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Dim rdvEncours As DevisRdv = GetRdv(ConnectedUser,LesDatas) 
Appointment.Save(New FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, rdvEncours.Collaborateur.Mail))
rdvEncours.ExchangeId = Appointment.Id.UniqueId
Public Function FindAppointment(Service As ExchangeService, UnikId As String) As Appointment
    Dim CalendarFolder As CalendarFolder = CalendarFolder.Bind(Service, New FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, ml), New PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, FolderSchema.TotalCount))

    ' Set the number of items to the smaller of the number of items in the Contacts folder Or 1000.
    Dim numItems As Integer = If(CalendarFolder.TotalCount < 1000, CalendarFolder.TotalCount, 1000)

    ' Instantiate the item view with the number of items to retrieve from the contacts folder.
    ' To keep the request smaller, send only the display name.
    Dim View As ItemView = New ItemView(numItems) With {.PropertySet = New PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, AppointmentSchema.Subject, AppointmentSchema.End, AppointmentSchema.Start)}

    ' Create a searchfilter to check the subject of the tasks.
    Dim searchFilter As SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection = New SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection From {New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ItemSchema.Id, UnikId)}

    ' Retrieve the items in the Calendar folder with the properties you selected.
    Dim taskItems = Service.FindItems(New FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, ml), searchFilter, View)

    If taskItems.Count = 1 AndAlso TypeOf taskItems.Items(0) Is Appointment Then
        Return taskItems.Items(0)
        HelperJournal.WriteEntry("Find Rdv by id") 'TODO:A mettre ne commentaire quand vérifier
        Return Nothing
    End If

End Function
Dim FoundTask As Appointment = FindAppointment(ConnectToExchange(), rdvEncours.ExchangeId)
If (FoundTask IsNot Nothing) Then FoundTask.Delete(DeleteMode.HardDelete)




 Dim Appointment As New Appointment(service) With {
     .Subject = "MySubject",
     .Start = rdvEncours.DteInter,
     .Body = "MyBody",
     .Importance = Importance.High
 Appointment.End = Appointment.Start.AddHours(1)
 Dim MaClef As String = getRandomString(256)
 Appointment.SetExtendedProperty(GetCustomKeyAppointment, MaClef)

 Appointment.Save(New FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, rdvEncours.Collaborateur.Mail))
 rdvEncours.ExchangeId = MaClef


 ' Get the GUID for the property set.

Public Function GetCustomKeyAppointment() As ExtendedPropertyDefinition
    Return New ExtendedPropertyDefinition(New Guid(MyCustomKeySetId), "Mykey", MapiPropertyType.String)
End Function


 Public Function FindAppointment(Service As ExchangeService, UnikId As String) As Appointment
    Dim CalendarFolder As CalendarFolder = CalendarFolder.Bind(Service, New FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, ml), New PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, FolderSchema.TotalCount))

    ' Set the number of items to the smaller of the number of items in the Contacts folder Or 1000.
    Dim numItems As Integer = If(CalendarFolder.TotalCount < 1000, CalendarFolder.TotalCount, 1000)

    ' Instantiate the item view with the number of items to retrieve from the contacts folder.
    ' To keep the request smaller, send only the display name.
    Dim View As ItemView = New ItemView(numItems) With {.PropertySet = New PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, AppointmentSchema.Subject, AppointmentSchema.End, AppointmentSchema.Start)}

    ' Create a searchfilter to check the subject of the tasks.
    Dim searchFilter As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(GetCustomKeyAppointment, UnikId)

    ' Retrieve the items in the Calendar folder with the properties you selected.
    Dim taskItems = Service.FindItems(New FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, ml), searchFilter, View)

    If taskItems.Count = 1 AndAlso TypeOf taskItems.Items(0) Is Appointment Then
        Return taskItems.Items(0)

        Return Nothing
    End If

End Function
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