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Django and MongoDB database connector
授权协议 AGPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 数据库相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 终祯
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


The only connector that let's you use Django with MongoDB without changing the Django ORM

Use MongoDB as a backend database for your Django project, without changing the Django ORM. Use the Django Admin GUI to add and modify documents in MongoDB.


  1. Install djongo:
    pip install djongo
  2. Into settings.py file of your project, add:
        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'djongo',
            'NAME': 'your-db-name',
            'CLIENT': {
               'host': 'your-db-host',
  3. Run manage.py makemigrations <app_name> followed by manage.py migrate (ONLY the first time to create collections in mongoDB)


  1. Python 3.6 or higher.

  2. MongoDB 3.4 or higher.

  3. If your models use nested queries or sub querysets like:

    inner_qs = Blog.objects.filter(name__contains='Ch').values('name')
    entries = Entry.objects.filter(blog__name__in=inner_qs)

    MongoDB 3.6 or higher is required.

Dear Supporter

I am inundated daily with your love, appreciation, queries and feature requests for Djongo. Djongo has grown into more than a simple hobby project of an individual developer. Visit my Patreon page to understand the different levels of support and services you can get.

How it works

djongo is a SQL to mongodb query compiler. It translates a SQL query string into a mongoDB query document. As a result, all Django features, models etc work as is.

Django contrib modules:


and others... fully supported.


  • Use Django Admin GUI to access MongoDB.
  • Embedded Model.
  • Embedded Array.
  • Embedded Form Fields.

Read the full documentation


If you think djongo is useful, please share it with the world! Your endorsements and online reviews will help get more support for this project.

Take a look at the Enhancements project that contains a list of features that must be implemented in future versions of Djongo. You can contribute to the source code or the documentation by creating a simple pull request! You may want to refer to the design documentation to get an idea on how Django MongoDB connector is implemented.

Add a star, show some love :)

Questions and Discussion

  • Djongo groups is where you can watch for new release announcements, suggest improvements, and discuss topics pertaining to Django and MongoDB.
  • Issues, where things are not working as expected, please raise a git-hub issue ticket.
  • For questions and clarifications regarding usage, please put it up on stackoverflow instead.
  • 使用Djongo把mongoDB连接到Django djongo 安装 必须完全按照以下版本安装引用来源 asgiref==3.5.0 Django==4.0.3 djongo==1.3.6 dnspython==2.2.1 pymongo==3.12.1 python-snappy==0.6.1 pytz==2022.1 sqlparse==0.2.4 在您的项目settings.py文件中,

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  • 1.在虚拟环境下安装uUWSGI (env_dj) [root@chen1995 MyWebWord]# pip3 install uwsgi 2.在项目的同级目录新建一个script目录,然后新建一个uwsgi.ini文件 (env_dj) [root@chen1995 MyWebWord]# mkdir script # 新建目录 (env_dj) [root@chen1995 MyWeb

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  • django使用Q查询 from django.db.models import Q books = Book.objects.filter(Q(title__icontains=key) | Q(author__icontains=key) | Q(translator

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