Detect backward incompatible migrations for your Django project.It will save you time by making sure migrations will not break with a older codebase.
pip install django-migration-linter
And add the migration linter your INSTALLED_APPS
$ python lintmigrations
(app_add_not_null_column, 0001_create_table)... OK
(app_add_not_null_column, 0002_add_new_not_null_field)... ERR
NOT NULL constraint on columns
(app_drop_table, 0001_initial)... OK
(app_drop_table, 0002_delete_a)... ERR
(app_ignore_migration, 0001_initial)... OK
(app_ignore_migration, 0002_ignore_migration)... IGNORE
(app_rename_table, 0001_initial)... OK
(app_rename_table, 0002_auto_20190414_1500)... ERR
*** Summary ***
Valid migrations: 4/8
Erroneous migrations: 3/8
Migrations with warnings: 0/8
Ignored migrations: 1/8
The linter analysed all migrations from the Django project.It found 3 migrations that are doing backward incompatible operations and 1 that is explicitly ignored.The list of incompatibilities that the linter analyses can be found at docs/
More advanced usages of the linter and options can be found at docs/
One can either integrate the linter in the CI and the lintmigrations
command, or detect incompatibilities during generation with
$ python makemigrations --lint
Migrations for 'app_correct':
- Add field column to a
Linting for 'app_correct':
(app_correct, 0003_a_column)... ERR
NOT NULL constraint on columns
The migration linter detected that this migration is not be backward compatible.
- If you keep the migration, you will want to fix the issue or ignore the migration.
- By default, the newly created migration file will be deleted.
Do you want to keep the migration? [y/N]
Deleted tests/test_project/app_correct/migrations/
The linter found that the newly created migration is not backward compatible and deletes the files.This behaviour can be the default of the makemigrations
Django settings.Find out more about the makemigrations command at docs/
Please find more documentation generally in the docs/ folder.
Some implementation details can found in the ./docs/internals/ folder.
django-migration-linter is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
Django开发—如何重置migration @(Django)[migration] 情景一:不需要原有的数据库数据 删除数据库所有的表 删除项目的migration模块中的所有 文件,除了 文件 执行脚本 python makemigrations python migrate 情景2:不想要删除现有的数据库,只是想重新建立 mig
Django框架下使用model来操作数据对象。刚接触过程中,对makemigration 和 migrate有些不解,在此总结下。 makemigration生成ddl语句,migrate执行ddl语句。 详见如下例子。 (virtual) E:\virtual\myapp>python makemigrations Did you rename person.firtst_
初步完成一个django application的开发后,由于需求更改,需要修改。models.py里面原本只有一个model,叫做Query。这个application叫interface。手贱直接在mysql里面删除了Query这张表。接下去,增改了Query的一些属性,运行python makemigrations与python mi
django 1.8之后推出的migrations机制使django的数据模式管理更方便容易,现在简单谈谈他的机制和一些问题的解决方法: 1、谈谈机制:migrations机制有两个指令,第一个是makemigrations,第二个是migrate,生成migrations代码的makemigrations指令是用models里面的model和当前的migrations代码里面的mod
Django在使用migrete命令时由于自己的误操作报了以下错误, django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration admin.0001_initial is applied before its dependency users.0001_initial on database 'default'
继承ModelForm 覆盖 clean_field_name(self)方法 class YourModelForm(ModelForm): def clean_field_name(self): data = self.cleaned_data['field_name'] if not data: # 如果data不满足满足条件
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "firstsite.settings") try: from import exe
from: 迁移 Django 1.7i 新特性 Migrations是
看django文档看到关于models.manager时候,前面custom manager都还好懂,但这个use_for_related_fields一时没看懂,搜了下,下面这个在stackoverflow上的回答很好,记一下
字段选项 通用参数 下面的参数是通用的,适合所有的字段类型。 blank 如果设置为 True ,该字段允许为空。默认为 False 。 需要注意的是它和null的区别,null是数据库层的参数,然而blank是校验层的参数,如果一个字段设置了blank=True 类型属性检查时候允许为空值,如果一个字段设置blank=False,那么字段必须有值。 null 如果设置为 True , 当该字段为
1.makemigrations 会在app下建立 migrations目录 python makemigrations # 或 指定应用名称 app_name python makemigrations app1 2.migrate 同步数据库 # 默认使用配置项中的defult数据库 python migrate # 也可以指
Django在执行python makemigrations的时候提示异常: django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration admin.0001_initial is applied before its dependency user.0001_initial on databa
migration 负责将原先的ovs或linux bridge的数据库迁移到ml2支持的数据库格式。 包括,migrate_to_ml2.py等。
In line with our stability promise, the Prometheus 2.0 release contains a number of backwards incompatible changes. This document offers guidance on migrating from Prometheus 1.8 to Prometheus 2.0 and
Migrating from 7 to 8 The purpose of the following guide is to facilitate a smoother update to the 8.0.0 version of Handsontable. We strongly recommend an upgrade to make use of all beneficial changes
命名 gitcvs-migration - Git for CVS users 概要 git cvsimport * 描述 Git 与 CVS 的不同之处在于,每个工作树都包含一个具有项目历史记录完整副本的存储库,并且任何存储库本身都比其他任何存储库都重要。但是,您可以通过指定人员可以同步的单个共享存储库来模拟 CVS 模型; 本文档解释了如何做到这一点。 对 Git 有一些基本的了解是必需的。通
::: tip Attention MetaMask Users If you are a MetaMask user attempting to use a legacy Ethereum website that hasn't migrated to the new API, please see the section on the MetaMask Legacy Web3 Extensio
DM (Data Migration) 是一体化的数据同步任务管理平台,支持从 MySQL 或 MariaDB 到 TiDB 的全量数据迁移和增量数据同步。使用 DM 工具有利于简化错误处理流程,降低运维成本。 DM 架构 DM 主要包括三个组件:DM-master,DM-worker 和 dmctl。 DM 数据同步功能的核心特性。 Table routing Table routing 是指将