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Wild Cherry

A fairy-tale inspired theme, with tasteful use of emojis - Zsh, iTerm, Sublime, Atom, Slack, Mou, PuTTY, Notepad++, Vivaldi & DuckDuckGo

Wild Cherry

�� Git Princess is close to death.

�� Commit to her and give her a flower.

�� Japanese Ogre appears on error.

Wild Cherry

Git Emojis Explained

�� Dirty

�� New file

�� Removed file

�� Changed file

�� New files added/ ready to commit

�� Clean

Plus many more!



  1. Move zsh/wild-cherry.zsh-theme file to oh-my-zsh's theme folder: oh-my-zsh/themes/wild-cherry.
  2. Go to your ~/.zshrc file and set ZSH_THEME="wild-cherry". Finally, reload your terminal.

Zsh theme documentation



  1. iTerm2 → PreferencesProfilesColors Tab
  2. Click Load Presets...
  3. Click Import...
  4. Select the iterm/wild-cherry.itermcolors file
  5. Select the wild cherry from Load Presets...

Note: wild-cherry.itermcolors reflects only the theme colors in iTerm. To get the formatting and emojis, you will need to configure your Zsh theme via the instructions above.


Atom Preview

View on Atom Themes

  • Optimised for Atom!
  • Now with Linter Emojis!
  • Recommended to use Isotope UI Theme, with File Icons package
  • Thanks to ramonmcros for adding JSON, Markdown, and CriticMarkdown syntax!

Atom Linter Emojis

Atom Preview

�� Japanese Ogre does not like trailing semicolons! (Atom Linter required)

Atom Preview

�� Dodgy code may catch fire! (Atom Linter required)


Sublime Preview

  • This is a customized version of the Cobalt2 UI.
  • Massive thanks to ctf0 for his help with the UI! ��

View on Package Control

  1. Open package control toolsCommand Palette and type Install Package
  2. Search for Wild Cherry and hit enter
  3. Lastly, open PreferencesSettings - User. Add the following two lines:
"theme": "wild-cherry.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Wild Cherry/wild-cherry.tmTheme"

color_scheme defines how the code looks and theme defines how the sidebar, tabs, search, command palette work.


Slack Preview




Mou Preview


  1. Copy [mou/Wild Cherry.txt](mou/Wild Cherry.txt) to your Mou/Theme directory
  2. Select Wild Cherry from Mou → Preferences → Themes


PuTTY Preview

  • Same theme as for iTerm2!
  • Update your default profile, or create a new profile
  • Thanks to Efreak for PuTTY integration!


  1. Download either putty/wild-cherry.reg or putty/wild-cherry.default.reg
  2. Open it.
  3. Click yes.
  4. Delete it.



  1. Use notepad/wild_cherry.stylers.xml


Vivaldi Preview


  1. Open settings → themes.
  2. Click +.
  3. Set background = #2B1F32, foreground = #FFFFFF, highlight = #0AACC5, accent = #E15D97.
  4. Set name: Wild Cherry.
  5. Click save.


DuckDuckGo Preview


a) Use this bookmarklet




  1. Go to Settings → Appearance
  2. Set Background Color: #2b1f32, Header Color: #4a1386, Result URL Color: #e15d97, Result Title Color: #e15d97, Result Visited Title Color: #0aacc5



  1. In your Cloud9 IDE, click Cloud9 -> Preferences -> Experimental -> Enable Plugin Manager
  2. Click Tools -> Developer -> Start in Debug mode
  3. In the new window, type the following command into the terminal cd ~/.c9/plugins.
  4. Then clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/iSasFTW/wildcherry_c9.git.
  5. Switch into the newly created directory: cd wildcherry_c9/.
  6. Type c9 build.
  7. In the Plugin Manager (if not already open, go to Cloud9 -> Preferences -> Experimental) enable wildcherry_c9 by ticking the box next to it. (If you don't see it, you might have to refresh the plugin list using the button in the gear menu)
  8. You should now see "wildcherry" as an option in View -> Themes.
  9. Close the tab with debug mode open, and refresh your original cloud9 tab.
  10. Done! You've now installed the Wild Cherry editor theme!


MinTTY is used by many projects, including cygwin, babun, wsltty, and MSYS2. The following instructions assume your copy of mintty is recent enough to support themes (mintty in my babun install is too old).Unfortunately, there's no support for emoji, so those won't look nice.


  1. Open your mintty environment
  2. Download wild-cherry to /usr/share/mintty/themes/wild-cherry folder inside mintty.
  3. right click the title bar on mintty
  4. click options
  5. Under theme, choose wild-cherry
  6. Click apply and/or save
  7. Follow the instructions for zsh
MinTTY Options Menu

MinTTY Options Menu

Windows Terminal (Preview)

Microsoft's Windows Terminal doesn't have dedicated theme files. Instead, it has a single profiles.json object. Until someone comes up with a tool to manage this file, you'll have to edit it by hand. Since it's a Windows App, you'll also have to find the location yourself.

  1. Try looking in %LocalAppData%\Packages for a folder that begins with Microsoft.WindowsTerminal.
  2. Open the LocalState folder
  3. Open profiles.json in your favorite editor
  4. Add the contents of windowsterminal-schema.json at the end of your schemes array.
  5. Find the profile(s) you wish to set to wild-cherry theme
  6. Set colorScheme to wild-cherry
  7. If you wish to use a powerline font, set the font name under fontFace
    • if you're not sure what exactly to place there, pick the font in WordPad (run write.exe), and copy the name form the font setting.
  8. Follow the instructions for zsh

Future? ��

Want to give the princess a makeover? �� Fork- and submit a pull request! ��

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  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试构建Cherrypy / Python Web服务。我已经花费了一整天的时间来研究如何使跨域Ajax请求成为可能。终于可以了,但是现在我有下一个问题。我想我已经知道了解决方案,但是我不知道如何实现。问题是,当我发送ajax请求时,Cherrypy服务器将响应: 我找到并尝试测试的解决方案是将以下行添加到配置中: 所以我尝试在以下代码中实现它: 我在tools.CORS.on行

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