End-to-end DNS encryption with DNS-based ad-blocking, built in the cloud automatically using Terraform with Ansible. Choose your cloud provider or a standalone installation.
Combines wireguard (DNS VPN), pihole (adblock), and cloudflared (DNS over HTTPS) docker containers, as visualized:
Several deployment options are available, see the README of each subdirectory for platform-specific guides.
Step-by-step, follow along with me as I install on a Raspberry Pi.
Step-by-step, follow along with me as I deploy from a windows desktop - for Cloud deployments.
After watching the cloud prerequisites video, follow a guide specific to your cloud provider.
For maintaining the containers running your cloudblock services, see the README (or terraform output) specific to your deployment.
(小弟自学Azure,文中有不正确之处,请路过各位大神指正。) 网上azure的资料较少,尤其是API,全是英文的,中文资料更是少之又少。这次由于公司项目需要使用Azure,所以对Azure的一些学习心得做下笔记,文中不正确地方请大家指正。 Azure Blob 存储是用于存储大量非结构化对象数据(例如文本或二进制数据)的服务,这些数据可通过 HTTP 或 HTTPS 从世界各地进行访问。 可
现象 springcloud-config 每跑一段时间启动失败,错误信息如下 2022-05-16 13:57:52.672 INFO 11000 --- [http-nio-9088-exec-2] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet : Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet' 2022-05-16 13
云计算专题目录 Catalogue | Cloud computing
我知道CloudBlockBlob。DeleteIfExists()如果blob存在,则返回true;如果不存在,则返回false。 然而,我很好奇,如果blob确实存在,会发生什么情况,但Azure中出现了一些错误,导致文件删除没有发生(我找不到任何关于该行为的文档)。 我担心它会返回false而不是抛出某种异常,所以我相信blob会被删除,而它实际上仍然存在。 简而言之,如果我得到一个fals