create table t_centerprises( objectid bigint not null, /*唯一编号(6位行政区号+6位sn)*/ divid uuid not null, /*行政区唯一代码*/ name text not null, /*企业名称*/ address text not null, /*企业地址*/ post text, /*企业邮编*/ contacts text, /*联系人*/ tel text, /*联系电话*/ fax text, /*传真*/ describe text, /*企业备注*/ date timestamp default now() not null, /*创建日期*/ constraint pk_centerprisess_objectid primary key (objectid), constraint fk_centerprises_divid foreign key(divid) references ts_divisions(objectid) on delete cascade ); create index idx_centerprises_divid on t_centerprises(divid);
/*转换16进制到字符*/ drop function if exists hex_to_string(text); create or replace function hex_to_string( text) returns text as $$ declare result text; begin execute 'select U&''\' || $1 || '''' INTO result; return result; end; $$ language plpgsql; /*随机生成汉字 汉字范围U+4E00..U+9FA5 */ drop function if exists gen_random_zh(int,int); create or replace function gen_random_zh(imin int,imax int) returns text as $$ declare vlen integer; result text; begin result := ''; vlen = floor(random()*(imax-imin)+imin); for i in 1..vlen loop result := result || hex_to_string(to_hex(floor(random()*(42191-19968)+19968)::integer)); end loop; return result; end; $$ language plpgsql;
insert into t_centerprises(objectid,divid,name,address,post,contacts,tel,fax,describe) select (vdivid|| lpad(id::text,6,'0'))::bigint as objectid,'110101', gen_random_zh(5,25) as name,gen_random_zh(10,50) as address, floor(random()*(699999-600000)+600000) as post,gen_random_zh(2,8) as contacts, floor(random()*(69999999-60000000)+60000000) as tel,floor(random()*(69999999-60000000)+60000000) as fax, gen_random_zh(32,128) as describe from generate_series(1,5000000) as id;
do $$ declare vStart bigint; declare vEnd bigint; declare MAXVALE bigint; declare INTERVAL bigint; declare vprovince integer; declare vprefecture integer; declare vcounty integer; declare vdivid text; declare vdividex uuid; begin vprovince := 10;vprefecture := 1;vcounty := 1; MAXVALE := 1000000; INTERVAL := 1000; vStart := 1 ;vEnd := INTERVAL; vdivid := (lpad(vprovince::text,2,'0') || lpad(vprefecture::text,2,'0') || lpad(vcounty::text,2,'0'))::text; vdividex := (select objectid from ts_divisions where province=vprovince and prefecture=vprefecture and county=vcounty); loop insert into t_centerprises(objectid,divid,name,address,post,contacts,tel,fax,describe) select (vdivid|| lpad(id::text,6,'0'))::bigint as objectid,vdividex as divid, gen_random_zh(5,25) as name,gen_random_zh(10,50) as address, floor(random()*(699999-600000)+600000) as post,gen_random_zh(2,8) as contacts, floor(random()*(69999999-60000000)+60000000) as tel,floor(random()*(69999999-60000000)+60000000) as fax, gen_random_zh(32,128) as describe from generate_series(vStart,vEnd) as id; raise notice '%', vEnd; vStart := vEnd + 1; vEnd := vEnd + INTERVAL; if( vEnd > MAXVALE ) then return; elsif(vEnd = MAXVALE) then vEnd := vEnd - 1; end if; end loop; end$$;
因为运算原因, cpu/内存占用率仍然很高, 硬盘负荷较小,读写率也比较低,大概完成时间约1.5小时.
补充:postgreSQL数据库 向表中快速插入1000000条数据
create table tbl_test (id int, info text, c_time timestamp); insert into tbl_test select generate_series(1,100000),md5(random()::text),clock_timestamp(); select count(id) from tbl_test; --查看个数据条数
本文向大家介绍asp.net实现Postgresql快速写入/读取大量数据实例,包括了asp.net实现Postgresql快速写入/读取大量数据实例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 最近因为一些项目需要大量插入数据,研究了下asp.net实现Postgresql快速写入/读取大量数据,所以留个笔记 环境及测试 使用.net驱动npgsql连接post数据库。配置:win10 x64, i
本文向大家介绍C#/.Net 中快速批量给SQLite数据库插入测试数据,包括了C#/.Net 中快速批量给SQLite数据库插入测试数据的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 使用transaction:
debug populate 测试利器,快速产生大量的key> debug populate 10000 OK> dbsize (integer) 10000
本文向大家介绍使用python读取csv文件快速插入数据库的实例,包括了使用python读取csv文件快速插入数据库的实例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 如下所示: 这个脚本可以直接运行,将csv文件放在同级目录即可。 csv第一列需要有列名,如果csv里没有列名,需要在代码中添加列名。 代码运行示例:python csvname tablename 以上这篇使用py
Summary In this section, some SQL Injection techniques for PostgreSQL will be discussed. These techniques have the following characteristics: PHP Connector allows multiple statements to be executed by
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