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    set thisFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder to which you want to attach the action." default location (path to desktop))
set thisScript to (choose file with prompt "Choose the action you want to attach to the folder." )

tell application "System Events"
    set folder actions enabled to true
    -- Only one 'folder action' can be attached to any one folder at any one time, but each may contain one or more 'scripts'. It's the scripts' folder action handlers which are triggered, not the scripts themselves. So a single script may contain different handlers for different triggers or you can have several scripts.
    -- The folder path specified when creating an action can currently be either an HFS path or a POSIX path, BUT the value actually set is a POSIX path without a trailing slash — which is revelant for any script which may test folder action 'path' values.
    set thisAction to (make new folder action at end of folder actions with properties {path:(POSIX path of thisFolder)})
    -- Only the script's name is specified as it's assumed to be in one of the (~)/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ folders.
    make new script at end of thisAction's scripts with properties {name:(get thisScript's name)}
end tell


script.scpt:357:450: execution error: System Events got an error: AppleEvent handler failed (-10000)


on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
     display dialog "added"
 end adding folder items to






set thisFolder to (choose folder with prompt "select folder")
set thisScript to (choose file with prompt "Select script to attach")

tell application "Finder" to set ScripName to name of thisScript
set ScriptPath to POSIX path of thisScript

tell application "System Events"
    set thisAction to (make new folder action at end of folder actions with properties {path:(POSIX path of thisFolder)})
    tell thisAction to make new script at end of scripts with properties {name:ScripName, POSIX path:ScriptPath}
end tell

警告:如果此文件夹已经设置为操作(即使现在附加了脚本),制作新文件夹操作(第一条指令)将失败。因此,在测试时,要么将其放在try/end try块中,要么每次测试该脚本时都必须删除此文件夹的操作。

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  • 在批处理脚本中,可以使用任何编程语言执行普通的基于文件夹的操作。 以下是一些可以在文件夹上执行的操作。 创建文件夹 列出文件夹 遍历文件夹中的文件 删除文件夹 重命名文件夹

  • 在入口页面设置并开启 session 【文件形式】 文件 index.php <?php //session 存储类型,不定义默认 file define('PG_SESSION_TYPE' , 'file'); //session 存储位置 不定义 PG_SESSION_DIR 则session文件默认保存文件夹为 ./sessions define('PG_SESSION_DIR' , './

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