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我将数据库主机、用户名、密码和其他属性存储在. Properties文件中。








<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

    <!-- My prerequisite was that when working in Eclipse no extra steps 
         should be required to make the IDE use the right configuration than
         Configure -> Convert to Maven Project, so I didn't like having 
         default settings in a profile that must be enabled in Eclipse project
         configuration -->

        <!-- These solve the problem: AFAICT, each <resource /> is added to the final POM,
             so declaring a resources folder in a profile didn't exclude other resources 
             folders declared in the default (i.e. without profiles active) configuration.
             So, the solution is to change what Maven brings in from each folder depending
             on the profile currently active. What follows is the default, no-profile
             active configuration. -->



        <resources><!-- Here I declare all the resources folders, so that they will all be shown in Eclipse. Property values drive what is included and excluded. -->
            <resource><!-- This is the default Maven main resource directory -->


            <resource><!-- This is the resources directory for when the WAR is deployed on a local standalone Tomcan installation (useful for web pages editing) -->


            <resource><!-- This is the resource directory for when the WAR will be deployed -->


            <!-- Plugins configurations -->

        <!-- Dependencies declarations -->

    <profiles><!-- Here are the profiles. When working in Eclipse no profile is active, so the resources will be taken only from src/main/resources (as per default properties values). -->
            <id>local</id><!-- This is for when the WAR is deployed on a local standalone Tomcat instance (i.e. outside of Eclipse) -->

                <!-- The resources will be taken only from src/main/resources-local -->



            <id>release</id><!-- This is for when the WAR is deployed on the production server -->

                <!-- The resources will be taken only from src/main/resources-release -->




  • 问题内容: 我在加载时遇到问题 在同一个文件夹中。 我在dist文件夹中有一个myProject.jar,在conf文件夹中有test.xml和test.properties。 要加载xml,我正在使用 但是我在加载属性文件时遇到问题 属性文件没有任何作用。 任何帮助表示赞赏。 问题答案: 为什么不取出文件并使用 上面的代码将获取属性文件并将其加载到属性对象中。

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