import Foundation
import Carbon
class EmailDoc: NSObject {
var script: NSAppleScript = {
let script = NSAppleScript(source: """
set theSubject to "Some Subject"
set theContent to "Some content of the email"
set recipientName to "Some Name"
set recipientAddress to ""
tell application "Mail"
# Create an email
set outgoingMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}
# Set the recipient
tell outgoingMessage
make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}
# Send the message
end tell
end tell
let success = script.compileAndReturnError(nil)
return script
// Script that is referenced by DTS at
// that goes with runScript method below -- runs with no results
/*var script: NSAppleScript = {
let script = NSAppleScript(source: """
on displayMessage(message)
tell application "Finder"
display dialog message buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
end tell
end displayMessage
let success = script.compileAndReturnError(nil)
return script
}() */
func runScript() {
let parameters = NSAppleEventDescriptor.list()
parameters.insert(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: "Hello Cruel World!"), at: 0)
let event = NSAppleEventDescriptor(
eventClass: AEEventClass(kASAppleScriptSuite),
eventID: AEEventID(kASSubroutineEvent),
targetDescriptor: nil,
returnID: AEReturnID(kAutoGenerateReturnID),
transactionID: AETransactionID(kAnyTransactionID)
event.setDescriptor(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: "displayMessage"), forKeyword: AEKeyword(keyASSubroutineName))
event.setDescriptor(parameters, forKeyword: AEKeyword(keyDirectObject))
var error: NSDictionary? = nil
_ = self.script.executeAppleEvent(event, error: &error) as NSAppleEventDescriptor?
print ("runScript",self.script)
这段代码的问题--请注意,这是一个令人难以置信的不明显的问题-- 是,您使用的代码旨在运行一个脚本处理程序(方法或子例程),试图运行完整的脚本。OBJ-C的AppleScript类的一个奇怪之处在于,没有一种简单的方法来运行带有参数的脚本,因此解决方法是将要执行的代码封装在脚本处理程序中,并使用调用该处理程序的Apple事件。为了使代码正常工作,您将执行以下操作...
var script: NSAppleScript = {
let script = NSAppleScript(source: """
-- This is our handler definition
on sendMyEmail(theSubject, theContent, recipientName, recipientAddress, attachmentPath)
tell application "Mail"
-- Create an email
set outgoingMessage to make new outgoing message ¬
with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}
-- Set the recipient
tell outgoingMessage
make new to recipient ¬
with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}
make new attachment with properties {file name:POSIX file attachmentPath}
-- needs a moment to process the attachment, so...
delay 1
-- Send the message
end tell
end tell
end sendMyEmail
func runScript() {
let parameters = NSAppleEventDescriptor.list()
parameters.insert(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: "Some Subject"), at: 0)
parameters.insert(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: "Some content of the email"), at: 0)
parameters.insert(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: "Some Name"), at: 0)
parameters.insert(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: ""), at: 0)
parameters.insert(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: attachmentFileURL.path), at: 0)
let event = NSAppleEventDescriptor(
eventClass: AEEventClass(kASAppleScriptSuite),
eventID: AEEventID(kASSubroutineEvent),
targetDescriptor: nil,
returnID: AEReturnID(kAutoGenerateReturnID),
transactionID: AETransactionID(kAnyTransactionID)
// this line sets the name of the target handler
event.setDescriptor(NSAppleEventDescriptor(string: "sendMyEmail"), forKeyword: AEKeyword(keyASSubroutineName))
// this line adds the parameter list we constructed above
event.setDescriptor(parameters, forKeyword: AEKeyword(keyDirectObject))
var error: NSDictionary? = nil
_ = self.script.executeAppleEvent(event, error: &error) as NSAppleEventDescriptor?
print ("runScript",self.script)
我有运行一些Applescript的bash函数。如果我在Applescript编辑器或Textate中运行Applescript部分,它可以正常工作,但是在命令行上,函数失败了... 错误是: 我知道(认为)问题在于这一行的第一个bash转义序列: 但我不知道为什么失败了。。。你知道为什么这行不通吗? 编辑1:我也尝试过这个,但失败了: 错误消息:
试图使用交谈苹果音乐应用程序在macOS与Java,我曾经编写原生AppleScript,然后java Applescript库,但从Java删除。 在这个方法中,它会查找一个名为songkong的现有文件夹播放列表,找到后返回。如果不存在,则创建这样一个文件夹,然后返回。 我第一次运行它时,我必须创建一个文件夹播放列表
All-In-One Mac Update script �� Inspired by the articleKeeping macOS clean. This is a zsh Mac update script that updates all software I could find to be updated via Terminal on macOS. Missing commands
问题内容: 这是Websphere上@StartupEJB的用户上下文的后续操作 我有以下情况: EJB 1: EJB 2: 简而言之:我有一个EJB,它需要一个角色“ SomeRole”,以及一个用于使用该角色的启动EJB 。 据我了解,这应该工作。 但是,我得到以下异常(类和角色名称已更改为与我的示例匹配): 就我而言,这只是误解吗? 我正在使用WebSphere 问题答案:
感谢您的点击。几个小时以来,我一直试图解决这个问题,但似乎没有任何效果。 我的操作系统:MacOS sierra OS版本:10.12.3 R版本:3.3.3 我已经按照数据表下载说明在这里:,但它仍然没有工作 错误消息如下所示:
这是我第一次面对这个问题,但想不出原因。 我正在使用d3创建一个冰柱图。 有一个click事件正在激发并调用。我看到控制台日志,这意味着我确实有权访问,但当我尝试设置它时,什么也没有发生:没有新页面,没有错误页面,什么也没有!