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授权协议 Artistic-2.0 License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 服务器软件、 DNS服务器
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 卜季萌
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This module provides the functionality necessary to use Let's Encrypt API and generate free SSL certificates for your domains. It can also be used to generate private RSA/ECC keys and Certificate Signing Requests without resorting to openssl command line. Crypt::LE is shipped with a self-sufficient client for obtaining SSL certificates - le.pl.

New v0.38 maintenance release is available. This addresses the expiration of some root certificates (starting October 2021), so if you get an SSL error when using older Windows binaries, please make sure to upgrade. If you are using the Perl version of the client on some relatively old system, then please make sure to update the Mozilla::CA package (cpanm Mozilla::CA).

Unrelated to the client, if your Chrome shows you a NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID when connecting to the sites using Let's Encrypt certificates, this means the servers in question may need to be restarted - see the following article for example.

Both ACME v1 and ACME v2 protocols and wildcard certificate issuance are supported. Custom ACME servers are also supported.

Please note that ACME v1 is being deprecated by Let's Encrypt and, starting from version 0.34 of the client, the default version selected is ACME v2 (unless you have specified the version explicitly using --api option or specified a custom server using --server option - in the latter case the client will use auto-sensing to select appropriate protocol version).

Note: If you do not need the automation and the flexibility this package offers, and just want to get a free SSL certificate without installing anything, you can do that online on ZeroSSL.com.


  • The code has been successfully tested on more than 500 combinations of OS and Perl versions. It should install and run fine on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc. It also works on Mac OS X and Windows (tested with ActiveState and Strawberry Perl).

  • If you are a Windows user, you can download portable Win32/Win64 binaries (they work even on Windows XP and require NO installation).

  • In addition, you can use the latest Docker Image (lightweight non-root container).

Table of Contents


For Linux

With Linux systems there are just 3 essential things which should be in place for the package to be successfully installed: "gcc", "make" and the SSL development package (usually either "libssl-dev" or "openssl-devel"). You can install those as shown below - note that your server may already have them, so you might just try installing the client/library itself.

  • For CentOS minimal installation: sudo yum install gcc openssl-devel

  • For Debian/Ubuntu server installation: sudo apt-get install make gcc libssl-dev

For Windows

With Windows there are no specific requirements at all and you don't have to install anything if you want to use Windows binaries - self-sufficient and portable. Otherwise you just need to install Perl (see below).

If you use Strawberry Perl, then CPANminus will be already pre-installed and you will only need to instatll Crypt::LE itself. It is enough to download the portable version of Strawberry Perl for your platform (64bit or less likely 32bit). Then just unzip it to the directory of your choice (say C:\Perl64) and use "cpanm" to install Crypt::LE.

If you use ActiveState Perl, then after installing the Perl itself, you will need to install App-cpanminus (using 'ppm' - Perl Package Manager). Note that for business license users ActiveState offers more ppm packages (including Crypt-LE), so it could then be installed directly, without the need to install App-cpanminus.


The installation is quite easy and straightforward. The provided client does not need any specific privileges (certainly does not need to be run as a root or any privileged user). Keep in mind that the client functionality can be extended with plugins, so make sure you have read the Plugins section and especially Plugins in multiuser environment notes.

For Windows you can just download and unzip the latest release of the client - you do not have to install anything, even if you intend to use custom Perl plugins. You would only need to install the Crypt::LE library on Windows if you intend to use it with your own client (or the custom version of le.pl). For more details, checksum files and a 32bit client please see the releases page.

With CPANminus

cpanm Crypt::LE


cpan -i Crypt::LE

Manual installation

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Windows installation (if you do not want to use the binaries)

cpanm -f Log::Log4perl
cpanm Crypt::LE

Note: there might be some rare cases where installation fails on Linux - for example on a freshly installed Debian 10 (buster) you may see an error for Net::SSLeay. This can be fixed by running sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl.



With le.pl you should be able to quickly get your SSL certificates issued. Run it without parameters to see how it is used or with --help for an extended help and examples. The client supports 'http' and 'dns' challenges out of the box.

Important: By default all your actions are run against the test server, which behaves exactly as the live one, but produces certificates not trusted by the browsers. Once you have tested the process and want to get an actual trusted certificate, always append --live parameter to the command line.

Quick start on Windows

Download and unzip the latest release of the client for Windows, then run the client and follow the instructions (replace example.org with your domain):

le64.exe -email "admin@example.org" -key account.key -csr domain.csr -csr-key domain.key -crt domain.crt -domains "example.org,www.example.org" -generate-missing -live

Quick start on Linux/Mac

Install the client using one of the methods described (usually cpan -i Crypt::LE should be sufficient), then run the client and follow the instructions (replace example.org with your domain):

le.pl -email "admin@example.org" -key account.key -csr domain.csr -csr-key domain.key -crt domain.crt -domains "example.org,www.example.org" -generate-missing -live

Usage examples

Interactive certificate issuance:

le.pl --key account.key --email "my@email.address" --csr domain.csr --csr-key domain.key --crt domain.crt --domains  "www.domain.ext,domain.ext" --generate-missing

That will generate an account key and a CSR if they are missing. If any of those files exists, they will just be loaded, so it is safe to re-run the client.

Please note that --email parameter is only used for the initial registration. To update it later you can use --update-contacts option. Even though it is optional, you may want to have your email registered to receive certificate expiration notifications.

To use HTTP verification and have challenge files created/removed automatically, you can use --path and --unlink parameters:

le.pl --key account.key --email "my@email.address" --csr domain.csr --csr-key domain.key --crt domain.crt --domains "www.domain.ext,domain.ext" --generate-missing --unlink --path /some/path/.well-known/acme-challenge

If www.domain.ext and domain.ext use different "webroots", you can specify those in --path parameter, as a comma-separated list as follows:

le.pl --key account.key --email "my@email.address" --csr domain.csr --csr-key domain.key --crt domain.crt --domains "www.domain.ext,domain.ext" --generate-missing --unlink --path /a/.well-known/acme-challenge,/b/.well-known/acme-challenge

Please note that with multiple webroots specified, the amount of those should match the amount of domains listed. They will be used in the same order as the domains given and all of those folders should be writable.

To use DNS verification of domain ownership, you can use --handle-as parameter:

 le.pl ... --handle-as dns

For more examples, logging configuration and all available parameters overview use --help:

le.pl --help

Other certificate providers and custom ACME servers

By default the client uses Let's Encrypt CA (Certificate Authority) to get SSL certificates. However, you can also use it with other ACME-compatible servers by pointing to the "directory root" of such server with -server option. For example, you can use the client to obtain the certificate from Buypass CA (another Certificate Authority supporting free certificate issuance using ACME protocol):

le.pl -server https://api.buypass.com/acme -email test@example.org -key account.key -csr domain.csr -csr-key domain.key -crt domain.crt -domains test.example.org -generate-missing

For Buypass test environment use -server https://api.test4.buypass.no/acme (you do not need to use -live option when using custom ACME servers). Please note that email has to be specified for Buypass certificates and at the moment of writing they do not support more than 5 domains on one certificate and do not support wildcards.


Everything described above for the Perl client is applicable to the Windows client, which you can download from the Releases page. The only difference is that you will be running either le32.exe or le64.exe (depending on your platform) instead of le.pl. There is one thing though you need to take into account when you are specifying the --path to store verification files for the HTTP verification on Windows:

You should NOT use a single backslash before the closing quote (if you had path quoted) - you need to either use a double-backslash or none at all. This is specific to Windows environment. To illustrate:

  • --path C:\Directory - right
  • --path C:\Directory\ - right
  • --path "C:\Directory" - right
  • --path "C:\\Directory\\" - right
  • --path "C:\Directory\\" - right
  • --path "C:\Directory\" - wrong

You can also use a forward slash (/) if you like.


To issue a wildcard certificate, use DNS verification and specify the domain in the following format: *.some.domain.

 le.pl ... --domains "*.some.domain" --handle-as dns

Please note that at the moment wildcards are only supported by the v2.0 of the API and they can only be issued if DNS verification is used.

Important - if you are issuing a wildcard certificate and also want a so-called "naked domain" ("some.domain") to be covered, list both of those names in the domains parameter. You will then need to create two TXT records with identical names but different values - this is normal and this is how you should create them.

 le.pl ... --domains "*.some.domain, some.domain" --handle-as dns


Windows binaries include export functions into PFX/P12 format, which is normally required by IIS. The export (in addition to saving certificates in PEM format) can be activated by specifying a PFX password with --export-pfx option.

  le.pl ... --export-pfx "mypassword"

Note: This fuction does NOT require OpenSSL or any PFX conversion tools to be installed on your machine - it is supported internally by the client.

By default, exported PFX file will be seen as "Crypt::LE exported" under the "Friendly Name" column of the Certificate Management Console. If you want to specify your own arbitrary string instead, use --tag-pfx parameter.

  le.pl ... --export-pfx "mypassword" --tag-pfx "My own Friendly Name"

NB: If you are receiving an error mentioning PKCS12 during an attempt to export to PFX, please ensure that the domain key which you have specified with --csr-key option is indeed a private key in PEM format (with -----BEGIN and -----END lines around it). If it is a key exported via MMC in Windows for example, you may need to export the key and remove the passphrase from it before it can be used, for example as mentioned in this guide. If the key has been generated by the client itself, you should see no errors, as it is already in the expected format.


If you are using IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) and generating a certificate for those, you can either encode those into "punycode" form by yourself, or let the client do that for you. Please note that for theconversion to work properly you need to have correct locale settings on your system. For Linux-based systems you can check that with the "locale" command, for Windows make sure that "System locale" in the Control Panel is set correctly.


Let's Encrypt recently started offering "alternative" certificates via the "alternate links" mechanism. When your certificate is requested, LE returns just one such link at the moment of writing, where an intemediate certificate is signed by "ISRG Root X1, Internet Security Research Group" rather than "DST Root CA X3, Digital Signature Trust Co.". You can fetch that alternative certificate instead of the "default" one using the --alternative option with a number corresponding to the order in which that alternative certificate was listed. So for the first alternative certificate it will be:

    le.pl ... --alternative 1


To RENEW your existing certificate use the same command line as you used for issuing the certificate, with one additional parameter:

   --renew XX, where XX is the number of days left until certificate expiration.

If client detects that it is XX or fewer days left until certificate expiration, then (and only then) the renewal process will be run, so the script can be safely put into crontab to run on a daily basis if needed.

The amount of days left is checked by either of two methods:

  • If the certificate (which name is used with --crt parameter) is available locally, then it will be loaded and checked.
  • If the certificate is not available locally (for example if you moved it to another server), then an attempt to connect to the domains listed in --domains or CSR will be made until the first successful response is received. The peer certificate will be then checked for expiration.


If you would like to receive expiration notifications for your domain, you can specify --email parameter and an appropriate email address during the initial registration of the account. Later, shall you want to change your email or specify more than one, you can use --update-contacts parameter to update your contact information. For example:

le.pl --key account.key --update-contacts "one@email.address, another@email.address" --live

To reset your contact details, please specify "none" as a value, as follows:

le.pl --key account.key --update-contacts "none" --live


Both the library and the client can be easily extended with custom plugins to handle Let's Encrypt challenges (both pre- and post-verification). See Crypt::LE::Challenge::Simple module as an example of such plugin.

The client application can also be easily extended with modules handling process completion. See Crypt::LE::Complete::Simple module as an example of such plugin.

Client options related to plugins are:

  • --handle-with
  • --handle-params
  • --handle-as
  • --complete-with
  • --complete-params

Please note that parameters for --handle-params and --complete-params are expected to be valid JSON documents or to point to files containing valid JSON documents (the latter is a preferable method).

Example of running the client with plugins (you can modify the source code of the provided Crypt::LE::Challenge::Simple and Crypt::LE::Complete::Simple):

le.pl --key account.key --email "my@email.address" --csr domain.csr --csr-key domain.key --crt domain.crt --domains "www.domain.ext,domain.ext" --generate-missing --handle-with Crypt::LE::Challenge::Simple --complete-with Crypt::LE::Complete::Simple

Note: you can use the same plugin to cover both the challenge/verification and the completion process, as long as it has appropriately named methods defined. You can also point directly to a Perl module file rather than specify a name of the module.

This will work even on Windows, without any need to install anything - having just the binary file of the client and the plugin file is sufficient.

For example, if you have your le64.exe client and then created or downloaded the plugin code (see Plugins/DNS.pm for example) into the same directory, you can use it like this:

le64.exe -key account.key -domains test.com -csr test.csr -csr-key test.key -crt test.crt -generate-missing -handle-with DNS.pm -handle-as dns

All comand line parameters are passed to the methods of the plugin, along with the information about the challenge requirements and the verification results. For example, if you have defined handle_challenge_dns method, it will receive the challenge data and the parameters data. The challenge data will contain all the necessary details, including "domain", "host" and "record" values. In this case the "host" would be the same as the "domain", except the wildcard part removed (if it was present). To illustrate:

  • If the "domain" is test.com, then the "host" is test.com;
  • If the "domain is "*.test.com", then the "host" is test.com;

So you would need to set _acme-challenge record in your "host" zone with the value of the "record".

In a similar way, for the HTTP verification, the method handle_challenge_http would have access to "file", which contains the name of the file to be created, and the "text", which contains the content of that file.

Please note that before v0.32 the parameters passed with --handle-params and --complete-params were accessible directly as keys of the parameters passed to the method. However, starting from v0.32 they are passed under their own key along with all the command line parameters. So if you have passed something like { "name": 123 } as JSON for --handle-params, then previously in your methos you would access that "name" as follows:

my $value = $params->{'name'};

Now you need to access it as follows:

my $value = $params->{'handle-params'}->{'name'};

This is a potentially breaking change if you used custom handlers and were passing additional custom parameters from the command line of the client, but it is necessary to make all command line parameters accessible to plugins and avoid overlapping the keys.

Plugins in multiuser environment

It is important to remember that the client code allows plugins to be used. While this makes the client rather flexible in terms of possible automation, it should be kept in mind that you should not be running it from a privileged user (and you do not need to), especially in the multiuser environment. As with any other application that can extend the functionality either by plugins or by executing some commands/hooks, it is never a good idea to make it writable by anyone else or make it run with the privileges it does not actually need. You can almost always achieve the resuts you need without resorting to making your application (or the script that runs it) running as a root or a privileged user - for example to allow reloading the web server on completion you can just configure sudo to allow that reload to a specific user, etc.


Client uses Log::Log4perl module for logging. You can easily configure it to log into file, database, syslog, etc. Logger object is available to plugins which are called from the client and to the library itself. Below is an example of a logging configuration file to log both to screen and into le.log file:

 log4perl.rootLogger=DEBUG, File, Screen
 log4perl.appender.File = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
 log4perl.appender.File.filename = le.log
 log4perl.appender.File.mode = append
 log4perl.appender.File.layout = PatternLayout
 log4perl.appender.File.layout.ConversionPattern = %d [%p] %m%n
 log4perl.appender.File.utf8 = 1
 log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
 log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = PatternLayout
 log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %d [%p] %m%n
 log4perl.appender.Screen.utf8 = 1

Save the configuration into some file and then run le.pl with --log-config parameter specifying that configuration file name, for those settings to take effect.


By default the client application produces a limited set of exit codes - 1 on help or unknown parameters and 255 in case of other errors. Additionally the case of attempting a renewal too early is not considered an error. This behaviour can be changed to assign custom exit codes to different errors (including setting an error code for an early renewal).

If you wish to change an exit code for a particular error, you need to find the associated message first and then assign some code via a config file. For example, say you are receiving an error message saying "Could not read the certificate file." and you want to assign an error code of 200 to it. If you you add --debug flag to the command line, that same error message would look as "[ CERTIFICATE_FILE_READ ] Could not read the certificate file." If now you create a configuration file as shown below, running the same command as before with --config name_of_your_configuration_file will change the exit code for that error to 200:



In the rare case of connecting through a proxy, you can instruct the client to use one by setting HTTPS_PROXY environment variable in the form of https://user:pass@proxy.example.com/ (user:pass@ part is only needed if proxy requires basic auth).


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with theperldoc command.

perldoc Crypt::LE

You can also look for information at:

For feedback see:


Crypt::LE has been initially created over weekend, when I noticed that some of my previously bought certificates are about to expire soon enough. The initial goal was to make this work, make it easy to use and possibly remove the need to use openssl command line. It may contain some (hopefully minor) bugs, so feel free to submit a bug report.

If you'd like to contribute a custom plugin, for example to support automatic DNS records creation and removal via API of certain DNS providers (or your registrar), feel free to create a module under Crypt::LE::Challenge:: namespace and either upload it to CPAN or submit a pull request.

In the former case please specify a dependency from Crypt::LE of at least version 0.11 in your Makefile.

In the latter case please be aware that your module might be uploaded to CPAN later (unless you object) and might be uploaded separately rather than as a part of Crypt::LE (this might happen if you are using dependencies not necessarily required for the rest of Crypt::LE package).

You can also contribute the completion-handling modules under Crypt::LE::Complete:: namespace, for example to scp the domain key and certificate to another host or to send an email about successful certificate renewal.


Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Alexander Yezhov

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify itunder the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain acopy of the full license at:


Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or ModifiedVersions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying ordistributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify,or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.

If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version madeby someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure thatyour Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.

This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, servicemark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.

This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-chargepatent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import andotherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claimslicensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by thePackage. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim orcounterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutesdirect or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic Licenseto you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.


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  • 描述 (Description) 此函数使用system crypt()函数加密字符串EXPR。 SALT的值用于从多种变体之一中选择加密版本。 您无法解密以这种方式加密的字符串。 它通常以一种方式使用,首先加密字符串,然后加密密码以与加密字符串进行比较。 如果您在此表单中使用它,请考虑将加密密码作为SALT提供。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是此函数的简单语法 - crypt EXPR,SALT

  • crypt(将密码或数据编码) 相关函数 getpass 表头文件 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include<unistd.h> 定义函数 char * crypt (const char *key,const char * salt); 函数说明 crypt()将使用Data Encryption Standard(DES)演算法将参数key所指的字符串加以编码,key字符串

  • 此函数用于加密字符串。 语法 (Syntax) crypt(source,salt) 参数 (Parameters) source - 这是需要加密的源字符串。 salt - 这是需要用于加密过程的字符。 返回值 (Return Value) 此函数返回加密的字符串。 例子 (Example) /* Main program */ options arexx_bifs say crypt(

  • crypt 将密码或数据编码 相关函数 getpass 表头文件 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include<unistd.h> 定义函数 char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt); 函数说明 crypt()将使用Data Encryption Standard(DES)演算法将参数key所指的字符串加以编码,key字符串长

  • Crypt 用于从 etcd 或者 consul 中存储和获取加密配置。

  • Crypt 类别允许加密或解密一个字串。Crypt 类别也可用于内部例如 Fuel Session 类别。 它使用由 PHPSecLib 提供的加密和杂凑方法,所以它不是依赖外部模组如 mcrypt 来作用的。 配置 Crypt 类别透过 app/config/crypt.php 配置档案做配置,当你第一次使用 Crypt 类别,或如果缺少必要配置值之一时,它将会被产生和填充随机值。 请注意,这将