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WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage();

// create new paragraph with a run containing text and add it to the document.
P paragraph1 = objectFactory.createP(); // create new paragraph
R run1 = objectFactory.createR(); // create new run 
Text text1 = objectFactory.createText(); // create text

text1.setValue("This is text in paragraph 1 that should be located in section 1.");
run1.getContent().add(text1); // add text ton the run
paragraph1.getContent().add(run1); // add run to paragraph
wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(paragraph1); // add to main document part

// create new section and add it to the document
SectPr sectPr = objectFactory.createSectPr(); // create new section

SectPr.Type sectPrType = objectFactory.createSectPrType();
sectPrType.setVal("continuous"); // "continuous" means no page break before section


wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(sectPr); // add section to document part

// proceed to create another paragraph with a run containing text.
P paragraph2= objectFactory.createP(); // create new paragraph
R run2 = objectFactory.createR(); // create new run 
Text text2 = objectFactory.createText(); // create text

text2.setValue("This is text in paragraph 2 that should be located in section 2.");
run2.getContent().add(text2); // add text ton the run
paragraph2.getContent().add(run2); // add run to paragraph
wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(paragraph2); // add to main document part

wordMLPackage.save(new java.io.File("should contain_two_sections.docx")); // save

我已经通读了Docx4J文档,所以在GitHub repo中的Docx4J示例中也有类似的问题,但我没有找到任何添加所描述功能的工作示例。




为了避免类似的错误,您应该使用docx4j webapp或辅助程序addin从工作字docx生成Java代码。


  • 非常感谢!

  • 首先,打开Android Studio并选择Create new Project,然后它会让你输入一个名字,你可以任意取一个名字,比如:Weather App。然后你需要输入公司域名。如果你不会真正发布这个app,这个字段就不是特别重要了,但是如果你有的话可以使用自己的域名。然后任意选择一个目录作为这个项目的保存地址。 下一步,它会让你选择最小的API版本。我们选择API 15,因为我们有一个库需

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