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// save post action
add_action('acf/save_post', 'set_employee_tags_on_save_update', 20);

 * @param $post_id int|string
function set_employee_tags_on_save_update($post_id) {

    // get our current post object
    $post = get_post($post_id);

    // if post is object
    if(is_object($post)) {

        // check we are on the projects custom type and post statuses are either publish or draft
        // change 'projects' post type to your post type name which has the relationship field
        if($post->post_type === 'projects' && ($post->post_status === 'publish' || $post->post_status === 'draft')) {

            // get relationship field employees
            // this example uses Post Object as the Return Format and is a multiple value
            // change get field param 'employees' to your relationship field name
            $employees = get_field('employees');

            // team member tags to set empty array
            $team_member_tags_to_set = [];

            // if employees has value or values
            if($employees) {

                // get all of our current team member tags
                // change 'team_members' taxonomy value to your members taxonomy name
                $team_member_tags = get_terms([
                    'taxonomy' => 'team_members',
                    'orderby' => 'name',
                    'order' => 'ASC'

                // empty array for existing team member tags
                $existing_team_member_tags = [];

                // if we have existing team member tags
                if(!empty($team_member_tags)) {

                    // foreach team member tags as team member tag
                    foreach($team_member_tags as $team_member_tag) {

                        // add existing team member to our existing team member tags array by tag ID => tag name
                        // this is so we can use this later to check if a team member tag already exists so we dont create duplicates
                        $existing_team_member_tags[$team_member_tag->ID] = $team_member_tag->name;



                // foreach employees as employee
                foreach($employees as $employee) {

                    // get the title for current employee
                    $title = get_the_title($employee->ID);

                    // search existing team members array and return the tag id via key
                    $existing_team_member_tag_id = array_search($title, $existing_team_member_tags);

                    // if we have an existing team member tag id
                    if($existing_team_member_tag_id) {

                        // add the existing team member tag id as integer to array
                        $team_member_tags_to_set[] = (int)$existing_team_member_tag_id;

                    } else {

                        // else create a new tag for team member by adding title (name) as string to array
                        $team_member_tags_to_set[] = (string)$title;




            // remove the action
            remove_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_post');

            // set post tags for this post id, removing any unused team member tags if relationship field team members are changed
            wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $team_member_tags_to_set, $taxonomy = 'team_members', false);

            // re add the action
            add_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_post');



    // finally return







  1. projectspost\u type是保存或更新帖子时该代码触发的帖子类型名称。
  2. employeesprojects职位类型中acf关系字段的名称。
  3. team\u members是您在项目中应该使用的自定义标记分类名称


然后,它循环遍历关系字段中的所有成员,并检查成员的标记是否已存在,如果已存在,则将现有成员标记(int)ID添加到$team\u member\u tags\u to\u set数组中。如果没有找到现有的成员标记,我们只需将成员标题(名称)作为(字符串)添加到$team\u member\u tags\u to\u set数组中。


我还在wp\u set\u post\u tags()中设置了append to false,它删除了所有以前的标记并创建了一组新的标记。如果成员在acf关系字段中得到更新,这将有所帮助。




// save post action
add_action('acf/save_post', 'set_employee_tags_on_save_update', 20);

 * @param $post_id int|string
function set_employee_tags_on_save_update($post_id) {

    // get our current post object
    $post = get_post($post_id);

    // if post is object
    if(is_object($post)) {

        // check we are on the projects custom type and post statuses are either publish or draft
        // change 'projects' post type to your post type name which has the relationship field
        if($post->post_type === 'projects' && ($post->post_status === 'publish' || $post->post_status === 'draft')) {

            // get relationship field employees
            // this example uses Post Object as the Return Format and is a multiple value
            // change get field param 'employees' to your relationship field name
            $employees = get_field('employees');

            // team member tags to set empty array
            $team_member_tags_to_set = [];

            // if employees has value or values
            if($employees) {

                // get all of our current team member tags
                // change 'team_members' taxonomy value to your members taxonomy name
                $team_member_tags = get_terms([
                    'taxonomy' => 'team_members',
                    'orderby' => 'name',
                    'order' => 'ASC'

                // empty array for existing team member tags
                $existing_team_member_tags = [];

                // if we have existing team member tags
                if(!empty($team_member_tags)) {

                    // foreach team member tags as team member tag
                    foreach($team_member_tags as $team_member_tag) {

                        // add existing team member to our existing team member tags array by tag ID => tag name
                        // this is so we can use this later to check if a team member tag already exists so we dont create duplicates
                        $existing_team_member_tags[$team_member_tag->ID] = $team_member_tag->name;



                // foreach employees as employee
                foreach($employees as $employee) {

                    // get the title for current employee
                    $title = get_the_title($employee->ID);

                    // search existing team members array and return the tag id via key
                    $existing_team_member_tag_id = array_search($title, $existing_team_member_tags);

                    // if we have an existing team member tag id
                    if($existing_team_member_tag_id) {

                        // add the existing team member tag id as integer to array
                        $team_member_tags_to_set[] = (int)$existing_team_member_tag_id;

                    } else {

                        // else create a new tag for team member by adding title (name) as string to array
                        $team_member_tags_to_set[] = (string)$title;




            // remove the action
            remove_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_post');

            // set post tags for this post id, removing any unused team member tags if relationship field team members are changed
            wp_set_post_tags($post_id, $team_member_tags_to_set, false);

            // re add the action
            add_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_post');



    // finally return


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