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val whole = number.toInt() // Of course i know what this does :)
val sign = if (whole < 0) -1 else 1 // I converted this myself and believe this is correct Kotlin
val fraction = number - whole.toDouble() // And I know what this does

// need explanation from here down

for (i in 1..fractions.count()) {
    if (abs(fraction) > (fractions[i].1 + fractions[i - 1].1) / 2) {
        if ((fractions[i - 1].1) == (1.0)) run {
            return@run Pair("${whole + sign}", (whole + sign).toDouble())
        } else {
            return ("$whole" $fractions[i - 1].0, ${whole.toDouble() + (sign.toDouble() * fractions[i - 1].1))




package ***

import kotlin.math.abs

 * @author aminography

val Double.vulgarFraction: Pair<String, Double>
    get() {
        val whole = toInt()
        val sign = if (whole < 0) -1 else 1
        val fraction = this - whole

        for (i in 1 until fractions.size) {
            if (abs(fraction) > (fractionValues[i] + fractionValues[i - 1]) / 2) {
                return if (fractionValues[i - 1] == 1.0) {
                    "${whole + sign}" to (whole + sign).toDouble()
                } else {
                    "$whole ${fractions[i - 1]}" to whole + sign * fractionValues[i - 1]
        return "$whole" to whole.toDouble()

val Float.vulgarFraction: Pair<String, Double>
    get() = toDouble().vulgarFraction

private val fractions = arrayOf(
    "",                           // 16/16
    "\u00B9\u2075/\u2081\u2086",  // 15/16
    "\u215E",                     // 7/8
    "\u00B9\u00B3/\u2081\u2086",  // 13/16
    "\u00BE",                     // 3/4
    "\u00B9\u00B9/\u2081\u2086",  // 11/16
    "\u215D",                     // 5/8
    "\u2079/\u2081\u2086",        // 9/16
    "\u00BD",                     // 1/2
    "\u2077/\u2081\u2086",        // 7/16
    "\u215C",                     // 3/8
    "\u2075/\u2081\u2086",        // 5/16
    "\u00BC",                     // 1/4
    "\u00B3/\u2081\u2086",        // 3/16
    "\u215B",                     // 1/8
    "\u00B9/\u2081\u2086",        // 1/16
    ""                            // 0/16

private val fractionValues = arrayOf(
    15.0 / 16, 7.0 / 8, 13.0 / 16, 3.0 / 4, 11.0 / 16,
    5.0 / 8, 9.0 / 16, 1.0 / 2, 7.0 / 16, 3.0 / 8,
    5.0 / 16, 1.0 / 4, 3.0 / 16, 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 16,
val rand = java.util.Ranhtml" target="_blank">dom()
repeat(10) {
    val sign = if (rand.nextBoolean()) 1 else -1
    val number = rand.nextDouble() * rand.nextInt(100) * sign
    val vulgar = number.vulgarFraction
    println("Number: $number , Vulgar: ${vulgar.first} , Rounded: ${vulgar.second}")


号码:17.88674468660217,粗俗:17⅞ , 四舍五入:17.875
数字:13.422939071442359,粗俗:13⁷/₁₆ , 四舍五入:13.4375
数字:-56.70735924226373,粗俗:-56/₁₆ , 四舍五入:-56.6875
数字:22.657555818202972,粗俗:22/₁₆ , 四舍五入:22.6875
数字:2.951680466645306,粗俗:2⁵/₁₆ , 四舍五入:2.9375
数字:-8.8311628631306,粗俗:-8/₁₆ , 四舍五入:-8.8125
数字:28.639946409572655,粗俗:28⅝ , 四舍五入:28.625
数字:-28.43944783884085,粗俗:-28⁷/₁₆ , 四舍五入:-28.4375


// First look at the 'fractions' array. It starts from 16/16=1 down to 0/16=0.
// So it covers all the possible 16 cases for dividing a number by 16. 
// Note that 16/16=1 and 0/16=0 are the same in terms of division residual.

for (i in 1 until fractions.size) {
    // Here, we are searching for the proper fraction that is the nearest one to the
    // actual division residual. 
    // So, '|fraction| > (fractionValues[i] + fractionValues[i - 1]) / 2' means
    // that the fraction is closer to the greater one in the 'fractionValues' array 
    // (i.e. 'fractionValues[i - 1]').
    // Consider that we always want to find the proper 'fractionValues[i - 1]' and not 
    // 'fractionValues[i]' (According to the index of the 'for' loop which starts 
    // from 1, and not 0).

    if (abs(fraction) > (fractionValues[i] + fractionValues[i - 1]) / 2) {

        val fractionValue = fractionValues[i - 1]
        // Here we've found the proper fraction value (i.e. 'fractionValue').

        return if (fractionValue == 1.0) {
            // 'fractionValue == 1.0' means that the actual division residual was greater 
            // than 15/16 but closer to 16/16=1. So the final value should be rounded to
            // the nearest integer. Consider that in this case, the nearest integer for a
            // positive number is one more and for a negative number, one less. Finally, 
            // the summation with 'sign' does it for us :)

            "${whole + sign}" to (whole + sign).toDouble()
        } else {
            // Here we have 'fractionValue < 1.0'. The only thing is to calculate the 
            // rounded value which is the sum of 'whole' and the discovered 'fractionValue'.
            // As the value could be negative, by multiplying the 'sign' to the 
            // 'fractionValue', we will be sure that the summation is always correct.

            "$whole $fractionValue" to whole + sign * fractionValue

// Finally, if we are not able to find a proper 'fractionValue' for the input number, 
// it means the number had an integer value.
return "$whole" to whole.toDouble()
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