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如何定义Swagger 2.0 JSON在Swagger UI中填充默认的body参数对象?


我们当前的部署模式要求我手动编写我的 swagger json 输出,这些输出将由我公司使用的基于 Swagger 的 UI 使用。我希望我正在编写的 json 提供“默认”值,以填充所有输入字段(包括 body 输入参数)的 Swagger UI。我的 body 参数是一个引用对象,如下所示。如何定义返回的 swagger JSON,以便在单击“尝试此操作”时自动填充请求的正文部分?

下面是Swagger UI中没有填充默认/示例数据的示例Swagger规范。

      "description":"Example API Description",
      "title":"Example Title",
            "description":"This API will do something",
                  "description":"The Accept request-header field can be used to specify the media types which are acceptable for the response. If not provided, the default value will be application/json",
                  "description":"The MIME type of the body of the request.  Required for PUT, POST, and PATCH, where a request body is expected to be provided.",
                  "default":"application/json; charset=utf-8",
                  "description":"The desired language as spoken in a particular region preference of the customer of this particular transaction.  Consists of two lower case language",
                  "description":"The originating ip address of the calling device or browser.",
                  "description":"The transaction identifier for this invocation of the service.  ",
                  "description":"The unique identifier that represents the subscribed portfolio of products.",
                  "description":"The body of the request",
                        "description":"The identifier for the service transaction attempt."
         "description":"Request details for Example Definition",
               "description":"Specifies the action to be taken"
               "description":"A boolean value that defines the behaviour of the request against the base"
               "description":"The identifiers for the add-ons"






      "description":"Example API Description",
      "title":"Example Title",
            "description":"This API will do something",
                  "description":"The Accept request-header field can be used to specify the media types which are acceptable for the response. If not provided, the default value will be application/json",
                  "description":"The MIME type of the body of the request.  Required for PUT, POST, and PATCH, where a request body is expected to be provided.",
                  "default":"application/json; charset=utf-8",
                  "description":"The desired language as spoken in a particular region preference of the customer of this particular transaction.  Consists of two lower case language",
                  "description":"The originating ip address of the calling device or browser.",
                  "description":"The transaction identifier for this invocation of the service.  ",
                  "description":"The unique identifier that represents the subscribed portfolio of products.",
                  "description":"The body of the request",
                        "description":"The identifier for the service transaction attempt."
         "description":"Request details for Example Definition",
               "description":"Specifies the action to be taken",
               "default": "The default Action"
               "description":"A boolean value that defines the behaviour of the request against the base",
               "default": "0"
               "description":"The identifiers for the add-ons",
               "default": "The default Add-On"




  type: object
  description: Request details for Example Definition
      type: string
      description: Specifies the action to be taken
      example: An action value
      type: string
      description: >-
        A boolean value that defines the behaviour of the request against the base
      example: An apply to base value
      type: string
      description: The identifiers for the add-ons
      example: an ID
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