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我用java 7替换java 8 android studio错误?


为什么我用JAVA 7替换JAVA 8,Android studio错误?

> Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code.
This is caused by library dependencies that have been compiled using  Java 8 or above.
If you are using the 'java' gradle plugin in a library submodule add 
targetCompatibility = '1.7'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
to that submodule's build.gradle file.
Error:...while parsing android/support/v7/recyclerview/R$attr.class
Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code.
This is caused by library dependencies that have been compiled using Java 8 or above.
If you are using the 'java' gradle plugin in a library submodule add 
targetCompatibility = '1.7'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
to that submodule's build.gradle file.
Error:...while parsing android/support/v7/recyclerview/R$dimen.class
Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code.
This is caused by library dependencies that have been compiled using Java 8 or above.
If you are using the 'java' gradle plugin in a library submodule add 
targetCompatibility = '1.7'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
to that submodule's build.gradle file.
Error:...while parsing android/support/v7/recyclerview/R$id.class
Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code.
This is caused by library dependencies that have been compiled using Java 8 or above.  
 If you are using the 'java' gradle plugin in a library submodule add 
targetCompatibility = '1.7'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
to that submodule's build.gradle file.
Error:...while parsing android/support/v7/recyclerview/R$styleable.class 
Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code.
This is caused by library dependencies that have been compiled using Java 8 or above.
If you are using the 'java' gradle plugin in a library submodule add 
targetCompatibility = '1.7'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
to that submodule's build.gradle file.
Error:...while parsing android/support/v7/recyclerview/R.class
Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:
Cause: Dex cannot parse version 52 byte code.
This is caused by library dependencies that have been compiled using Java 8 or above.
If you are using the 'java' gradle plugin in a library submodule add 
targetCompatibility = '1.7'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
to that submodule's build.gradle file.
Error:...while parsing com/example/administrator/comjarlib/R$anim.class
Error:Error converting bytecode to dex:

我想在Android Studio中使用retroLambda。


我在2.10年级使用Android Studio 2.1 Preview 3



如果我没有弄错的话,gradle android插件扩展了“java”插件,所以您可以在构建的“android”块中添加这两行。格拉德尔:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {

    targetCompatibility = '1.7'
    sourceCompatibility = '1.7'





allprojects {

    tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
        sourceCompatibility = 1.7
        targetCompatibility = 1.7

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