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import java.util.Scanner;

public class SariSariStore{
   public static void main (String [] args) {
   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
   int piattos = 20;
   int wRabbit = 1;
   int maxEM = 1;
   int nescafeO = 7;
   float iceW = 1.50f;
   System.out.println("Would you like to buy something? [Y/N]");
   char i = scanner.next().toLowerCase().charAt(0);
   do {
                     +"\n"+  "|          Sari Sari Mart         |"
                     +"\n"+  "==================================="
                     +"\n"+  "| What do you want to buy?        |"
                     +"\n"+  "|                                 |"
                     +"\n"+  "|    1) Piattos chips     20 Php  |" 
                     +"\n"+  "|    2) White Rabbit      1 Php   |"
                     +"\n"+  "|    3) Max extra menthol 1 Php   |"
                     +"\n"+  "|    4) Nescafe Original  7 Php   |"
                     +"\n"+  "|    5) Ice water         1.5 PhP |"
                     +"\n"+  "|    6) Exit                      |"
                     +"\n"+  "===================================");
          System.out.println("Please select option from the given choices: ");
          int choice = scanner.nextInt();
         if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 6){       
             if (choice == 1){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );
                 int quantity1 = scanner.nextInt(); 
                 int itotal1 = piattos * quantity1;
               System.out.println("Total price: " + itotal1 +" Php");  
            }else if (choice == 2){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );
                 int quantity2 = scanner.nextInt(); 
                 int itotal2 = wRabbit * quantity2;
               System.out.println("Total price: " + itotal2 +" Php");
            }else if (choice == 3){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );
                 int quantity3 = scanner.nextInt(); 
                 int itotal3 = maxEM * quantity3;
               System.out.println("Total price: " + itotal3 +" Php");
            }else if (choice == 4){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );
                 int quantity4 = scanner.nextInt(); 
                 int itotal4 = nescafeO * quantity4;
               System.out.println("Total price: " + itotal4 +" Php");
            }else if (choice == 5){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );
                 int quantity5 = scanner.nextInt(); 
                 float itotal5 = iceW * quantity5;
               System.out.println("Total price: " + itotal5 +" Php");
            }else if (choice == 6){ 
         System.out.println ("Sorry we do not have that item, please pick among the choices");
        int Total = itotal1 +itotal2 +itotal3 +itotal4 +itotal6; // problematic statement 
        System.out.println ("Your total is:"+ Total + " Php"); 
        System.out.println ("Do you still want to buy something? [Y/N]");
        i = scanner.next().toLowerCase().charAt(0);
   }while (i == 'y');
   if (i =='n'){
     System.out.println("Thank you! Please come again");





         System.out.println("Please select option from the given choices: ");
         int choice = scanner.nextInt();
         int total = 0;
         if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 6){       
            if (choice == 1){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );

               int quantity1 = scanner.nextInt(); 
               total = piattos * quantity1;

               System.out.println("Total price: " + total +" Php");  
            } else if (choice == 2){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );

               int quantity2 = scanner.nextInt(); 
               total = wRabbit * quantity2;

               System.out.println("Total price: " + total +" Php");
            } else if (choice == 3){ 
               System.out.print("How many would you like to buy? " );

               int quantity3 = scanner.nextInt(); 
               total = maxEM * quantity3;

               System.out.println("Total price: " + total +" Php");
        } else {
         System.out.println ("Sorry we do not have that item, please pick among the choices");
         System.out.println ("Your total is:"+ total + " Php");


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  • 方法是否可能返回“object”?谢谢

  • 我有 2 个代码示例: 工作正常。 虽然这段代码有编译错误: 说: 唯一的区别是int或int数组。 根本原因是什么?

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试运行使用类似本地Linux逻辑路径的命令,但是该逻辑路径(这是一个用户环境变量)不能通过来使用。但是当我使用Interactive时,我可以看到用户变量,并且命令在交互式会话上运行良好。我只能从“ exec”会话中查看系统级环境变量。使用JSch库甚至可以实现,如果是,那么我应该如何实现它;如果不是,我应该使用哪个库来实现? 在下面添加我的课程代码:`public class