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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 数据库相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 秦博达
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

What is Doctor

  • Doctor is a Documentation Server for all your project docs.
  • Doctor beautifully decouples document serving and document contents.
  • Create your docs in markdown. Store them anywhere (github/dropbox/google drive/ anywhere really).
  • Login to Doctor's Dashboard. Setup links to your doc files in Doctor's Dashboard.
  • You are done!

Live Demo

You may use the Suggest Edits feature in Doctor to submit changes to any of the MD files in github. Doctor relies on github workflow to accept PRs for changes.








Using Docker Compose

Pre-requisite: Install and set up docker on your machine.

# get the docker-compose.yml file from the minio/doctor repo
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minio/doctor/master/docker-compose.yml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minio/doctor/master/.env

# If you want to start the services in production
RAILS_ENV=production docker-compose up -d

# If you want to start the services in development
docker-compose up -d

# get the container name of the web service
docker ps

# setup the database in a one-off command
docker exec docapp bundle exec rake db:setup
  • Open http://localhost:3000 on your browser to see doctor running from docker container.
  • Note: If you start doctor in production mode, all http requests are redirected to https.


  • Documents are organized under Categories.
  • Login to the dashboard
  • Step 1 : Use the Dashboard to create a new Category : http://localhost:3000/categories/new
  • Step 2 : Use the Dashboard to create a link to a new Document : http://localhost:3000/docs/new
  • Step 3: Paste the raw URL to the md file when linking a new document. The "Raw" button is on the top of the MD file in github.
  • Required : All documents need to be associated under a Category


Quickstart: Setup on OSX

  • Install Ruby 2.2.2 using the instructions here.
  • Install Rails 4.2.4 using the instructions here.
  • Install Postgres using the command brew install postgres. Configure Launch Agent to start it automatically or use the command pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start to start it manually.

Quickstart: Setup on Ubuntu

  • Install Rails & Ruby using the instructions here.
  • Install Postgres using the instructions here.

Clone and start doctor

> git clone https://github.com/minio/doctor.git
> cd doctor
> bundle install
> rake db:drop
> rake db:setup
> rails s

Now visit http://localhost:3000

Use sysadmin@doctor.io with password Doctor!23 to login. Visit http://localhost:3000 to navigate the docs. This can be changed anytime via the Dashboard. We highly recommend that you do if you use Doctor in deployment.

Note -

  • On Ubuntu vanilla installations, bundle install sometimes may not go through smoothly. In that case, you may need to run sudo apt install libpg-dev
  • If you get error message: Gem Load Error is: Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See https://github.com/rails/execjs for a list of available runtimes., during bundle install,then run sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • If you see error: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: FATAL: role <your_user_name> does not exist during rake:db setup, then run: sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser <your_user_name>
  • Ping us on our gitter channel to report any installation issues on your platform.
  • package exam3; /** 编写一个Java应用程序,创建对应的类,并完成以下程序功能: (1) 创建一个Doctor类,姓名,有suggest方法和operation方法:输出“注意复诊”,“正在检查” (2) 创建一个中医类,继承Doctor,重写suggest和operation方法输出“注意休息”,“望闻问切” (3) 创建一个西医类,继承Doctor,重写重写sug

  • appium-doctor appium-doctor可以检测Appium整体依赖环境配置情况。 C:\Users\Shuqing>cnpm install appium-doctor -g 在控制台输入命令:appium-doctor 看到如下提示说明整体环境配置成功。 C:\Users\Shuqing>appium-doctor info AppiumDoctor Appium Doctor

  • 今天在安装flutter环境的时候,在flutter中文网(入门: 在Windows上搭建Flutter开发环境 - Flutter中文网)下载好了flutter的sdk,但是在打开flutter_console.bat,运行flutter/flutter doctor命令就直接闪退,用cmd运行flutter/flutter doctor也是直接闪退, 找了好久,比较郁闷。 试试如下方法: 1、

  •   当ROS 2安装程序未按预期运行时,可以使用 ros2 doctor工具检查其设置。 ros2 doctor检查ROS 2的所有方面,包括平台,版本,网络,环境,正在运行的系统等,并警告您可能的错误和问题原因。   ros2 doctor仅在Eloquent及更高的版本中可以使用。   ros2 doctor是ros2cli包的一部分。只要我们安装了ros2cli,我们就能够使用ros2 do

  • 0. 简介 在面对ROS环境配置时,我们会发现,有的时候非常难查的问题有时候是因为ROS的CMakeList和package配置文件写的不对导致的。ROS1的时候就很无能为力,需要熟练地了解每个模块与配置。而ROS2中就提供了一个可以检测ros2的方方面面,包括平台,版本,网络,环境,运行系统等等的工具ros2 doctor。ros2 doctor仅在Eloquent及更高的版本中可以使用。同时r
