compatible with Alfred workflows that is powered by node (see: alfy).
Note: Currently available only for Mac OS X platform. Please help contribute for Windows and Linux users.
Download the latest zip file here and unzip the archive. Open
and follow the instructions below for usage.
You can also use Homebrew Cask to download the app by running these commands:
brew update
brew cask install dext
NOTE: Release version may not be stable as Dext is still in it's early stage of development. Please help contribute towards a stable build.
Simply toggle and start typing with:
alt + space
Each item may have it's own action. You can execute an item by double-clicking on the item or selecting it and pressing:
Type ?
Dext Package Manager (dpm
) is available to download separately. dpm
can be used to easily install and configure your Dext instance. Please refer to the docs over at the dpm
repository for more information.
$ npm install -g dext-cli
The Dext configuration file is located in the .dext
folder in your home directory (~/.dext/
). This directory should contain a config.json
file as well as a plugins
folder. In here, you can drop any plugins.
Hint: Use dpm
to easily manage plugins.
| --- config.json
| --- plugins/
| --- | --- dext-github-plugin/
| --- | --- dext-hackernews-plugin/
Like what you see? Become a Patron and support me via a monthly donation.
MIT © Vu Tran
mips的两个指令 bbit0 是指对某一位检测是否为0,检测后进行跳转,其他bbit指令类似 ex bbit0 s4, 0xd, address; 检测s4寄存器的数值的13位是否为0,是九跳转address执行 dext,不确定是不是64上专用 dext a0,a1,0x0,0x20 把a1的0+0x20位取出填充到a0低位,高位由符号位填充
2023年1月15日,魔都周末温度的骤降,2023年第一场雪,让自己感受到身处的季节是冬天,提醒自己柜中的羽绒服还能派上用场。看朋友在东北某地滑雪的图片,心中还是满眼羡慕之情。 2022年已经过去,都说指缝太粗,时间如流沙忒细,回想少时常有的“为赋新词强说愁”的感慨,总盼望自己快些长大。而现在步入职场已多年,时间于我,也真如数字一般,一日、一月、一年,犹如日历翻页,嗖嗖嗖的度过。都说人生的下半场,
问题描述 1>OpenGL.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp____glewFramebufferTexture2DEXT 1>OpenGL.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp____glewBindFramebufferEXT 1>OpenGL.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp_
DEXT最初发布在AUTOSAR 4.2.1中。AUTOSAR 4.3.0在标准UDS协议之外,增加了OBD-II、WWH-OBD、FIM和SAE J1939的相关扩展内容。DEXT不仅描述通过各自协议传输的数据,还包括ECU应用层软件中初始数据。当上述两种数据的描述完整正确时,即可通过DEXT配置AUTOSAR诊断相关BSW。AUTOSAR标准没有定义诊断协议、诊断服务和数据,而是直接使用了UD