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  • base64编码字符串:yobic4fy
  • base64解码字符串(来自ASP页面):`àhsx(正确)
  • Base64解码字符串(来自JSP页面和Eclipse):^àhs?x(不正确)


import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

String base64String = "yOBIc4FY";

byte[] decodedBase64Byte = Base64.decodeBase64(base64String);
// ÈàHs?X
decodedBase64String = new String(decodedBase64Byte, "ISO-8859-1");

// ÈàHs?X
decodedBase64String = new String(decodedBase64Byte, "windows-1252");

// ??Hs?X
decodedBase64String = new String(decodedBase64Byte, "utf-8");


' Functions to provide encoding/decoding of strings with Base64.
' Encoding: myEncodedString = base64_encode( inputString )
' Decoding: myDecodedString = base64_decode( encodedInputString )
' Programmed by Markus Hartsmar for ShameDesigns in 2002. 
' Email me at: mark@shamedesigns.com
' Visit our website at: http://www.shamedesigns.com/

    Dim Base64Chars
            "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" & _
            "0123456789" & _

    ' Functions for encoding string to Base64
    Public Function base64_encode( byVal strIn )
        Dim c1, c2, c3, w1, w2, w3, w4, n, strOut
        For n = 1 To Len( strIn ) Step 3
            c1 = Asc( Mid( strIn, n, 1 ) )
            c2 = Asc( Mid( strIn, n + 1, 1 ) + Chr(0) )
            c3 = Asc( Mid( strIn, n + 2, 1 ) + Chr(0) )
            w1 = Int( c1 / 4 ) : w2 = ( c1 And 3 ) * 16 + Int( c2 / 16 )
            If Len( strIn ) >= n + 1 Then 
                w3 = ( c2 And 15 ) * 4 + Int( c3 / 64 ) 
                w3 = -1
            End If
            If Len( strIn ) >= n + 2 Then 
                w4 = c3 And 63 
                w4 = -1
            End If
            strOut = strOut + mimeencode( w1 ) + mimeencode( w2 ) + _
                      mimeencode( w3 ) + mimeencode( w4 )
        base64_encode = strOut
    End Function

    Private Function mimeencode( byVal intIn )
        If intIn >= 0 Then 
            mimeencode = Mid( Base64Chars, intIn + 1, 1 ) 
            mimeencode = ""
        End If
    End Function    

    ' Function to decode string from Base64
    Public Function base64_decode( byVal strIn )
        Dim w1, w2, w3, w4, n, strOut
        For n = 1 To Len( strIn ) Step 4
            w1 = mimedecode( Mid( strIn, n, 1 ) )
            w2 = mimedecode( Mid( strIn, n + 1, 1 ) )
            w3 = mimedecode( Mid( strIn, n + 2, 1 ) )
            w4 = mimedecode( Mid( strIn, n + 3, 1 ) )
            If w2 >= 0 Then _
                strOut = strOut + _
                    Chr( ( ( w1 * 4 + Int( w2 / 16 ) ) And 255 ) )
            If w3 >= 0 Then _
                strOut = strOut + _
                    Chr( ( ( w2 * 16 + Int( w3 / 4 ) ) And 255 ) )
            If w4 >= 0 Then _
                strOut = strOut + _
                    Chr( ( ( w3 * 64 + w4 ) And 255 ) )
        base64_decode = strOut
    End Function

    Private Function mimedecode( byVal strIn )
        If Len( strIn ) = 0 Then 
            mimedecode = -1 : Exit Function
            mimedecode = InStr( Base64Chars, strIn ) - 1
        End If
    End Function







public int[] decrypt(int[] ciphertext, byte[] key) throws Exception {
    return encrypt(ciphertext, key);
public static int[] convertToIntArray(byte[] input)
    int[] ret = new int[input.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
        ret[i] = input[i] & 0xff; // Range 0 to 255
    return ret;
String base64String = "yOBIc4FY";

byte[] decodedBase64Byte = Base64.decodeBase64(base64String);

int[] cipheredText =  convertToIntArray(decodedBase64Byte);
String base64String = "yOBIc4FY";

byte[] decodedBase64Byte = Base64.decodeBase64(base64String);

// ÈàHs?X
String decodedBase64String = new String(decodedBase64Byte, "ISO-8859-1");

int[] cipheredText =  convertToIntArray(decodedBase64String.getBytes());




c8 e0 48 73 81 58



y      O      B      I      c      4      F      Y
110010 001110 000001 001000 011100 111000 000101 011000

11001000 11100000 01001000 01110011 10000001 01011000
c8       e0       48       73       81       58
static void printByteArray(byte[] bytes) {
    for (byte b : bytes) {
        System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(b & 0xff) + ", ");

public static void main(String[] args) {

    byte[] cipherBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode("yOBIc4FY");
    printByteArray(cipherBytes); // c8, e0, 48, 73, 81, 58 - correct

    cipherBytes = new String(cipherBytes).getBytes();
    printByteArray(cipherBytes); // c8, e0, 48, 73, 3f, 58 - wrong
    // your results may vary depending on your default charset,
    // these are for windows-1250
  • 我修改了一个phonegap插件。Java部分输出一个base64字符串: 然后我将它传递给某个Javascript,然后将字符串发送给服务器。我已经检查了.php文件接收到的字符串,base64字符串是相同的。然而,当我解码base64字符串时,它似乎已损坏。为了更好的示例,将此文本文件的内容复制到解码器中。 注意:当.php文件尝试解码它的数据:image/png;base64在前面时,我只是

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