我有一份谷歌学者论文的作者名单:Zoe Pikramenou、James H.R.Tucker、Alison Rodger、Timothy Dafforn
from scholarly import scholarly
AuthorList = ['Zoe Pikramenou', 'James H. R. Tucker', 'Alison Rodger', 'Timothy Dafforn']
for Author in AuthorList:
search_query = scholarly.search_author(Author)
author = next(search_query).fill()
{'bib': {'cites': '69',
'title': 'Chalearn looking at people and faces of the world: Face '
'analysis workshop and challenge 2016',
'year': '2016'},
'filled': False,
'id_citations': 'ZhUEBpsAAAAJ:_FxGoFyzp5QC',
'source': 'citations'},
{'bib': {'cites': '21',
'title': 'The NoXi database: multimodal recordings of mediated '
'novice-expert interactions',
'year': '2017'},
'filled': False,
'id_citations': 'ZhUEBpsAAAAJ:0EnyYjriUFMC',
'source': 'citations'},
{'bib': {'cites': '11',
'title': 'Automatic habitat classification using image analysis and '
'random forest',
'year': '2014'},
'filled': False,
'id_citations': 'ZhUEBpsAAAAJ:qjMakFHDy7sC',
'source': 'citations'},
{'bib': {'cites': '10',
'title': 'AutoRoot: open-source software employing a novel image '
'analysis approach to support fully-automated plant '
'year': '2017'},
'filled': False,
'id_citations': 'ZhUEBpsAAAAJ:hqOjcs7Dif8C',
'source': 'citations'}
author_list = ['Zoe Pikramenou', 'James H. R. Tucker', 'Alison Rodger', 'Timothy Dafforn']
bibs = {}
for author_name in author_list:
search_query = scholarly.search_author(author_name)
for bib in search_query:
bib = bib.fill()
bibs.setdefault(bib['id_citations'], []).append((bib, author_name))
most_cited = sorted(bibs.items(), key=lambda k: len(k[1]))
# most_cited is now a list of tuples (key, value)
# which maps to (id_citation, [(bib1, author1), (bib2, author2), ...])
cited_enough = [tup[1][0][0] for tup in most_cited if len(tup[1]) >= 3]
# using key [0] in the middle is arbitrary. It can be anything in the
# list, provided the bib objects are identical, but index 0 is guaranteed
# to be there.
# otherwise, the first index is to grab the list rather than the id_citation,
# and the last index is to grab the bib, rather than the author_name
paper_titles = [bib['bib']['title'] for bib in cited_enough]
扩展我的评论,您可以使用Pandas groupby实现这一点:
import pandas as pd
from scholarly import scholarly
AuthorList = ['Zoe Pikramenou', 'James H. R. Tucker', 'Alison Rodger', 'Timothy Dafforn']
frames = []
for Author in AuthorList:
search_query = scholarly.search_author(Author)
author = next(search_query).fill()
# creating DataFrame with authors
df = pd.DataFrame([x.__dict__ for x in author.publications])
df['author'] = Author
# joining all author DataFrames
df = pd.concat(frames, axis=0)
# taking bib dict into separate columns
df[['title', 'cites', 'year']] = pd.DataFrame(df.bib.to_list())
# counting unique authors attached to each title
n_authors = df.groupby('title').author.nunique()
# locating the unique titles for all publications with n_authors >= 2
output = n_authors[n_authors >= 2].index
Index(['1, 1′-Homodisubstituted ferrocenes containing adenine and thymine nucleobases: synthesis, electrochemistry, and formation of H-bonded arrays',
'722: Iron chelation by biopolymers for an anti-cancer therapy; binding up the'ferrotoxicity'in the colon',
'A Luminescent One-Dimensional Copper (I) Polymer',
'A Unidirectional Energy Transfer Cascade Process in a Ruthenium Junction Self-Assembled by r-and-Cyclodextrins',
'A Zinc(II)-Cyclen Complex Attached to an Anthraquinone Moiety that Acts as a Redox-Active Nucleobase Receptor in Aqueous Solution',
'A ditopic ferrocene receptor for anions and cations that functions as a chromogenic molecular switch',
'A ferrocene nucleic acid oligomer as an organometallic structural mimic of DNA',
'A heterodifunctionalised ferrocene derivative that self-assembles in solution through complementary hydrogen-bonding interactions',
'A locking X-ray window shutter and collimator coupling to comply with the new Health and Safety at Work Act',
'A luminescent europium hairpin for DNA photosensing in the visible, based on trimetallic bis-intercalators',
'Up-Conversion Device Based on Quantum Dots With High-Conversion Efficiency Over 6%',
'Vectorial Control of Energy‐Transfer Processes in Metallocyclodextrin Heterometallic Assemblies',
'Verteporfin selectively kills hypoxic glioma cells through iron-binding and increased production of reactive oxygen species',
'Vibrational Absorption from Oxygen-Hydrogen (Oi-H2) Complexes in Hydrogenated CZ Silicon',
'Virginia review of sociology',
'Wildlife use of log landings in the White Mountain National Forest',
'Yttrium 1995',
'ZUSCHRIFTEN-Redox-Switched Control of Binding Strength in Hydrogen-Bonded Metallocene Complexes Stichworter: Carbonsauren. Elektrochemie. Metallocene. Redoxchemie …',
'[2] Rotaxanes comprising a macrocylic Hamilton receptor obtained using active template synthesis: synthesis and guest complexation',
'pH-controlled delivery of luminescent europium coated nanoparticles into platelets'],
dtype='object', name='title', length=202)
问题内容: Python中有没有一种方法可以在不显式创建匹配对象的情况下访问匹配组(或美化以下示例的另一种方法)? 这是一个示例,以阐明我对此问题的动机: 遵循Perl代码 翻译成Python 看起来很尴尬(如果为其他级联,则匹配对象创建)。 问题答案: 您可以创建一个小类,该类返回调用match的布尔结果, 并 保留匹配的组以供后续检索: Python 3 print作为函数的更新,以及Pyth
我和ElasticSearch一起工作。当我执行此查询时: 我得到了我想要的(所有的结果,其中有参考黑莓,但不是Q10)。 但是,我想限制搜索的字段只限于“title”字段。例如,_source文档有标题、正文、标签等,我只想搜索标题。ElasticSearch“匹配”似乎很适合我... 虽然这只成功地搜索了标题,但它仍然返回标题中带有Q10的结果,这与上面的搜索不同。 我正在看比赛文档,但似乎不
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