public interface Rank extends JpaRepository<RankArticle, String> {
@Query(value = "UPDATE rank SET id=calc.id, shop_id=calc.shop_id, " +
"score=calc.score, rank = calc.rank FROM " +
"(SELECT id, shop_id, SUM(sales) AS score, CAST(NULL AS INT) AS rank " +
"FROM " +
"(SELECT id, sales, shop_id FROM daily_pod " +
"WHERE shop_id = :shopId " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT id, sales, shop_id FROM weekly_pod " +
"WHERE shop_id = :shopId " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT id, sales, shop_id FROM end_pod " +
"WHERE shop_id = :shopId) " +
"AS pods " +
"GROUP BY id, shop_id ORDER BY score DESC limit :limit) as calc;"
, nativeQuery = true)
void calcScore(@Param("shopId") Integer shopId,
@Param("limit") Integer limit);
[ERROR] 2018-09-20 17:49:10,503 [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-1] [d.t.p.v.backend.VerkaufsrangConfig] - Konnte AMQP-Nachricht nicht
通过将语句更改为INSERT into...ON CONFLICT(...),我设法使其工作请更新一个:
public interface Rank extends CrudRepository<RankArticle, Identity> {
@Query(value = "INSERT INTO rank" +
"(SELECT id, shop_id, SUM(sales) AS score, CAST(NULL AS INT) AS rank " +
"FROM " +
"(SELECT id, shop_id, sales FROM daily_pod " +
"WHERE shop_id = :shopId " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT id, shop_id, sales FROM weekly_pod " +
"WHERE shop_id = :shopId " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT id, shop_id, sales FROM end_pod " +
"WHERE shop_id = :shopId) " +
"AS pods " +
"GROUP BY id, shop_id ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT :limit) " +
"SET shop_id = EXCLUDED.shop_id, score = EXCLUDED.score, " +
"rank_count = EXCLUDED.rank_count;"
, nativeQuery = true)
void calcScore(@Param("shopId") Integer shopId,
@Param("limit") Integer limit);
我看过这些链接 如何使用JPA查询将数据插入到DB中?它使用nativeQuery=true 如何在Spring-Data中插入数据库?建议使用内置的save方法(还有一个saveAndFulsh()方法) 有没有办法只使用@query&@modifying(即不使用本机SQL查询&nativequery=true,或save()或saveAndFlush()来完成插入?
为了测试@version注释,我使用以下设置来管理持久性: Spring Boot Starter 1.5.3.发布 Hibernate5.2.10.final Spring Data Envers 1.1.3.Release->Spring Data JPA 1.11.3.Release 测试的数据库: H2 PostgreSQL Mariadb 甲骨文 实体正在使用一个@version注释字段
问题内容: 我想从返回一个整数列表 呼叫 为什么以下不正确? 特别是为什么我会得到“ …未知实体:java.lang.Integer” 我是否必须创建一个实体类,该实体类具有一个作为Integer的单个字段? 谢谢 问题答案: 您所做的称为 投影 。那是当您仅返回属于一个实体的 标 量值时。您可以使用JPA做到这一点。请参阅标量值。 我认为在这种情况下,可以完全省略实体类型: 例子取自这里。
If you are writing a dynamic web page where content containing mathematics may appear after MathJax has already typeset the rest of the page, then you will need to tell MathJax to look for mathematics
Example 38. Declare query at the method using the @Query annotation.(使用@Query注解声明查询) public interface BookRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Book, String> { @Query("{"bool" : {"must" : {"f