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创建Java Car类

public class Car {

private String Make;
private String Model;
private int RegistrationNum;

public Car(String Make, String Model, String RegN){
    //stores the make, model and registration number of the new car
    //sets its status as available for hire.
    Make = "";
    Model = "";
    RegN = "";


public String getMake(){
    return Make;


public String getModel(){
    return Model;


public boolean hire(String newHirer){

  //Hire this car to the named hirer and return true. 

        return true;
  //Returns false if the car is already out on hire.


public boolean returnFromHire(){

 //Receive this car back from a hire and returns true.
        return true;

 //Returns false if the car was not out on hire     


public int getRego(){

 //Accessor method to return the car’s registration number      

    return RegistrationNum;

public boolean hireable(){
 //Accessor method to return the car’s hire status.     

 //returns true if car available for hire           
    return true;    

public String toString(){
 //return car details as formatted string
 //output should be single line containing the make model and reg number
 //followed by either "Available for hire" or "On hire to: <name>"

    return "Vehicle ID number: "+ getRego()+"-"+"Make is: "+ getMake()+"-"+"Model is: "+getModel();


  import java.util.*;
  public class CarDriver {
  static Car car1;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

    String Make=scan.nextLine();
    String Model=scan.nextLine();
    System.out.println("Registration number?");
    String RegNum=scan.nextLine();

    car1 = new Car(Make,Model,RegNum);

    System.out.println("What you input :");


Registration number?
What you input :
Vehicle ID number: 1-Make is: null-Model is: null






public Car(String Make, String Model, String RegN){
    this.Make = Make;
    this.Model= Model;
    this.RegN = RegN;


public Car(String Make, String Model, String RegN){
//stores the make, model and registration number of the new car
//sets its status as available for hire.
Make = "";
Model = "";
RegN = "";
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