node1 node2
node1 node3
node2 node3
node3 node5
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ReadFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
File myObj = new File("interactions.txt");
Scanner FileReader = new Scanner(myObj);
while (FileReader.hasNextLine()) {
String data = FileReader.nextLine();
node1 node2
node1 node3
node2 node3
node3 node5
node2 node3 <<< repeating
node2 node6
node1 node3 <<< repeating
node1 node2
node1 node3
node2 node3
node3 node5
node2 node6
public static char q_TEXT_SEPARATOR = '|';
public static int q_MAX_TEXT_LINE_NBR = 1000;
public static char q_ALT_ENTER = '\n';
public static String q_CUSTOM_COMMENT_CHAR = "*";
public static String q_CUSTOM_SPLIT_CHAR = " ";
public static HashMap<String, String> w_nodes = new HashMap<String, String>();
public static boolean empty_line(String input) {
boolean w_bos_bilgi = (input == null || input.equals("") || input.trim().equals(""));
return w_bos_bilgi;
public static String[] custom_split(String s) {
return custom_split(s, q_TEXT_SEPARATOR);
public static String[] custom_split(String s, char q_TEXT_SEPARATOR) {
String[] p = new String[q_MAX_TEXT_LINE_NBR];
for (int i = 0; i < q_MAX_TEXT_LINE_NBR; i++) {
p[i] = "";
int totlen = s.length();
int i = 0;
int k = 0;
boolean finish = false;
while (!finish) {
if ((k >= totlen) || (i >= q_MAX_TEXT_LINE_NBR)) {
finish = true;
} else {
String w_tx = "";
boolean finish2 = false;
while (!finish2) {
char c = s.charAt(k);
if (( c == q_TEXT_SEPARATOR) || (k > totlen) || (i == q_MAX_TEXT_LINE_NBR)) {
finish2 = true;
} else {
if (c != q_ALT_ENTER) {
w_tx = w_tx + c;
k = k + 1;
if (!empty_line(w_tx)) {
p[i] = w_tx;
return p;
public static boolean existing(HashMap<String, String> x_nodes, String x_key, String x_value) {
if ( x_nodes.containsKey(x_key) && x_nodes.containsValue(x_value) ) {return false;}
else {return true;}
public static void import_nodes() {
String q_NODES_FILENAME = "C://...//interactions.txt";
BufferedReader q_NODES_in = null;
try {
q_NODES_in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(q_NODES_FILENAME));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("> WARNING : Nodes file not found !");
String w_file_str = "", w_line = "";
while ( q_NODES_in != null && w_line != null ) {
try {
w_line = q_NODES_in.readLine();
if ( empty_line(w_line) ) {continue;}
if ( w_line.startsWith(q_CUSTOM_COMMENT_CHAR)) {continue;}
if ( w_line == null || w_line.equals("null") ) {
throw new IOException();
w_file_str += w_line.replace(q_TEXT_SEPARATOR + "", "") + q_TEXT_SEPARATOR;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {q_NODES_in.close();} catch (Exception e) {}
if ( empty_line(w_file_str) ) {
System.out.println("> WARNING : Nodes file empty !");
String p[] = custom_split(w_file_str);
for (int i = 0; i < p.length && !empty_line(p[i]); i++) {
String w_key = "";
String w_node = (p[i] + " ");
int w_separator = w_node.indexOf(q_CUSTOM_SPLIT_CHAR);
if ( w_separator < 0 ) {continue;}
else {w_key = w_node.substring(0, w_separator);
w_node = w_node.substring(w_separator + 1);}
if ( p[i].trim().toUpperCase().startsWith(q_CUSTOM_COMMENT_CHAR)) {continue;} //UPD 2012/10/08
if ( existing(w_nodes, w_key, w_node) ) {
w_nodes.put(w_key, w_node);
System.out.println(w_key + " " + w_node);
// extends means that the class will inherit properties of HashMap
// Parameters between <> are generics, they determinate the types
// that are used as keys and values and same goes for HashSet, It does not matter
// what you substitute here as long as its not a buildin type (so not int but
// Integer), if you dont know what hashmap is or dont understand generics, search
// it on internet
public class Network extends HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> {
// this is a constructor as it is named the same as Class and hes not
// return type specified. in this case we are initializin contents of the
// map and throws specifies that this Method can fail and what it can
// throw, this is java vay of passing errors up and leaving caller to
// handle then.
public Network(String filename) throws IOException {
// This is what i hate about java and that are buffer readers
// this isnt that bad but if you get like 4 nested to each other...
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
while(true) {
String line = reader.readLine();
if(line == null) return; // null signalizes we read all lines
// look for dosc of String.split if you dont know what it
// does
String[] nds = line.split(" ");
// as you can see we can call methods of Hashmap, like
// computeIfAbsent, as if it was member of Network. That
// wierd arrow is an lambda expression, search for java lambda
// expressions to learn more, same goes for computeIfAbsent
HashSet<String> set = computeIfAbsent(nds[0], k -> new HashSet<>());
// Finally as ewerithing in java is pointer except some
// simple types we can modify set like so. Good thing about
// set is that i takes care of ensuring that we have no
// duplicates
// a simple abstraction that encapsulates logic, as i dont like returning
// null in this case, throwing an exception makes it more obvious, though
// of corse you might change it for better user experiance as writing try
// catchs ewriwhare is annoying
public int getInteractionCountFor(String nodeName) throws NoSuchElementException {
HashSet<String> set = get(nodeName);
if (set == null) {
// throwing our own exception with custom message
throw new NoSuchElementException("the network does not contain " + nodeName);
return set.size();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try {
File myObj = new File("interactions.txt");
Scanner FileReader = new Scanner(myObj);
while (FileReader.hasNextLine()) {
String data = FileReader.nextLine();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
try {
File myObj = new File("interactions.txt");
// check if file exists - if not - create
if (myObj.createNewFile()) {
System.out.println("File created: " + myObj.getName());
} else {
System.out.println("File already exists.");
Scanner FileReader = new Scanner(myObj);
while (FileReader.hasNextLine()) {
String data = FileReader.nextLine();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
问题内容: 我会尽量保持清楚,但如果我的问题不完美,请原谅我。我有一个包含多行数据的txt文件。例: 123拉尔夫·玻色20000 200 1 2 256 ed shane 30000 100 2 4 … 我需要按顺序读取每一行,并将其传递回单独类中的方法进行处理。我知道如何通过使用StringTokenizer将每一行分解为元素。 但是,我不确定如何一次读取一行,将元素传递回另一类,然后在完成处
我的项目中有这样一段代码: 没有错误,应用程序运行正常,但是变量中从来没有任何文本,我确信txt文件中有文本! 我已经尝试过不同的方法来读取文本文件(使用BufferedReader、Scanner、FileInputStream和FileReader),但都不起作用。 另外,我几乎可以肯定问题不在变量中,因为我尝试通过代码(使用运行时)打开文件,它正常打开了正确的文件。 好的,我尝试添加,但是仍
我正在编写一个程序,使用一个文件中的30个分数,计算出最低、最高和平均分数。我很难理解如何编写循环语句来读取每个等级并更新最低/最高等级,并在读取下一个等级之前将该值添加到总和。 谢谢想出来了:
问题内容: 比方说,我有一个文件夹,名为和里面我有,和。如何使用Java和读取文件夹中的所有文件(如果可能的话)? 问题答案: 类似于以下内容应该可以帮助您,请注意,为了简单起见,我使用apache commons FileUtils而不是弄乱缓冲区和流…
问题内容: 请看下面的代码 在这里,首先获取文件的字节,然后将其写入文本文件。然后,我阅读了该文本文件,逐行阅读,并为每一行生成了一个单独的.txt文件。现在,原始程序被拆分为数千个文件。现在,我需要阅读所有.txt文件并重新生成.txt文件。我不知道怎么做最后一件事。我怎样才能做到这一点?请帮忙! 问题答案: 如果要操作任何类型的文件,请不要认为它们包含文本数据,而应将它们视为包含字节的二进制文
问题内容: 我正在研究一个Java程序,该程序逐行读取文本文件,每个文本文件都有一个数字,将每个数字都将其扔到数组中,然后尝试使用插入排序对数组进行排序。我需要有关程序读取文本文件的帮助。 我收到以下错误消息: 我的“ src”,“ bin”和主项目文件夹中有.txt文件的副本,但仍找不到该文件。我正在使用Eclipse。 问题答案: 你必须把文件扩展名放在这里