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Spring Boot方面自动连接


我已经创建了一个注释来调用Spring Boot项目中的Spring AOP方面。所有的工作都很好,直到我尝试将一个依赖项自动转化到方面:自动转化不会发生。


 * Aspect applying the annotation {@link LogDuration} to where ever it has been added, see {@link #logDuration(ProceedingJoinPoint, LogDuration)}.  
public class LogDurationAspect {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger( LogDurationAspect.class );

    private TimeMeasurer timeMeasurer;// = new TimeMeasurer();

    public LogDurationAspect() {

    /** For any method with @LogDuration, no matter what the return type, name, or arguments are, call this method to log how long it takes. */ 
    public Object logDuration( ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint , LogDuration annotation ) throws Throwable {

        System.out.println( timeMeasurer );

        final long startTime = timeMeasurer.now();
            final Object result = joinPoint.proceed();

            final long duration = timeMeasurer.timeSince( startTime );

            LOGGER.info( String.format( "%s returned %s took %d ms %.3f s" , annotation.value() , result , duration , 0.001 * duration ) );

            return result;
        catch ( Throwable t){
            final long duration = timeMeasurer.timeSince( startTime );
            LOGGER.error( String.format( "%s took %d ms %.3f s" , annotation.value() , duration , 0.001 * duration ) , t);
            throw t;

 * Simple annotation which will log the duration of a method via {@link LogDurationAspect#logDuration(org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint, LogDuration)}.
public @interface LogDuration {
   String value();

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = LogDurationAspectITests.TestConfiguration.class )
public class LogDurationAspectITests {

    private TestListener underTest;

    public OutputCapture outputCapture = new OutputCapture();

    private TimeMeasurer timeMeasurer;

    public void annotationWorks() {

        // prove that scanning is working
        assertThat( timeMeasurer , is( notNullValue( ) ) );

        underTest.doIt( 1234 );

        assertThat( outputCapture.toString() , containsString ( "doIt 1 2 3 returned 2468 took") );

    public static class TestConfiguration {

public class TimeMeasurer{

    /** @return milliseconds between now and start.*/ 
    public long timeSince( long start ) {

        return now( ) - start;        

    /** @return current time in milliseconds. */
    public long now( ) {

        return System.currentTimeMillis( );










public static class TestConfiguration {

     * This is needed to get hold of the instance of the aspect which is created outside of the spring container, 
     * and make it available for autowiring. 
    LogDurationAspect logDurationAspect()
        final LogDurationAspect aspect = Aspects.aspectOf(LogDurationAspect.class);
        return aspect;
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