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{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

reifyGood :: (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy a) -> ()
reifyGood p = reify undefined (\(_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t `seq` ())
reifyBad :: (forall s. Reifies s s => Proxy s) -> ()
reifyBad p = reify undefined (\(_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t `seq` ())
• Could not deduce (Reifies s s) arising from a use of ‘p’
  from the context: Reifies s a0
    bound by a type expected by the context:
               Reifies s a0 => Proxy s -> ()
• In the first argument of ‘seq’, namely ‘p @t’
  In the expression: p @t `seq` ()
  In the second argument of ‘reify’, namely
    ‘(\ (_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t `seq` ())’
reifyGood :: (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy a) -> ()
reifyBad  :: (forall s. Reifies s s => Proxy s) -> ()

我觉得这很奇怪。乍一看,这是无效的,因为在第二个示例中,skolems将会逃避它的作用域。然而,这实际上不是真的--错误消息从未提到skolem escape,与这个略有不同的程序形成对比:

reifyBad' :: (forall s. Reifies s s => Proxy s) -> ()
reifyBad' p = reify undefined (\(_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t) `seq` ()
• Couldn't match expected type ‘t0’ with actual type ‘Proxy s’
    because type variable ‘s’ would escape its scope
  This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
    a type expected by the context:
      Reifies s a0 => Proxy s -> t0
• In the expression: p @t
  In the second argument of ‘reify’, namely
    ‘(\ (_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t)’
  In the first argument of ‘seq’, namely
    ‘reify undefined (\ (_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t)’



reify :: forall a r. a -> (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r) -> r
foo :: forall a r. Proxy a -> (forall s. (s ~ a) => Proxy s -> r) -> r
foo _ f = f Proxy

bar :: (forall a. Proxy a) -> ()
bar p = let p' = p in foo p' (\(_ :: Proxy s) -> (p' :: Proxy s) `seq` ())
• Couldn't match type ‘a0’ with ‘s’
    because type variable ‘s’ would escape its scope
  This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
    a type expected by the context:
      Proxy s -> ()
  Expected type: Proxy s
    Actual type: Proxy a0
• In the first argument of ‘seq’, namely ‘(p' :: Proxy s)’
  In the expression: (p' :: Proxy s) `seq` ()
  In the second argument of ‘foo’, namely
    ‘(\ (_ :: Proxy s) -> (p' :: Proxy s) `seq` ())’




reify :: forall a r. a -> (forall s. Reifies s a => Proxy s -> r) -> r


reifyBad :: (forall s. Reifies s s => Proxy s) -> ()
reifyBad p = reify undefined (\(_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t `seq` ())

我们看到Reify的第二个参数是\(_::Proxy t)->p@t`seq`(),因此R类型将是该函数的返回类型,即()。由于R~()不依赖于S,所以这里没有逃避的问题。


reifyBad' :: (forall s. Reifies s s => Proxy s) -> ()
reifyBad' p = reify undefined (\(_ :: Proxy t) -> p @t) `seq` ()

这里R被推断为\(_::Proxy t)->p@t的返回类型,它是Proxy t,其中t~s。因为R~Proxy s确实依赖于s,所以我们触发一个skolem错误。

  • 我对编程很陌生,我已经自学了将近一个月了,有谁能给我解释一下我代码中错误的原因吗?在“Total(moneyConv(moneySum*moneyRate))”中出错。行,表示实际和形式的论点在长度上是不同的。我检查了我所有的参数,我觉得很好。多谢!

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