(for {
// find the user by id, findUser(id) returns Future[Option[User]]
userOpt <- userDao.findUser(userId)
_ = if (!userOpt.isDefined) throw new EntityNotFoundException(classOf[User], userId)
user = userOpt.get
// authenticate it, authenticate(user) returns Future[AuthResult]
authResult <- userDao.authenticate(user)
_ = if (!authResult.ok) throw new AuthFailedException(userId)
// find the good owned by the user, findGood(id) returns Future[Option[Good]]
goodOpt <- goodDao.findGood(goodId)
_ = if (!good.isDefined) throw new EntityNotFoundException(classOf[Good], goodId)
good = goodOpt.get
// check ownership for the user, checkOwnership(user, good) returns Future[Boolean]
ownership <- goodDao.checkOwnership(user, good)
if (!ownership) throw new OwnershipException(user, good)
_ <- goodDao.remove(good)
} yield {
"success" -> true
.recover {
case ex: EntityNotFoundException =>
/// ... handle error cases ...
"success" -> false,
"error" -> "Your blahblahblah was not found in our database"
case ex: AuthFailedException =>
/// ... handle error cases ...
case ex: OwnershipException =>
/// ... handle error cases ...
核心挑战是,对于理解来说,一次只能处理一个单子,在这种情况下,它就是未来的单子,而缩短未来调用序列的唯一方法就是让未来失败。这是因为for CONTRUMENT中的后续调用只是调用map和flatmap,而失败的Future上的map的行为是返回该Future,而不是执行提供的主体(即被调用的函数)。
trait Result[+A] {
// the intermediate Result
def value: A
// convert this result into a final result based on another result
def given[B](other: Result[B]): Result[A] = other match {
case x: Terminator => x
case v => this
// replace the value of this result with the provided one
def apply[B](v: B): Result[B]
// replace the current result with one based on function call
def flatMap[A2 >: A, B](f: A2 => Future[Result[B]]): Future[Result[B]]
// create a new result using the value of both
def combine[B](other: Result[B]): Result[(A, B)] = other match {
case x: Terminator => x
case b => Successful((value, b.value))
sealed trait Terminator extends Result[Nothing] {
val value = throw new IllegalStateException()
// The terminator will always short-circuit and return itself as
// the success rather than execute the provided block, thus
// propagating the terminating result
def flatMap[A2 >: Nothing, B](f: A2 => Future[Result[B]]): Future[Result[B]] =
// if we apply just a value to a Terminator the result is always the Terminator
def apply[B](v: B): Result[B] = this
// this apply is a convenience function for returning this terminator
// or a successful value if the input has some value
def apply[A](opt: Option[A]) = opt match {
case None => this
case Some(v) => Successful[A](v)
// this apply is a convenience function for returning this terminator or
// a UnitResult
def apply(bool: Boolean): Result[Unit] = if (bool) UnitResult else this
trait SuccessfulResult[+A] extends Result[A] {
def apply[B](v: B): Result[B] = Successful(v)
def flatMap[A2 >: A, B](f: A2 => Future[Result[B]]): Future[Result[B]] = f(value)
case class Successful[+A](value: A) extends SuccessfulResult[A]
case object UnitResult extends SuccessfulResult[Unit] {
val value = {}
case object UserNotFound extends Terminator
case object NotAuthenticated extends Terminator
case object GoodNotFound extends Terminator
case object NoOwnership extends Terminator
def renderJson(data: Map[Any, Any]): JsResult = ???
def renderError(message: String): JsResult = ???
val resultFuture = for {
// apply UserNotFound to the Option to conver it into Result[User] or UserNotFound
userResult <- userDao.findUser(userId).map(UserNotFound(_))
// apply NotAuthenticated to AuthResult.ok to create a UnitResult or NotAuthenticated
authResult <- userResult.flatMap(user => userDao.authenticate(user).map(x => NotAuthenticated(x.ok)))
goodResult <- authResult.flatMap(_ => goodDao.findGood(goodId).map(GoodNotFound(_)))
// combine user and good, so we can feed it into checkOwnership
comboResult = userResult.combine(goodResult)
ownershipResult <- goodResult.flatMap { case (user, good) => goodDao.checkOwnership(user, good).map(NoOwnership(_))}
// in order to call removeGood with a good value, we take the original
// good result and potentially convert it to a Terminator based on
// ownershipResult via .given
_ <- goodResult.given(ownershipResult).flatMap(good => goodDao.removeGood(good).map(x => UnitResult))
} yield {
// ownership was the last result we cared about, so we apply the output
// to it to create a Future[Result[JsResult]] or some Terminator
"success" -> true
// now we can map Result into its value or some other value based on the Terminator
val jsFuture = resultFuture.map {
case UserNotFound => renderError("User not found")
case NotAuthenticated => renderError("User not authenticated")
case GoodNotFound => renderError("Good not found")
case NoOwnership => renderError("No ownership")
case x => x.value
for {
user <- findUser(userId)
authResult <- authUser(user)
good <- findGood(goodId)
_ <- checkOwnership(user, good)
_ <- goodDao.remove(good)
} yield {
"success" -> true
def findUser(id:Long) = find(id, userDao.findUser)
def findGood(id:Long) = find(id, goodDao.findGood)
def find[T:ClassTag](id:Long, f:Long => Future[Option[T]]) = {
case None => Future.failed(new EntityNotFoundException(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass, id))
case Some(entity) => Future.successful(entity)
def authUser(user:User) = {
case result if result.ok => Future.failed(new AuthFailedException(userId))
case result => Future.successful(result)
def checkOwnership(user:User, good:Good):Future[Boolean] = {
val someCondition = true //real logic for ownership check goes here
if (someCondition) Future.successful(true)
else Future.failed(new OwnershipException(user, good))
// Failures.scala
object Failures {
sealed trait Failure
// Four types of possible failures here
case object UserNotFound extends Failure
case object NotAuthenticated extends Failure
case object GoodNotFound extends Failure
case object NoOwnership extends Failure
// Put other errors here...
// Converts options into Eithers for you
implicit class opt2either[A](opt: Option[A]) {
def withFailure(f: Failure) = opt.fold(Left(f))(a => Right(a))
import Failures._
// Helper function to make ownership checking more readable in the for comprehension
def checkGood(user: User, good: Good) = {
if(checkOwnership(user, good))
// First create the JSON
val resultFuture: Future[Either[Failure, JsResult]] = for {
userRes <- userDao.findUser(userId)
user <- userRes.withFailure(UserNotFound).right
authRes <- userDao.authenticate(user)
auth <- authRes.withFailure(NotAuthenticated).right
goodRes <- goodDao.findGood(goodId)
good <- goodRes.withFailure(GoodNotFound).right
checkedGood <- checkGood(user, good).right
} yield renderJson(Map("success" -> true)))
// Check result and handle any failures
resultFuture.map { result =>
result match {
case Right(json) => json // serve json
case Left(failure) => failure match {
case UserNotFound => // Handle errors
case NotAuthenticated =>
case GoodNotFound =>
case NoOwnership =>
case _ =>
我想在我的play scala Web应用程序中进行错误处理。 我的应用程序与数据库对话以获取一些行,它遵循以下流程。 < li >首先调用数据库以获取一些数据 < li >使用第一次调用中的数据从数据库中提取其他数据 < li >使用从最近两次db调用中收到的数据形成响应。 下面是我的伪代码。 以上理解中的每一个方法都返回一个未来,这些方法的签名如下。 在以下情况下,我该如何进行错误/故障处理
我一直在努力在MySQL中输入空白值。例如,代码: 不会工作。我总是收到以下错误: 但是,当我运行以下两个语句之一时: 或 这个查询工作得很好。column2的默认值已设置为“0”,仍然没有运气。 我面临的问题是所有表中的所有列。我的申请将有空白条目(无法更改)。这个功能以前工作得很好,当我将应用程序代码转移到另一个服务器时,我开始出现这个错误。 MySQL服务器版本:8.0.22-MySQL社区
我在学习Scala playframework教程时遇到了一段令我迷惑不解的代码: 于是我决定调查一下,偶然发现了这个帖子。
主要内容:抛出异常,捕获异常,实例,finally 语句,实例Scala 的异常处理和其它语言比如 Java 类似。 Scala 的方法可以通过抛出异常的方法的方式来终止相关代码的运行,不必通过返回值。 抛出异常 Scala 抛出异常的方法和 Java一样,使用 throw 方法,例如,抛出一个新的参数异常: 捕获异常 异常捕捉的机制与其他语言中一样,如果有异常发生,catch 字句是按次序捕捉的。因此,在 catch 字句中,越具体的异常越要靠前,越普遍的
Scala 的异常处理和其它语言比如 Java 类似。 Scala 的方法可以通过抛出异常的方法的方式来终止相关代码的运行,不必通过返回值。 抛出异常 Scala 抛出异常的方法和 Java一样,使用 throw 方法,例如,抛出一个新的参数异常: throw new IllegalArgumentException 捕获异常 异常捕捉的机制与其他语言中一样,如果有异常发生,catch字句是按次序
问题内容: 在我使用任何一种编程语言的1个月的经验中,我假设 条件可以接受括号中的任何内容作为布尔检查事,例如: 明白我的意思了吗? 就像是 可悲的是,似乎没有这种方式。我不能在开关盒中进行布尔检查。 有办法解决吗? 顺便说一句,如果我听起来很困惑,那就非常抱歉。我还不太了解这种语言的名称:X 任何答复 问题答案: 您可以针对以下情况获得OR: 案例就像一个“ goto”,多个goto可以共享同一