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public static final int SDK_INT = SystemProperties.getInt("ro.build.version.sdk", 0); 


在Android源码 frameworks\base\core\java\android\os\Build.java 文件中的 Build.VERSION_CODES 类下包含对应各个版本的版本号信息。

以下是Android 7.0版本下的源码:

public static class VERSION_CODES {
   * Magic version number for a current development build, which has
   * not yet turned into an official release.
  public static final int CUR_DEVELOPMENT = 10000;
   * October 2008: The original, first, version of Android. Yay!
  public static final int BASE = 1;
   * February 2009: First Android update, officially called 1.1.
  public static final int BASE_1_1 = 2;
   * May 2009: Android 1.5.
  public static final int CUPCAKE = 3;
   * September 2009: Android 1.6.
  public static final int DONUT = 4;
   * November 2009: Android 2.0
  public static final int ECLAIR = 5;
   * December 2009: Android 2.0.1
  public static final int ECLAIR_0_1 = 6;
   * January 2010: Android 2.1
  public static final int ECLAIR_MR1 = 7;
   * June 2010: Android 2.2
  public static final int FROYO = 8;
   * November 2010: Android 2.3
  public static final int GINGERBREAD = 9;
   * February 2011: Android 2.3.3.
  public static final int GINGERBREAD_MR1 = 10;
   * February 2011: Android 3.0.
  public static final int HONEYCOMB = 11;
   * May 2011: Android 3.1.
  public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR1 = 12;
   * June 2011: Android 3.2.
  public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR2 = 13;
   * October 2011: Android 4.0.
  public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH = 14;
   * December 2011: Android 4.0.3.
  public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1 = 15;
   * June 2012: Android 4.1.
  public static final int JELLY_BEAN = 16;
   * Android 4.2: Moar jelly beans!
  public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR1 = 17;
   * Android 4.3: Jelly Bean MR2, the revenge of the beans.
  public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR2 = 18;
   * Android 4.4: KitKat, another tasty treat.
  public static final int KITKAT = 19;
   * Android 4.4W: KitKat for watches, snacks on the run.
  public static final int KITKAT_WATCH = 20
  public static final int L = 21;
   * Lollipop. A flat one with beautiful shadows. But still tasty. Android 5.0
  public static final int LOLLIPOP = 21;
   * Lollipop with an extra sugar coating on the outside! Android 5.1 
  public static final int LOLLIPOP_MR1 = 22
   * M is for Marshmallow! Android 6.0
  public static final int M = 23;
   * N is for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Android 7.0
  public static final int N = 24;


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