import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import re
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(PATH)
targetSite = "https://www.sdvisualarts.net/sdvan_new/events.php"
select_event = Select(driver.find_element_by_name('subs'))
select_loc = Select(driver.find_element_by_name('loc'))
targetSite = "https://www.sdvisualarts.net/sdvan_new/viewevents.php"
event_title = []
name = []
address = []
city = []
state = []
zipCode = []
location = []
webSite = []
fee = []
event_dates = []
opening_dates = []
description = []
page = requests.get(targetSite )
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text, 'html.parser')
items = soup.find_all('table', {"class":"popdetail"})
for i in items:
event_title.append(item.find('b', {'class': "text"})).text.strip()
name.append(item.find('td', {'class': "text"})).text.strip()
address.append(item.find('td', {'class': "text"})).text.strip()
city.append(item.find('td', {'class': "text"})).text.strip()
state.append(item.find('td', {'class': "text"})).text.strip()
zipCode.append(item.find('td', {'class': "text"})).text.strip()
import pandas as pd
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
PATH = "C:\Program Files (x86)\chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(PATH)
targetSite = "https://www.sdvisualarts.net/sdvan_new/events.php"
select_event = Select(driver.find_element_by_name('subs'))
select_loc = Select(driver.find_element_by_name('loc'))
targetSite = "https://www.sdvisualarts.net/sdvan_new/viewevents.php"
event_title = []
name = []
address = []
city = []
state = []
zipCode = []
location = []
webSite = []
fee = []
event_dates = []
opening_dates = []
description = []
dfs = pd.read_html(driver.page_source)
for idx, table in enumerate(dfs):
if table.iloc[0,0] == 'Event Title':
tempA = dfs[idx+1]
tempA.index = tempA[0]
tempB = dfs[idx+4]
tempB.index = tempB[0]
tempC = dfs[idx+5]
tempC.index = tempC[0]
webSite.append(tempA.loc['Web Site',1])
opening_dates.append(tempB.loc['Opening Days',1])
description.append(tempC.loc['Event Description',1])
df = pd.DataFrame({'event_title':event_title,
print (df.to_string())
event_title name address city state zipCode location webSite fee event_dates opening_dates description
0 The San Diego Museum of Art Welcomes a Special... San Diego Museum of Art 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park San Diego CA 92101 Central San Diego https://www.sdmart.org/ NaN Starts On 6-18-2020 Ends On 1-10-2021 Opens virtually on June 18. The work will beco... The San Diego Museum of Art is launching its f...
1 New Exhibit: Miller Dairy Remembered Lemon Grove Historical Society 3185 Olive Street, Treganza Heritage Park Lemon Grove CA 91945 Central San Diego http://www.lghistorical.org Children 12 and under free and must be accompa... Starts On 6-27-2020 Ends On 12-4-2020 Exhibit on view Saturdays 11 am to 2 pm; close... From 1926 there were cows smack in the midst o...
2 Gizmos and Shivelight Distinction Gallery 317 E. Grand Ave Escondido CA 92025 North County Inland http://www.distinctionart.com NaN Starts On 7-14-2020 Ends On 9-5-2020 08/08/20 - 09/05/20 Distinction Gallery is proud to present our so...
3 Virtual Opening - July Exhibitions Vision Art Museum 2825 Dewey Rd. Suite 100 San Diego CA 92106 Central San Diego http://www.visionsartmuseum.org Free Starts On 7-18-2020 Ends On 10-4-2020 NaN Join Visions Art Museum for a virtual exhibiti...
4 Laying it Bare: The Art of Walter Redondo and ... Fresh Paint Gallery 1020-B Prospect Street La Jolla CA 92037 Central San Diego http://freshpaintgallery.com/ NaN Starts On 8-1-2020 Ends On 9-27-2020 Tuesday through Sunday. Mondays closed. A two-person exhibit of new abstract expressio...
5 Online oil painting lessons with Concetta Antico NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Virtual http://concettaantico.com/live-online-oil-pain... NaN Starts On 8-10-2020 Ends On 8-31-2020 NaN Anyone can learn to paint like the masters! Ov...
6 MOMENTUM: A Creative Industry Symposium Vanguard Culture Via Zoom San Diego California 92101 Virtual https://www.eventbrite.com/e/momentum-a-creati... $10 suggested donation Starts On 8-17-2020 Ends On 9-7-2020 NaN MOMENTUM: A Creative Industry Symposium Monday...
7 Virtual Locals Invitational Show Art & Frames of Coronado 936 ORANGE AVE Coronado CA 92118 0 https://www.artsteps.com/view/5eed0ad62cd0d65b... free Starts On 8-21-2020 Ends On 8-1-2021 NaN Art and Frames of Coronado invites you to our ...
8 HERE & Now R.B. Stevenson Gallery 7661 Girard Avenue, Suite 101 La Jolla California 92037 Central San Diego http://www.rbstevensongallery.com Free Starts On 8-22-2020 Ends On 9-25-2020 Tuesday through Saturday R.B.Stevenson Gallery is pleased to announce t...
9 Art Unites Learning: Normal 2.0 Art Unites NaN San Diego NaN 92116 Central San Diego https://www.facebook.com/events/956878098104971 Free Starts On 8-25-2020 Ends On 8-25-2020 NaN Please join us on Tuesday, August 25th as we: ...
10 Image Quest Sojourn; Visual Journaling for Per... Pamela Underwood Studios Virtual NaN NaN NaN Virtual http://www.pamelaunderwood.com/event/new-onlin... $595.00 Starts On 8-26-2020 Ends On 11-11-2020 NaN Create a personal Image Quest resource journal...
11 Behind The Exhibition: Southern California Con... Oceanside Museum of Art 704 Pier View Way Oceanside California 92054 Virtual https://oma-online.org/events/behind-the-exhib... No fee required. Donations recommended. Starts On 8-27-2020 Ends On 8-27-2020 NaN Join curator Beth Smith and exhibitions manage...
12 Lay it on Thick, a Virtual Art Exhibition San Diego Watercolor Society 2825 Dewey Rd Bldg #202 San Diego California 92106 0 https://www.sdws.org NaN Starts On 8-30-2020 Ends On 9-26-2020 NaN The San Diego Watercolor Society proudly prese...
13 The Forum: Marketing & Branding for Creatives Vanguard Culture Via Zoom San Diego CA 92101 South San Diego http://vanguardculture.com/ $5 suggested donation Starts On 9-1-2020 Ends On 9-1-2020 NaN Attention creative industry professionals! Joi...
14 Write or Die Solo Exhibition You Belong Here 3619 EL CAJON BLVD San Diego CA 92104 Central San Diego http://www.youbelongsd.com/upcoming-events/wri... $10 donation to benefit You Belong Here Starts On 9-4-2020 Ends On 9-6-2020 NaN Write or Die is an immersive installation and ...
15 SDVAN presents Art San Diego at Bread and Salt San Diego Visual Arts Network 1955 Julian Avenue San Digo CA 92113 Central San Diego http://www.sdvisualarts.net and https://www.br... Free Starts On 9-5-2020 Ends On 10-24-2020 NaN We are pleased to announce the four artist rec...
16 The Coming of Treganza Heritage Park Lemon Grove Historical Society 3185 Olive Street Lemon Grove CA 91945 Central San Diego http://www.lghistorical.org Free for all ages Starts On 9-10-2020 Ends On 9-10-2020 The park is open daily, 8 am to 8 pm. Covid 19... Lemon Grove\'s central city park will be renam...
17 Online oil painting course | 4 weeks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Virtual http://concettaantico.com/live-online-oil-pain... NaN Starts On 9-14-2020 Ends On 10-5-2020 NaN Over 4 weekly Zoom lessons, learn the techniqu...
18 Online oil painting course | 4 weeks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Virtual http://concettaantico.com/live-online-oil-pain... NaN Starts On 10-12-2020 Ends On 11-2-2020 NaN Over 4 weekly Zoom lessons, learn the techniqu...
19 36th Annual Mission Fed ArtWalk Mission Fed ArtWalk Ash Street San Diego California 92101 Central San Diego www.missionfedartwalk.org Free Starts On 11-7-2020 Ends On 11-8-2020 Sat and Sun Nov 7 and 8 Mission Fed ArtWalk returns to San Diego’s Lit...
20 Mingei Pop Up Workshop: My Daruma Doll New Childrens Museum 200 West Island Avenue San Diego California 92101 Central San Diego http://thinkplaycreate.org/ Free with admission Starts On 11-13-2020 Ends On 11-13-2020 NaN Join Mingei International Museum at The New Ch...
我正在抓取一个谷歌学者个人资料页面,现在我有来自漂亮的汤库的python代码,它从页面上收集数据: 我还拥有selenium库中的python代码,它可以自动打开配置文件页面,单击“显示更多”按钮: 如何将这两个代码块组合起来,以便单击显示更多按钮,并刮掉整个页面?提前感谢!
我想用python解析HTML文件,但BeautifulSoup遗漏了一些关键标记。 网站上HTML文件的部分看起来像这样,包含所有子div。HTML代码段 但是当使用美汤美化功能时,它看起来是这样的,没有任何子div。来自python的超文本标记语言片段 我使用的代码如下: 最终的结果是,我无法联系到children div并提取我需要的文本。
我正在尝试将表从网站解析到本地数据帧。 以下是html: 这是我的密码: 但是我遇到了这个错误,无法继续:AttributeError:ResultSet对象没有“find_all”属性。您可能将元素列表视为单个元素。当您打算调用find()时,是否调用了find_all()? 有人能帮帮我吗? 我会非常感激的。 提前感谢。
要表现色彩里的浓烈、富足感可藉由组合一个有力的色彩和它暗下来的补色。例如,深白兰地酒红色就是在红色中加了黑色,就像产自法国葡萄园里陈年纯美的葡萄酒,象征财富。白兰地酒红色和深森林绿如果和金色一起使用可表现富裕。这些深色、华丽的色彩用在各式各样的织料上,如皮革和波纹皱丝等等,可创造出戏剧性、难以忘怀的效果。这些色彩会给人一种财富和地位的感觉。 补色色彩组合 原色色彩组合 单色色彩组合 49 3 49
富文本是管理后台一个核心的功能,但同时又是一个有很多坑的地方。在选择富文本的过程中我也走了不少的弯路,市面上常见的富文本都基本用过了,最终权衡了一下选择了Tinymce。 这里在简述一下推荐使用 tinymce 的原因:tinymce 是一家老牌做富文本的公司(这里也推荐 ckeditor,也是一家一直做富文本的公司,新版本很不错),它的产品经受了市场的认可,不管是文档还是配置的自由度都很好。在使
下面是Java代码: 和HTML: