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package bsg

class NotificationService {

    def create(String publicMsg, String privateMsg = null, Player activePlayer, Player passivePlayer = null) {
        new Notification(
                game: activePlayer.game, publicMessage: publicMsg, privateMessage: privateMsg,
                activePlayer: activePlayer, passivePlayer: passivePlayer
                ).save(failOnError: true)

package bsg

import grails.test.mixin.*
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll

 * See the API for {@link grails.test.mixin.services.ServiceUnitTestMixin} for usage instructions
@Mock([Notification, Game, Player])
class NotificationServiceSpec extends Specification {

    NotificationService service

    private static final String HIDDEN_SIDE = "1 - Launch Scout"
    private static Player adama
    private static Player baltar
    private static Game game
    private static Card card
    private static NotificationService notificationService

    def setup() {
        service = new NotificationService()
        game = new Game(name: "foo").save(validate:false)
        card = new Card(hiddenSide: HIDDEN_SIDE, backSide: "Bacon", deck: new Deck(backSide: "Skill Card"))
        adama = new Player(game: game, character:Player.Character.Adama).save(validate: false)
        baltar = new Player(game: game, character:Player.Character.Baltar).save(validate: false)
        notificationService = service

    def "test create1"(String privateMsg, Player passivePlayer, Closure serviceMethod) {
        when: "I create a notification"
        Notification notification = serviceMethod.call()

        then: "a notification has been persisted"
        notification?.id != null

        and: "it displays the correct messages"
        notification.publicMessage == "foo"
        notification.privateMessage == privateMsg
        notification.activePlayer == adama
        notification.passivePlayer == passivePlayer

        privateMsg  | passivePlayer | serviceMethod
        "bar"       | baltar        | { notificationService.create("foo", "bar", adama, baltar) }
        null        | baltar        | { notificationService.create("foo", null, adama, baltar) }
        "bar"       | null          | { notificationService.create("foo", "bar", adama) }
        null        | null          | { notificationService.create("foo", adama) }

    def "test create2"(String privateMsg, Player passivePlayer, Closure serviceMethod) {
        when: "I create a notification"
        Notification notification = serviceMethod.call()

        then: "a notification has been persisted"
        notification?.id != null

        and: "it displays the correct messages"
        notification.publicMessage == "foo"
        notification.privateMessage == privateMsg
        notification.activePlayer == adama
        notification.passivePlayer == passivePlayer

        privateMsg  | passivePlayer | serviceMethod
        "bar"       | baltar        | { notificationService.create("foo", "bar", adama, baltar) }
        null        | baltar        | { notificationService.create("foo", null, adama, baltar) }
        "bar"       | null          | { notificationService.create("foo", "bar", adama) }
        null        | null          | { notificationService.create("foo", adama) }
Condition not satisfied:

notification.passivePlayer == passivePlayer
|            |             |  |
|            Baltar (null) |  null
|                          false
Adama (null) foo to Baltar (null)

at bsg.NotificationServiceSpec.test create1(NotificationServiceSpec.groovy:44)



好吧,有趣的故事...我正在参加NFJS RWX/CDX会议,在发布这个问题后,我立即和彼得·尼德维瑟一起坐在电梯里。我们到底层的时候,他已经把我整理好了。



private static final String HIDDEN_SIDE = "1 - Launch Scout"
private static Player adama
private static Player baltar
private static Game game
private static Card card
private static NotificationService notificationService

def setup() {
    notificationService = new NotificationService()

    adama.save(validate: false)
    baltar.save(validate: false)

def setupSpec() {
    game = new Game(name: "foo")
    card = new Card(hiddenSide: HIDDEN_SIDE, backSide: "Bacon", deck: new Deck(backSide: "Skill Card"))
    adama = new Player(game: game, character:Player.Character.Adama)
    baltar = new Player(game: game, character:Player.Character.Baltar)


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