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Camel Exchange属性在xml中不使用simple求值


我试图在Exchange.property上设置一个属性isEven,然后在路由中使用choice when来计算它。


// Below is used for development
// If the property.isEven == true then an ACK will be returned from the Mock HRM
// If false then NACK

    int lastDigit = Integer.parseInt(exchange.getExchangeId().substring(exchange.getExchangeId().length() - 1));

    // check if lastDigit is odd or even
    if ((lastDigit & 1) == 0)
        exchange.setProperty("isEven", Boolean.TRUE);
        System.out.println("\n\n\n********** Exchange Id lastDigit " + lastDigit + " isEven: " + exchange.getProperty("isEven") + " ***********");

        exchange.setProperty("isEven", Boolean.FALSE);
        System.out.println("\n\n\n********** Exchange Id lastDigit " + lastDigit + " isEven: " + exchange.getProperty("isEven") + " ***********");



<!-- Used to ramdomly send Ack or Nack -->
<log message="isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}" />
<simple>"${property[isEven]} == true"</simple>




                <simple>${property[isEven]} == "true"</simple>
                <log message="HELLO :: ACK" />
                <!-- <transform>
                </transform> -->    
                <log message="HELLO :: NACK" />
                <!-- <transform>
                </transform> -->    
********** Exchange Id lastDigit 2 isEven: true ***********

14/02/20 14:09:13 INFO interceptor.Tracer: >>> (toHRMRoute) bean://hl7handler?method=handleORM --> log[isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}] <<< Pattern:InOut, Properties {CamelToEndpoint=bean://hl7handler?method=handleORM, CamelMessageHistory [DefaultMessageHistory[routeId=toHRMRoute, node=to3], DefaultMessage History[routeId=toHRMRoute, node=log1]], CamelCreatedTimestamp=Thu Feb 20 14:09:13 CST 2014}

14/02/20 14:09:13 INFO toHRMRoute:  ** isEven property is :: **
<endpoint id="hrmMockHL7Listener"
        uri="netty:tcp://localhost:9200?sync=true" />
<!-- Sending data using postman to a rest server-->
<route id="pushRESTRoute">
<from uri="cxfrs://bean://pushRESTServer" />

    <!-- this process is where we set isEven on the Exchange-->
<process ref="transformer"/>
    <!-- Send it to a tcp listener at port 9200-->
<to ref="hrmMockHL7Listener" /> 
<!-- Changed routes does the Exchange keep properties? -->
<route id="toMRoute">
<from uri="hrmMockHL7Listener" />
<to uri="bean:hl7handler?method=handleORM" />
<!-- Used to ramdomly send Ack or Nack -->
<log message="isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}">
    // see the beginning of the question for choice code.
14/02/21 09:37:26 INFO interceptor.Tracer: >>> (pushRESTRoute) ref:transformer --> tcp://localhost:9200 <<< Pattern:InOut, Properties {CamelMessageHistory=[DefaultMessageHistory[routeId=pushRESTRoute, node=process1], DefaultMessageHistory[routeId=pushRESTRoute, node=to1]], CamelCreatedTimestamp=Fri Feb 21 09:37:26 CST 2014, isEven=true}    
/02/21 09:37:26 INFO interceptor.Tracer: >>> (toMRoute) from(tcp://localhost:9200) --> bean://hl7handler?method=handleORM <<< Pattern:InOut, Properties:{CamellMessageHistory=[DefaultMessageHistory[routeId=toMRoute, node=to3]], CamelCreatedTimestamp=Fri Feb 21 09:37:26 CST 2014}
An Exchange is the message container holding the information during the entire routing of a Message received by a Consumer.




<route id="startRoute">
    <from uri="direct:start" />
    <multicast stopOnException="true">
        <to uri="direct:trigger" />
        <to uri="direct:trigger" />
        <to uri="direct:trigger" />

    <from uri="direct:trigger" />
    <process ref="myProcessor" />
    <log message="isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}" />
            <log message="HELLO :: ACK" />
            <log message="HELLO :: NACK" />

<!-- scope singleton is default -->
<bean id="myProcessor" class="ch.keller.test.testcamelspring.util.Trigger"  scope="singleton" />


public class Trigger implements Processor {
    public void process(final Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        // your code comes here


<simple>${property[isEven]} == "true"</simple> 
<simple>${property.isEven} == "true"</simple> 



<bean id="traceFormatter" class="org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.DefaultTraceFormatter">
    <property name="showBreadCrumb" value="false" />
    <property name="showProperties" value="true" />


[main] Tracer INFO  >>> (route1) log[isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}] --> choice <<< Pattern:InOnly, Properties:{CamelToEndpoint=direct://trigger, ..., isEven=true, ...
    <from uri="direct:trigger" />
    <process ref="myProcessor" />
    <log message="isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}" />
    <to uri="direct:acktarget" />

    <from uri="direct:acktarget" />
    <log message="acktarget: isEven property is :: ${property[isEven]}" />
exchange.getExchangeId() = ID-pis-iMac-local-54434-1393006139076-0-3
********** Exchange Id lastDigit 3 isEven: false ***********
[                          main] route1                         INFO  isEven property is :: false
[                          main] route2                         INFO  acktarget: isEven property is :: false
exchange.getExchangeId() = ID-pis-iMac-local-54434-1393006139076-0-4
********** Exchange Id lastDigit 4 isEven: true ***********
[                          main] route1                         INFO  isEven property is :: true
[                          main] route2                         INFO  acktarget: isEven property is :: true
exchange.getExchangeId() = ID-pis-iMac-local-54434-1393006139076-0-5
********** Exchange Id lastDigit 5 isEven: false ***********
[                          main] route1                         INFO  isEven property is :: false
[                          main] route2                         INFO  acktarget: isEven property     is :: false
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