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 1 public static String numtostring(int num) {
 2    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 4    // Count number of digits in num.
 5    int len = 1;
 6    while (Math.pow((double)10, (double)len ) < num) {
 7       len++;
 8    }
10    String[] wordarr1 = {“”,”One ”, “Two ”, “Three ”, “Four ”,
11       “Five ”, “Six ”, “Seven ”, “Eight ”,”Nine ”};
12    String[] wordarr11 = {“”, “Eleven ”, “Twelve ”, “Thirteen ”,
13       “Fourteen ”, “Fifteen ”, “Sixteen ”,
14       “Seventeen ”, “Eighteen ”, “Nineteen ”};
15    String[] wordarr10 = {“”,”Ten ”, “Twenty ”, “Thirty ”, “Forty ”,
16    “Fifty ”, “Sixty ”, “Seventy ”, “Eighty ”,
17    “Ninety “};
18    String[] wordarr100 = {“”, “Hundred ”, “Thousand ”};
19    int tmp;
20    if (num == 0) {
21       sb.append(“Zero”);
22    } else {
23       if (len > 3 && len % 2 == 0) {
24          len++;
25       }
26       do {
27          // Number greater than 999
28          if (len > 3) {
29             tmp = (num / (int)Math.pow((double)10,(double)len-2));
30             // If tmp is 2 digit number and not a multiple of 10
31             if (tmp / 10 == 1 && tmp%10 != 0) {
32                sb.append(wordarr11[tmp % 10]) ;
33             } else {
34                sb.append(wordarr10[tmp / 10]);
35                sb.append(wordarr1[tmp % 10]);
36             }
37             if (tmp > 0) {
38                sb.append(wordarr100[len / 2]);
39             }
40             num = num % (int)(Math.pow((double)10,(double)len-2));
41             len = len-2;
42          } else { // Number is less than 1000
43             tmp = num / 100;
44             if (tmp != 0) {
45                sb.append(wordarr1[tmp]);
46                sb.append(wordarr100[len / 2]);
47             }
48             tmp = num % 100 ;
49             if(tmp / 10 == 1 && tmp % 10 != 0) {
50                sb.append(wordarr11[tmp % 10]) ;
51             } else {
52                sb.append(wordarr10[tmp / 10]);
53                sb.append(wordarr1[tmp % 10]);
54             }
55             len = 0;
56          }
57       } while(len > 0);
58    }
59    return sb.toString();
60 }




if (len > 3 && len % 2 == 0) {











int err = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<999999;i++) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e){                
System.out.println(err+" ERORRS");



        public static String numtostring(int num) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // Count number of digits in num.
    int len = String.valueOf(num).length();

    String[] wordarr1 = {"", "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ",
        "Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine "};
    String[] wordarr11 = {"", "Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ",
        "Fourteen ", "Fifteen ", "Sixteen ",
        "Seventeen ", "Eighteen ", "Nineteen "};
    String[] wordarr10 = {"", "Ten ", "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ",
        "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ",
        "Ninety "};
    int tmp;
    if (num == 0) {
    } else if (num >= 1000000) {
        System.err.println("Numbers > 999999 are not supported!");
    } else {
        do {
            // Number greater than 999
            if (len > 3) {
                int n = num / 1000;
                sb.append(numtostring(n)).append("Thousand ");
                num = num % 1000;
                len -= String.valueOf(n).length();
            } else { // Number is less than 1000
                tmp = num / 100;
                if (tmp != 0) {
                    sb.append("Hundred ");
                tmp = num % 100;
                if (tmp / 10 == 1 && tmp % 10 != 0) {
                    sb.append(wordarr11[tmp % 10]);
                } else {
                    sb.append(wordarr10[tmp / 10]);
                    sb.append(wordarr1[tmp % 10]);
                len = 0;
        } while (len > 0);
    return sb.toString();






   if (len > 3 && len % 2 == 0) {
      // if len is 4 it becomes 5, if it is 5 it stays as is
      // if len is 6 it becomes 7 and an exception occurs
   if (len > 3) {
         // puts the thousand part in tmp
         // so if num is 9000, len is 5 and tmp is 9 (9000/10^3)
         // if num is 99000, len is 5 and tmp is 99 (99000/10^3)
         // and if num is 999000, len is 7 and tmp is 9 instead of 999 (999000/10^5)
         tmp = (num / (int)Math.pow((double)10,(double)len-2));
         // If tmp is 2 digit number and not a multiple of 10
         // So, if tmp is 11 to 19 (num was 11000 to 19999) it enters the if
         if (tmp / 10 == 1 && tmp%10 != 0) {
            // if tmp is 11 tmp % 10 is 1 and the wordarr11[1] is eleven etc.
            sb.append(wordarr11[tmp % 10]) ;
         } else {
            // if tmp is not 11 to 19 it enters here
            // this means if tmp is 1 to 9 for num 1000 to 9999
            // if tmp is 10 for num 10000 to 10999
            // if tmp is 20 to 99 for num 20000 to 99999
            // if tmp is 100 to 999 for num 100000 to 999999

            // wordarr10 contains the dozens
            // if tmp is 10 this will be ten, if it is 20 this will be twenty etc.
            // if tmp is 1 to 9 tmp / 10 will return 0 and sb will append an empty string (wordarr10[0])
            sb.append(wordarr10[tmp / 10]);

            // wordarr1 contains the units
            // if tmp is 1 to 9 then tmp % 10 will return the tmp as it is
            // if tmp is 10 or 20 tmp % 10 will return 0 and append the empty string
            // if tmp is 23 tmp % 10 will return 3 and append the word three
            sb.append(wordarr1[tmp % 10]);
         // if tmp is a positive numbers... we know it is but ok...
         // we append the word hundrend if len is 2 or three, which is impossible because we are in the if(len > 3) branch
         // if original len was 4 it have become 5 earlier so
         // if len is 5 the len / 2 is 2 and we append the word thousand
         // if len is 7 len / 2 is 3 and an out of bounds exception gets thrown
         if (tmp > 0) {
            sb.append(wordarr100[len / 2]);
         // finally we remove the part of num that we have printed in order to print the rest
         // so if num is 1123 then it will become 123
         // or if it is 12123 it will become again 123 (because len is 5)
         // if len is 7 this will fail and for example 123123 will become 23123
         num = num % (int)(Math.pow((double)10,(double)len-2));
         // if len is 5 then we make it three in order to run the else branch and print the rest part
         // if len was 7 this would make it 5 and the same branch would run again which I guess is also wrong
         len = len-2;


tmp = (num / (int)Math.pow((double)10,(double)len-2));
num = num % (int)(Math.pow((double)10,(double)len-2));



int len = 1;
while (Math.pow((double)10, (double)len ) < num) {



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