One of the interesting things about Ruby is the way it blurs the distinction between design and implementation. Ideas that have to be expressed at the design level in other languages can be implemente
One of the many advantages of dynamic languages such as Ruby is the ability tointrospect---to examine aspects of the program from within the program itself. Java, for one, calls this featurereflection
Classes and objects are obviously central to Ruby, but at first sight they can seem a little confusing. There seem to be a lot of concepts: classes, objects, class objects, instance methods, class met
code String url String(可选) startLine Integer (可选) - 默认值为 1. code String url String (optional) startLine Integer (optional) - Default is 1.
字符串categoryFilter 是一个用来控制哪些类别组需要被跟踪的过滤器。 过滤器有一个可选的-前缀来排除被匹配到的类别组。 在同一个列表中,不支持 包含一个匹配模式,又排除这个匹配模式。 示例:test_MyTest*, test_MyTest*,test_OtherStuff, -excluded_category1,-excluded_category2. traceOptions S
residentSet Integer Linux and Windows - The amount of memory currently pinned to actual physical RAM in Kilobytes. private Integer - The amount of memory not shared by other processes, such as JS heap
ctrlKey Boolean (optional) - whether the Control key was used in an accelerator to trigger the Event metaKey Boolean (optional) - whether a meta key was used in an accelerator to trigger the Event shi
sender IpcRenderer - The IpcRenderer instance that emitted the event originally senderId Integer - The that sent the message, you can call event.sender.sendTo(event.senderId, ...) to re
frameId Integer - The ID of the renderer frame that sent this message returnValue any - Set this to the value to be returned in a syncronous message sender WebContents - Returns the webContents that s
preventDefault VoidFunction preventDefault VoidFunction
计划 字符串 - 自定义计划需要使用选项注册。 privileges Object (可选) standard Boolean (可选) -默认为false secure Boolean (可选) - 默认为false bypassCSP Boolean (可选) - 默认为false allowServiceWorkers Boolean (可选) - 默认为false supportFetch
commonName String - 通用名. organizations String[] - 组织名称. organizationUnits String[] - 组织单位名称. locality String - 地区. state String - 州或省. country String - 国家或地区. CertificatePrincipal Object commonName St
data String - PEM 编码数据 issuer CertificatePrincipal - 主要的发行者 issuerName String - 发行者通用名 issuerCert Certificate - 发行者证书(没有自签名) subject CertificatePrincipal - 首要主题 subjectName String - 主题的通用名 serialNumbe
deviceName String 设备名称 deviceId String 设备Id BluetoothDevice Object deviceName String deviceId String
21.4. 控制bean的 ObjectName 在后台,MBeanExporter 委派 ObjectNamingStrategy 的一个实现去获取正在注册的每个bean的ObjectName。 缺省的实现是 KeyNamingStrategy,它缺省用 beans Map 的键作为 ObjectName。 此外,KeyNamingStrategy 能把beans Map 的键映射为一个 Pro