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@echo off
setlocal enableextensions

:: Get Numeric Date
for /F "skip=1 delims=" %%F in ('wmic PATH Win32_LocalTime GET Day^,Month^,Year /FORMAT:TABLE') do ( for /F "tokens=1-3" %%L in ("%%F") do (
   set CurDay=0%%L
   set CurMonth=0%%M
   set CurYear=%%N
set CurDay=%CurDay:~-2%
set CurMonth=%CurMonth:~-2%

:: Get numeric Day of the Week
for /f %%a in ('wmic path win32_localtime get dayofweek /format:list ^| findstr "="') do (set %%a)

:: Get Time and Date with full Month and Day of week
for /f "skip=8 tokens=2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 delims=,: " %%D in ('robocopy /l * T: T: /ns /nc /ndl /nfl /np /njh /XF * /XD *') do (
   set "dow=%%D"
   set "month=%%E"
   set "DD=%%F"
   set "YYYY=%%G"
   set "HH=%%H"
   set "MM=%%I"
   set "SS=%%J"
   set "AMPM=%%K"
IF "%AMPM%"=="AM" ( Set AMPM=am )
IF "%AMPM%"=="PM" ( Set AMPM=pm )

Set RoboLog="C:\ProAuto\Logs\~%DayofWeek% %dow%.log"
Echo QuickBooks Backup  %dow%, %month% %dd%, %yyyy% @ %hh%:%mm%:%ss%%AmPm% >%RoboLog%

:: The following checks to see if the database is locked by attempting to rename the file to the same name.
ren "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\XYZ.QBW" "XYZ.QBW" >nul && (goto UnLocked) || (goto Locked)
Goto Donelocked
echo QuickBooks is UnLocked and will be backed up >>%RoboLog%
Net Use "\\\Backup Files"
Net Use "\\\QB_BK"
Move "\\\QB_BK\%DayofWeek% %dow%*" "\\\QB_BK\%DayofWeek% %dow% %CurYear%-%CurMonth%-%CurDay%"
robocopy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files" "\\\QB_BK\%DayofWeek% %dow% %CurYear%-%CurMonth%-%CurDay%" /XD "QuickBooksAutoDataRecovery" /MIR /FFT /V /NP /NDL /copy:DAT /dcopy:T /r:2 /W:2 /log+:%RoboLog% /tee
Call :RoboCheck
If %RoboRC% GTR 7 Goto QBBKFail
Echo QuickBooks Daily Backup Successful! >>%RoboLog%
goto doneQBBK
Echo QuickBooks Daily Backup Had Errors! >>%RoboLog%
Echo Sending Error Email with Log to Clients >> %RoboLog%
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file %~dp0QB_KS_Fail.ps1
Echo Copying Log to Backup Directory >>%RoboLog%
Copy %RoboLog% "\\\QB_BK\" >>%RoboLog%
Goto Donelocked
echo QuickBooks is Locked and cannot be backed up because it is open on a client computer >>%RoboLog%
echo Generating an Open File report and Emailing it to Clients
Set OpenFileLog="C:\ProAuto\Logs\QB_Open_Files %curmonth%-%curday%-%curyear%.log"
Echo Open QuickBooks Files >> %RoboLog%
Echo Open QuickBooks Files > %OpenFileLog%
Echo %dow%, %month% %dd%, %yyyy% @ %hh%:%mm%:%ss%%AmPm% >> %RoboLog%
Echo %dow%, %month% %dd%, %yyyy% @ %hh%:%mm%:%ss%%AmPm% >> %OpenFileLog%
openfiles /query  /v | findstr /rc:"^$" /c:"Locally" /c:"remotely" /c:"----------" /c:"======" /c:"Accessed" /c:"QuickBooks" >> %RoboLog%
openfiles /query  /v | findstr /rc:"^$" /c:"Locally" /c:"remotely" /c:"----------" /c:"======" /c:"Accessed" /c:"QuickBooks" >> %OpenFileLog%
Echo Sending Open Files Email to Clients >> %RoboLog%
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file %~dp0Locked_Email.ps1
Del %OpenFileLog%
Goto :EOF
Set RoboRC=%ErrorLevel%
Echo Return Code: %RoboRC% >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 16 echo ***FATAL ERROR*** >>%RoboLog% & echo Serious error. Robocopy did not copy any files. >>%RoboLog% & echo Either a usage error or an error due to insufficient access privileges >>%RoboLog% & echo on the source or destination directories. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 15 echo Code 15 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 2 XTRA + Code 4 MISMATCHES + Code 8 COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log for details. >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 14 echo Code 14 = Code 2 XTRA + Code 4 MISMATCHES + Code 8 COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. No files were copied >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log for details. >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 13 echo Code 13 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 4 - MISMATCHES + Code 8 COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 12 echo Code 12 = Code 4 MISMATCHES + Code 8 COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 11 echo Code 11 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 2 - XTRA + Code 8 COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 10 echo Code 10 = Code 2 XTRA + Code 8 COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. No files were copied >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 9  echo Code 9 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 8 - COPYFAIL: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 8  echo Code 8 COPYFAIL - Some files or directories could not be copied >>%RoboLog% & echo (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be caused by Open or Locked Files, Permission Issues, or Network Rescources Unavailable >>%RoboLog% & echo Check these errors further. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 7  echo Code 7 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 2 XTRA + Code 4 MISMATCHES: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log for details. >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 6  echo Code 6 = Code 2 XTRA + Code 4 MISMATCHES: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. No files were copied >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log for details. >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 5  echo Code 5 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 4 MISMATCHES: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 4  echo Code 4 MISMATCHES - Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log. Housekeeping might be required. >>%RoboLog% & echo Can be causes by different file systems reporting of timestapmps >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 3  echo Code 3 = Code 1 OKCOPY + Code 2 XTRA: >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog% & echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log for details. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 2  echo Code 2 XTRA - Some Extra files or directories were detected. No files were copied >>%RoboLog% & echo Examine the output log for details. >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 1  echo Code 1 OKCOPY - One or more files were copied successfully >>%RoboLog%
    if %RoboRC% EQU 0  echo No errors occurred, and no copying was done. >>%RoboLog% & echo The source and destination directory trees are completely synchronized >>%RoboLog%
Goto :EOF





Move "\\\QB_BK\Week %WeekofCycle%*" "\\\QB_BK\Week %WeekofCycle%* %dow% %CurYear%-%CurMonth%-%CurDay%"
robocopy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files" "\\\QB_BK\Week %WeekofCycle%* %dow% %CurYear%-%CurMonth%-%CurDay%" /XD "QuickBooksAutoDataRecovery" /MIR /FFT /V /NP /NDL /copy:DAT /dcopy:T /r:2 /W:2 /log+:%RoboLog% /tee






for /f "skip=42,delims=" %%a in (`sort /r backups.log`) do (
 ECHO rd /s /q "%%a"
 findstr /v /x "%%a" backups.log >dummy.txt
 move dummy.txt backups.log



  • 有没有纯注解为Spring留档?我看到的90%的文档都是为xml实现编写的。 我正在尝试覆盖默认的JobLauncher以能够传递JobParameters,但我添加到下面代码中的任何JobLauncher函数都被忽略,而是运行默认的SimpleJobLauncher。 我想用4个不同的作业参数启动同一作业的4个并发实例。这些参数应该告诉读取器从哪个目录读取。 我可以使用@Value注释为目录传递

  • 在下图中,我想把分数作为绿色椭圆内的文本。但是,不管循环中的和函数的顺序如何,椭圆都会在文本上绘制。有人能提出原因吗?我的循环如下所示。

  • Windows现在有一个改进的库,可以在批处理脚本中使用,以处理连接到系统的设备。 这就是所谓的设备控制台 - 。 Windows驱动程序开发人员和测试人员可以使用来验证是否正确安装并配置了驱动程序,包括正确的INF文件,驱动程序堆栈,驱动程序文件和驱动程序包。 也可以在脚本中使用DevCon命令(启用,禁用,安装,启动,停止和继续)来测试驱动程序。 DevCon是一个在本地计算机和远程计算机上执

  • 问题内容: 我正在开发一些基于Web服务的应用程序,并且对Apache CXF解组有疑问。在我们的项目中,我们使用CXF 2.4.1版本。 当某些SOAP请求不正确时(例如,某些字段是文本而不是数字),CXF会抛出标准的SOAPFaultException,并且SOAP响应将使用以下标准字段构建: 项目要求说,如果发生任何故障,系统需要以其他格式响应,例如: 所以问题是:如何以某种方式覆盖此错误处

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用adityasatrio的批处理文件来备份本地MySQL数据库,并且希望仅保留30个最新的备份文件。在此示例中使用root:root。 现在,我对以下问题进行了很好的了解: 批处理文件以删除超过N天的文件 https://serverfault.com/questions/49614/delete-files-older-than-x- days 将7个最新文件保存在一个文件

  • 前提: 脚本每n秒运行一次,这将创建定义文件到定义位置的备份。创建n个备份后,清除(删除)过期的备份。 问题: 我设法开始使用此版本来备份文件夹并删除较旧的verisons,但当我尝试使用特定文件时“找不到文件”。我已经为此抓耳挠腮了几个小时,我可能错过了一些小东西。例如,我不想简单地删除所有. xlsx文件,因为Target文件夹中可能会有多个不同的. xlsx文件。如果有3个较新版本可用,我只