contents += 'var App = require(\'' + relativePath + '\')\n'; contents += 'App.el = \'#root\'\n'; contents += 'new Vue(App)\n';
第一个 getEntryFileContent
const getEntryFileContent = (entryPath, vueFilePath) => { let relativePath = pathTo.relative(pathTo.join(entryPath, '../'), vueFilePath); let contents = ''; /** * The plugin's logic currently only supports the .we version * which will be supported later in .vue */ if (hasPluginInstalled) { const plugindir = pathTo.resolve('./web/plugin.js'); contents = 'require(\'' + plugindir + '\') \n'; } if (isWin) { relativePath = relativePath.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); } contents += 'var App = require(\'' + relativePath + '\')\n'; contents += 'App.el = \'#root\'\n'; contents += 'new Vue(App)\n'; return contents; }
第二个 walk
const walk = (dir) => { dir = dir || '.'; const directory = pathTo.join(__dirname, 'src', dir); fs.readdirSync(directory).forEach((file) => { const fullpath = pathTo.join(directory, file); const stat = fs.statSync(fullpath); const extname = pathTo.extname(fullpath); if (stat.isFile() && extname === '.vue' || extname === '.we') { if (!fileType) { fileType = extname; } if (fileType && extname !== fileType) { console.log('Error: This is not a good practice when you use ".we" and ".vue" togither!'); } const name = pathTo.join(dir, pathTo.basename(file, extname)); if (extname === '.vue') { const entryFile = pathTo.join(vueWebTemp, dir, pathTo.basename(file, extname) + '.js'); fs.outputFileSync(pathTo.join(entryFile), getEntryFileContent(entryFile, fullpath)); entry[name] = pathTo.join(__dirname, entryFile) + '?entry=true'; } weexEntry[name] = fullpath + '?entry=true'; } else if (stat.isDirectory() && file !== 'build' && file !== 'include') { const subdir = pathTo.join(dir, file); walk(subdir); } }); }
const entry = {index: pathTo.resolve('src', 'entry.js')}; const weexEntry = {index: pathTo.resolve('src', 'entry.js')};
注意看最外层的if判断,添加了额外条件 如果是文件且后缀是.vue且不是App.vue的,则进入判断。否则,判断是不是page文件夹,如果不是,则结束。
function walk(dir) { dir = dir || '.'; const directory = pathTo.join(__dirname, 'src', dir); fs.readdirSync(directory) .forEach((file) => { const fullpath = pathTo.join(directory, file); const stat = fs.statSync(fullpath); const extname = pathTo.extname(fullpath); const basename = pathTo.basename(fullpath); console.log("配置",file,fullpath,stat,extname,basename,) if (stat.isFile() && extname === '.vue' && basename != 'App.vue' ) { if (!fileType) { fileType = extname; } if (fileType && extname !== fileType) { console.log('Error: This is not a good practice when you use ".we" and ".vue" togither!'); } const name = pathTo.join(dir, pathTo.basename(file, extname)); if (extname === '.vue') { const entryFile = pathTo.join(vueWebTemp, dir, pathTo.basename(file, extname) + '.js'); fs.outputFileSync(pathTo.join(entryFile), getEntryFileContent(entryFile, fullpath)); entry[name] = pathTo.join(__dirname, entryFile) + '?entry=true'; } weexEntry[name] = fullpath + '?entry=true'; } else if (stat.isDirectory() && ['build','include','assets','filters','mixins'].indexOf(file) == -1 ) { const subdir = pathTo.join(dir, file); walk(subdir); } }); }
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