<?php abstract class Unit { // 个体 abstract function bombardStrength(); } class Archer extends Unit { // 弓箭手 function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } class LaserCannonUnit extends Unit { // 火炮手 function bombardStrength() { return 44; } } ?>
<?php abstract class Unit { abstract function bombardStrength(); } class Archer extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } class LaserCannonUnit extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 44; } } class Army { // 军队 private $units = array(); // 定义私有属性 个体集 function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { // 添加成员 array_push( $this->units, $unit ); } function bombardStrength() { // 火力 $ret = 0; foreach( $this->units as $unit ) { $ret += $unit->bombardStrength(); } return $ret; } } $unit1 = new Archer(); $unit2 = new LaserCannonUnit(); $army = new Army(); $army->addUnit( $unit1 ); $army->addUnit( $unit2 ); print $army->bombardStrength(); // 输出火力 ?>
<?php abstract class Unit { abstract function bombardStrength(); } class Archer extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } class LaserCannonUnit extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 44; } } class Army { private $units = array(); private $armies= array(); function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { array_push( $this->units, $unit ); } function addArmy( Army $army ) { array_push( $this->armies, $army ); } function bombardStrength() { $ret = 0; foreach( $this->units as $unit ) { $ret += $unit->bombardStrength(); } foreach( $this->armies as $army ) { $ret += $army->bombardStrength(); } return $ret; } } $unit1 = new Archer(); $unit2 = new LaserCannonUnit(); $army = new Army(); $army->addUnit( $unit1 ); $army->addUnit( $unit2 ); print $army->bombardStrength(); print "\n"; $army2 = clone $army; // 克隆军队 $army->addArmy( $army2 ); print $army->bombardStrength(); print "\n"; ?>
<?php abstract class Unit { abstract function addUnit( Unit $unit ); abstract function removeUnit( Unit $unit ); abstract function bombardStrength(); } class Army extends Unit { // 军队 private $units = array(); function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { if ( in_array( $unit, $this->units, true ) ) { // $this用于调用正常的属性或方法,self调用静态的方法,属性或者常量 return; } $this->units[] = $unit; } function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) { // >= php 5.3 $this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), function( $a, $b ) { return ($a === $b)?0:1; } ); // < php 5.3 // $this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), // create_function( '$a,$b', 'return ($a === $b)?0:1;' ) ); // 对象数组,create_function,创建函数 } function bombardStrength() { $ret = 0; foreach( $this->units as $unit ) { $ret += $unit->bombardStrength(); } return $ret; } } // quick example classes class Tank extends Unit { // 坦克 function addUnit( Unit $unit ) {} function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) {} function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } class Soldier extends Unit { // 士兵 function addUnit( Unit $unit ) {} function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) {} function bombardStrength() { return 8; } } $tank = new Tank(); $tank2 = new Tank(); $soldier = new Soldier(); $army = new Army(); $army->addUnit( $soldier ); $army->addUnit( $tank ); $army->addUnit( $tank2 ); print_r( $army ); print $army->bombardStrength()."\n"; $army->removeUnit( $soldier ); print_r( $army ); print $army->bombardStrength()."\n"; ?>
Army Object ( [units:Army:private] => Array ( [0] => Soldier Object ( ) [1] => Tank Object ( ) [2] => Tank Object ( ) ) ) 16 Army Object ( [units:Army:private] => Array ( [1] => Tank Object ( ) [2] => Tank Object ( ) ) ) 8
<?php abstract class Unit { abstract function addUnit( Unit $unit ); abstract function removeUnit( Unit $unit ); abstract function bombardStrength(); } class Army extends Unit { private $units = array(); function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { if ( in_array( $unit, $this->units, true ) ) { return; } $this->units[] = $unit; } function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) { // >= php 5.3 //$this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), // function( $a, $b ) { return ($a === $b)?0:1; } ); // < php 5.3 $this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), create_function( '$a,$b', 'return ($a === $b)?0:1;' ) ); } function bombardStrength() { $ret = 0; foreach( $this->units as $unit ) { $ret += $unit->bombardStrength(); } return $ret; } } class UnitException extends Exception {} class Archer extends Unit { function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { throw new UnitException( get_class($this)." is a leaf" ); } function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) { throw new UnitException( get_class($this)." is a leaf" ); } function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } $archer = new Archer(); $archer2 = new Archer(); $archer->addUnit( $archer2 ); ?>
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnitException' with message 'Archer is a leaf'
<?php class UnitException extends Exception {} abstract class Unit { abstract function bombardStrength(); function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { throw new UnitException( get_class($this)." is a leaf" ); } function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) { throw new UnitException( get_class($this)." is a leaf" ); } } class Archer extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } class LaserCannonUnit extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 44; } } class Army extends Unit { private $units = array(); function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { if ( in_array( $unit, $this->units, true ) ) { return; } $this->units[] = $unit; } function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) { // >= php 5.3 //$this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), // function( $a, $b ) { return ($a === $b)?0:1; } ); // < php 5.3 $this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), create_function( '$a,$b', 'return ($a === $b)?0:1;' ) ); } function bombardStrength() { $ret = 0; foreach( $this->units as $unit ) { $ret += $unit->bombardStrength(); } return $ret; } } // create an army $main_army = new Army(); // add some units $main_army->addUnit( new Archer() ); $main_army->addUnit( new LaserCannonUnit() ); // create a new army $sub_army = new Army(); // add some units $sub_army->addUnit( new Archer() ); $sub_army->addUnit( new Archer() ); $sub_army->addUnit( new Archer() ); // add the second army to the first $main_army->addUnit( $sub_army ); // all the calculations handled behind the scenes print "attacking with strength: {$main_army->bombardStrength()}\n"; ?>
attacking with strength: 60
<?php abstract class Unit { function getComposite() { return null; } abstract function bombardStrength(); } abstract class CompositeUnit extends Unit { // 抽象类继承抽象类 private $units = array(); function getComposite() { return $this; } protected function units() { return $this->units; } function removeUnit( Unit $unit ) { // >= php 5.3 //$this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), // function( $a, $b ) { return ($a === $b)?0:1; } ); // < php 5.3 $this->units = array_udiff( $this->units, array( $unit ), create_function( '$a,$b', 'return ($a === $b)?0:1;' ) ); } function addUnit( Unit $unit ) { if ( in_array( $unit, $this->units, true ) ) { return; } $this->units[] = $unit; } } class Army extends CompositeUnit { function bombardStrength() { $ret = 0; foreach( $this->units as $unit ) { $ret += $unit->bombardStrength(); } return $ret; } } class Archer extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 4; } } class LaserCannonUnit extends Unit { function bombardStrength() { return 44; } } class UnitScript { static function joinExisting( Unit $newUnit, Unit $occupyingUnit ) { // 静态方法,直接通过类名来使用 $comp; if ( ! is_null( $comp = $occupyingUnit->getComposite() ) ) { // 军队合并处理 $comp->addUnit( $newUnit ); } else { // 士兵合并处理 $comp = new Army(); $comp->addUnit( $occupyingUnit ); $comp->addUnit( $newUnit ); } return $comp; } } $army1 = new Army(); $army1->addUnit( new Archer() ); $army1->addUnit( new Archer() ); $army2 = new Army(); $army2->addUnit( new Archer() ); $army2->addUnit( new Archer() ); $army2->addUnit( new LaserCannonUnit() ); $composite = UnitScript::joinExisting( $army2, $army1 ); print_r( $composite ); ?>
Army Object ( [units:CompositeUnit:private] => Array ( [0] => Archer Object ( ) [1] => Archer Object ( ) [2] => Army Object ( [units:CompositeUnit:private] => Array ( [0] => Archer Object ( ) [1] => Archer Object ( ) [2] => LaserCannonUnit Object ( ) ) ) ) )
点评:Unit 基础,CompositeUnit复合中实现add与remove。军队继承Composite,射手继承Archer。这样射手中就不会有多余的add与remove方法了。
<?php abstract class Tile { // 砖瓦 abstract function getWealthFactor(); // 获取财富 } class Plains extends Tile { // 平原 private $wealthfactor = 2; function getWealthFactor() { return $this->wealthfactor; } } class DiamondPlains extends Plains { // 钻石地段 function getWealthFactor() { return parent::getWealthFactor() + 2; } } class PollutedPlains extends Plains { // 污染地段 function getWealthFactor() { return parent::getWealthFactor() - 4; } } $tile = new PollutedPlains(); print $tile->getWealthFactor(); ?>
<?php abstract class Tile { abstract function getWealthFactor(); } class Plains extends Tile { private $wealthfactor = 2; function getWealthFactor() { return $this->wealthfactor; } } abstract class TileDecorator extends Tile { // 装饰 protected $tile; function __construct( Tile $tile ) { $this->tile = $tile; } } class DiamondDecorator extends TileDecorator { // 钻石装饰 function getWealthFactor() { return $this->tile->getWealthFactor()+2; } } class PollutionDecorator extends TileDecorator { // 污染装饰 function getWealthFactor() { return $this->tile->getWealthFactor()-4; } } $tile = new Plains(); print $tile->getWealthFactor(); // 2 $tile = new DiamondDecorator( new Plains() ); print $tile->getWealthFactor(); // 4 $tile = new PollutionDecorator( new DiamondDecorator( new Plains() )); print $tile->getWealthFactor(); // 0 ?>
<?php class RequestHelper{} // 请求助手 abstract class ProcessRequest { // 进程请求 abstract function process( RequestHelper $req ); } class MainProcess extends ProcessRequest { // 主进程 function process( RequestHelper $req ) { print __CLASS__.": doing something useful with request\n"; } } abstract class DecorateProcess extends ProcessRequest { // 装饰进程 protected $processrequest; function __construct( ProcessRequest $pr ) { // 引用对象,委托 $this->processrequest = $pr; } } class LogRequest extends DecorateProcess { // 日志请求 function process( RequestHelper $req ) { print __CLASS__.": logging request\n"; // 当前类,有点递归的感觉 $this->processrequest->process( $req ); } } class AuthenticateRequest extends DecorateProcess { // 认证请求 function process( RequestHelper $req ) { print __CLASS__.": authenticating request\n"; $this->processrequest->process( $req ); } } class StructureRequest extends DecorateProcess { // 组织结构请求 function process( RequestHelper $req ) { print __CLASS__.": structuring request\n"; $this->processrequest->process( $req ); } } $process = new AuthenticateRequest( new StructureRequest( new LogRequest ( new MainProcess() ))); // 这样可以很灵活的组合进程的关系,省去很多重复的继承 $process->process( new RequestHelper() ); print_r($process); ?>
AuthenticateRequest: authenticating request StructureRequest: structuring request LogRequest: logging request MainProcess: doing something useful with request AuthenticateRequest Object ( [processrequest:protected] => StructureRequest Object ( [processrequest:protected] => LogRequest Object ( [processrequest:protected] => MainProcess Object ( ) ) ) )
本文向大家介绍php设计模式之装饰模式应用案例详解,包括了php设计模式之装饰模式应用案例详解的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了php设计模式之装饰模式。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 介绍 装饰者模式(Decorator Pattern)允许你向一个现有的对象添加新的功能,同时又不改变其结构。 这种类型的设计模式属于结构型模式,它是作为现有的类的一个包装。 这种模式创建了
装饰(Decorator) Intent 为对象动态添加功能。 Class Diagram 装饰者(Decorator)和具体组件(ConcreteComponent)都继承自组件(Component),具体组件的方法实现不需要依赖于其它对象,而装饰者组合了一个组件,这样它可以装饰其它装饰者或者具体组件。所谓装饰,就是把这个装饰者套在被装饰者之上,从而动态扩展被装饰者的功能。装饰者的方法有一部分是
本文向大家介绍Python设计模式之装饰模式实例详解,包括了Python设计模式之装饰模式实例详解的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了Python设计模式之装饰模式。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 装饰模式(Decorator Pattern):动态的给一个对象添加一些额外的职责,就增加功能来说,装饰模式比生成子类更为灵活. 下面是一个给人穿衣服的过程,使用装饰模式: 运行结
介绍 装饰者提供比继承更有弹性的替代方案。 装饰者用用于包装同接口的对象,不仅允许你向方法添加行为,而且还可以将方法设置成原始对象调用(例如装饰者的构造函数)。 装饰者用于通过重载方法的形式添加新功能,该模式可以在被装饰者前面或者后面加上自己的行为以达到特定的目的。 正文 那么装饰者模式有什么好处呢?前面说了,装饰者是一种实现继承的替代方案。当脚本运行时,在子类中增加行为会影响原有类所有的实例,而
本文向大家介绍javascript设计模式之装饰者模式,包括了javascript设计模式之装饰者模式的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 在js函数开发中,想要为现有函数添加与现有功能无关的新功能时,按普通思路肯定是在现有函数中添加新功能的代码。这并不能说错,但因为函数中的这两块代码其实并无关联,后期维护成本会明显增大,也会造成函数臃肿。 比较好的办法就是采用装饰器模式。在保持现有函数及其内
本文向大家介绍PHP设计模式(八)装饰器模式Decorator实例详解【结构型】,包括了PHP设计模式(八)装饰器模式Decorator实例详解【结构型】的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了PHP设计模式:装饰器模式Decorator。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 1. 概述 若你从事过面向对象开发,实现给一个类或对象增加行为,使用继承机制,这是所有面向对象语