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Android JSON无法从START_OBJECT反序列化ArrayList(JSON结构不正确)



我正在从JSON创建POJO,我已经尝试过GSON,现在我正在使用JACKSON,因为我认为JACKSON TREE会帮助我。



JSON 示例:

  "result": {
    "FeatureCollection": {
      "boundedBy": {
        "Envelope": {
          "lowerCorner": "-DUMMIE",
          "srsName": "DUMMIE",
          "upperCorner": "DUMMIE"
      "featureMember": [
          "Spill": {
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "extension": {
              "Extension": {
                "area": 401994.1,
                "width": 288.6,
                "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
                "length": 2797,
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
          "Spill": {
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "extension": [
                "Extension": {
                  "area": 401994.1,
                  "width": 288.6,
                  "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
                  "length": 2797,
                "Extension": {
                  "area": 401994.1,
                  "width": 288.6,
                  "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
                  "length": 2797,
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
            "DUMMIE": "DUMMIE",
      "xsi:schemaLocation": "DUMMIE",
      "numberOfFeatures": 10
  "status": "success"


public class Spill {

private String dataSource;
private String timeStamp;
private Double SARWindWindIntensity;
private Double reliabilityIndex;
private String meteoWindDataType;
private String eventid;
private Center center;
private Double area;
private String description;
private Long SARWindWindDirection;
private String name;
private String meteoWindDataSource;
private Double length;
private Double meteoWindWindIntensity;
private String SARWindDataSource;
private String SARWindDataType;
private Long meteoWindWindDirection;
private ImageIdentifier imageIdentifier;
private Double width;
private String origin;
private List<Extension> extension = new ArrayList<Extension>();
private BoundedBy__ boundedBy;
private AuxiliaryDataRef auxiliaryDataRef;
private String gmlId;
private Boolean alignedWithTrack;
private Long distanceFromCoast;
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

 * @return The dataSource
public String getDataSource() {
    return dataSource;

 * @param dataSource
 *            The dataSource
public void setDataSource(String dataSource) {
    this.dataSource = dataSource;

 * @return The timeStamp
public String getTimeStamp() {
    return timeStamp;

 * @param timeStamp
 *            The timeStamp
public void setTimeStamp(String timeStamp) {
    this.timeStamp = timeStamp;

 * @return The SARWindWindIntensity
public Double getSARWindWindIntensity() {
    return SARWindWindIntensity;

 * @param SARWindWindIntensity
 *            The SARWind_windIntensity
public void setSARWindWindIntensity(Double SARWindWindIntensity) {
    this.SARWindWindIntensity = SARWindWindIntensity;

 * @return The reliabilityIndex
public Double getReliabilityIndex() {
    return reliabilityIndex;

 * @param reliabilityIndex
 *            The reliabilityIndex
public void setReliabilityIndex(Double reliabilityIndex) {
    this.reliabilityIndex = reliabilityIndex;

 * @return The meteoWindDataType
public String getMeteoWindDataType() {
    return meteoWindDataType;

 * @param meteoWindDataType
 *            The meteoWind_dataType
public void setMeteoWindDataType(String meteoWindDataType) {
    this.meteoWindDataType = meteoWindDataType;

 * @return The eventid
public String getEventid() {
    return eventid;

 * @param eventid
 *            The eventid
public void setEventid(String eventid) {
    this.eventid = eventid;

 * @return The center
public Center getCenter() {
    return center;

 * @param center
 *            The center
public void setCenter(Center center) {
    this.center = center;

 * @return The area
public Double getArea() {
    return area;

 * @param area
 *            The area
public void setArea(Double area) {
    this.area = area;

 * @return The description
public String getDescription() {
    return description;

 * @param description
 *            The description
public void setDescription(String description) {
    this.description = description;

 * @return The SARWindWindDirection
public Long getSARWindWindDirection() {
    return SARWindWindDirection;

 * @param SARWindWindDirection
 *            The SARWind_windDirection
public void setSARWindWindDirection(Long SARWindWindDirection) {
    this.SARWindWindDirection = SARWindWindDirection;

 * @return The name
public String getName() {
    return name;

 * @param name
 *            The name
public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;

 * @return The meteoWindDataSource
public String getMeteoWindDataSource() {
    return meteoWindDataSource;

 * @param meteoWindDataSource
 *            The meteoWind_dataSource
public void setMeteoWindDataSource(String meteoWindDataSource) {
    this.meteoWindDataSource = meteoWindDataSource;

 * @return The length
public Double getLength() {
    return length;

 * @param length
 *            The length
public void setLength(Double length) {
    this.length = length;

 * @return The meteoWindWindIntensity
public Double getMeteoWindWindIntensity() {
    return meteoWindWindIntensity;

 * @param meteoWindWindIntensity
 *            The meteoWind_windIntensity
public void setMeteoWindWindIntensity(Double meteoWindWindIntensity) {
    this.meteoWindWindIntensity = meteoWindWindIntensity;

 * @return The SARWindDataSource
public String getSARWindDataSource() {
    return SARWindDataSource;

 * @param SARWindDataSource
 *            The SARWind_dataSource
public void setSARWindDataSource(String SARWindDataSource) {
    this.SARWindDataSource = SARWindDataSource;

 * @return The SARWindDataType
public String getSARWindDataType() {
    return SARWindDataType;

 * @param SARWindDataType
 *            The SARWind_dataType
public void setSARWindDataType(String SARWindDataType) {
    this.SARWindDataType = SARWindDataType;

 * @return The meteoWindWindDirection
public Long getMeteoWindWindDirection() {
    return meteoWindWindDirection;

 * @param meteoWindWindDirection
 *            The meteoWind_windDirection
public void setMeteoWindWindDirection(Long meteoWindWindDirection) {
    this.meteoWindWindDirection = meteoWindWindDirection;

 * @return The imageIdentifier
public ImageIdentifier getImageIdentifier() {
    return imageIdentifier;

 * @param imageIdentifier
 *            The imageIdentifier
public void setImageIdentifier(ImageIdentifier imageIdentifier) {
    this.imageIdentifier = imageIdentifier;

 * @return The width
public Double getWidth() {
    return width;

 * @param width
 *            The width
public void setWidth(Double width) {
    this.width = width;

 * @return The origin
public String getOrigin() {
    return origin;

 * @param origin
 *            The origin
public void setOrigin(String origin) {
    this.origin = origin;

 * @return The extension
public List<Extension> getExtension() {
    return extension;

 * @param extension
 *            The extension
public void setExtension(List<Extension> extension) {
    this.extension = extension;

 * @return The boundedBy
public BoundedBy__ getBoundedBy() {
    return boundedBy;

 * @param boundedBy
 *            The boundedBy
public void setBoundedBy(BoundedBy__ boundedBy) {
    this.boundedBy = boundedBy;

 * @return The auxiliaryDataRef
public AuxiliaryDataRef getAuxiliaryDataRef() {
    return auxiliaryDataRef;

 * @param auxiliaryDataRef
 *            The auxiliaryDataRef
public void setAuxiliaryDataRef(AuxiliaryDataRef auxiliaryDataRef) {
    this.auxiliaryDataRef = auxiliaryDataRef;

 * @return The gmlId
public String getGmlId() {
    return gmlId;

 * @param gmlId
 *            The gml:id
public void setGmlId(String gmlId) {
    this.gmlId = gmlId;

 * @return The alignedWithTrack
public Boolean getAlignedWithTrack() {
    return alignedWithTrack;

 * @param alignedWithTrack
 *            The alignedWithTrack
public void setAlignedWithTrack(Boolean alignedWithTrack) {
    this.alignedWithTrack = alignedWithTrack;

 * @return The distanceFromCoast
public Long getDistanceFromCoast() {
    return distanceFromCoast;

 * @param distanceFromCoast
 *            The distanceFromCoast
public void setDistanceFromCoast(Long distanceFromCoast) {
    this.distanceFromCoast = distanceFromCoast;

public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() {
    return this.additionalProperties;

public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) {
    this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);



CnsDetection cnsDetection = gson.fromJson(json, CnsDetection.class);


    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
cnsDetection = mapper.readValue(json, CnsDetection.class);


还看过:-如何使用Gson动态处理json响应数组/对象- GSON期望BEGIN_ARRAY但却是BEGIN_OBJECT





public class ExtensionDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<Extension>> {
JacksonHelper jacksonHelper = JacksonHelper.getInstance();

public List<Extension> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException {
    ObjectCodec oc = jsonParser.getCodec();
    JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jsonParser);
    List<Extension> result = new ArrayList<Extension>();

    if (node.isObject()) {
        result =
                        jacksonHelper.getMapper().getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, Extension.class));
    if (node.isArray()) {
    return result;


public class ExtensionDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<Extension>> {
JacksonHelper jacksonHelper = JacksonHelper.getInstance();

public List<Extension> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException {
    ObjectCodec oc = jsonParser.getCodec();
    JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jsonParser);
    List<Extension> result = new ArrayList<Extension>();

    if (node.isObject()) {
        result.add(jacksonHelper.getMapper().treeToValue(node, Extension.class));
    if (node.isArray()) {
        result = jacksonHelper.getMapper().readValue(node.traverse(), new TypeReference<List<Extension>>() {
    return result;




public static class Extension {
    private Double area;
    public String width;
    public String length;









为< code>extension属性创建自定义的< code>JsonDeserializer,并检查节点类型是数组还是对象,如果节点是对象,则将其添加到返回列表中。

    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

    import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
    import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser;
    import org.codehaus.jackson.ObjectCodec;
    import org.codehaus.jackson.map.DeserializationContext;
    import org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonDeserializer;
    import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper;

    class ExtensionDeSerializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<Extension>> {
        public List<Extension> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException {
            ObjectCodec oc = jsonParser.getCodec();
            JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jsonParser);
            List<Extension> result = new ArrayList<Extension>();
            if (node.isObject()) {

                ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                // @firetrap less obscure and better solution
                //result.add(jacksonHelper.getMapper().treeToValue(node, Extension.class));

                result = mapper.convertValue(node, mapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, Extension.class));
            if (node.isArray()) {
            return result;

将< code>@JsonDeserialize批注添加到POJO类的< code>extension属性中。

private List<Extension> extension = new ArrayList<Extension>();



  • 我以前从未使用过JSON,我想序列化

  • 当然,所有依赖项(子类追加在同一个字符串中)。 从外部API获取数据的代码是; 当我运行代码并试图获取adress“API/3”时,出现以下错误:

  • 问题内容: 我试图序列化和反序列化内部对象的数组列表: HairList对象也是一个可序列化的对象。 此代码执行返回以下错误: 排队 我不知道我在做什么错。你能给个小费吗? 更新: 解决: 仅使用HairBirt的本机数组而不是ArrayList即可工作: 代替 感谢大家的帮助。 问题答案: 不要使用-而是使用二进制数据并对它进行base64编码,以将其转换为字符串而不会丢失信息。 我强烈怀疑这是

  • 我试图读取这个json值并将其转换为java对象

  • 我是一个新手,正在尝试编写一个简单的应用程序,从大学校中提取一些学校数据。组织。json数据如下所示: 我的结构如下所示: 当我运行代码时,我得到“json:无法将对象解组为[]main.SchoolStruct类型的Go值” 我正在使用gopencils库来提出我的请求,并成功地将其用于非常简单的请求。你知道我可能做错了什么吗?

  • 问题内容: 我有可以访问所有国家/地区的休息网址-http://api.geonames.org/countryInfoJSON ?username=volodiaL。 我从春季3开始使用RestTemplate将返回的json解析为java对象: 当我运行此代码时,出现异常: 最后是我的国家/地区课程: 问题是返回的json包含根元素“ geonames”,其中包含国家元素数组,如下所示: 如何