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@Indexes(@Index(value = "Name", fields = @Field("Name")))
public class MovieDetails implements Serializable
    public String Id;
    public String Name;
    public String Description;
    public String ImageName;
    public LocalDate ReleaseDate;
    public String Director;
    public int Duration;
    public String Genres;
    public String Actors;

    public MovieDetails()


    public MovieDetails(String id, String name, String description, String imageName, String director, String actors, LocalDate releaseDate, String genres, int duration)
        this (name, description, imageName, director, actors, releaseDate, genres, duration);
        Id = id;

    public MovieDetails(String name, String description, String imageName, String director, String actors, LocalDate releaseDate, String genres, int duration)
        Name = name;
        Description = description;
        ImageName = imageName;
        Director = director;
        Actors = actors;
        ReleaseDate = releaseDate;
        Genres = genres;
        Duration = duration;
final Morphia morphia = new Morphia();

// tell Morphia where to find your classes
// can be called multiple times with different packages or classes

// create the Datastore connecting to the default port on the local host
final Datastore datastore =

    //region new movie
    MovieDetails movie = new MovieDetails("The Mask", "Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey) is a bank clerk that is an incredibly nice man. Unfortunately," +
            " he is too nice for his own good and is a pushover when it comes to confrontations. After one of the worst days of his life, he finds a mask that depicts Loki, " +
            "the Norse night god of mischief. Now, when he puts it on, he becomes his inner, self: a cartoon romantic wild man. However, a small time crime boss, Dorian Tyrel (Peter Greene), " +
            "comes across this character dubbed The Mask by the media. After Ipkiss's alter ego indirectly kills his friend in crime," +
            " Tyrel now wants this green-faced goon destroyed.",
                                          "MASK.jpg", "Chuck Russell", "Jim Carrey as Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask,Cameron Diaz as Tina Carlyle,Amy Yasbeck as Peggy Brandt,Joely Fisher as Maggie", new LocalDate(1994, 2, 1), "Action,Comedy,CrimeAction,Family,Fantasy", 88);

// Clearing the db first

// Saving a new entity and getting the result saved id
String id = (String) datastore.save(movie).getId();

// This returns as null
MovieDetails movieRetrieved = datastore.get(MovieDetails.class, id);

// This returns with one item
List<MovieDetails> allMovies = datastore.createQuery(MovieDetails.class).asList();






我会将I'd字段从String更改为BSON ObjectId字段,MongoDB将在保存时自动分配该字段。如果然后使用ObjectId作为参数进行get调用,它应该可以工作。强烈建议在Mongo中使用ObjectId作为ID字段。

我猜Morphia正试图将一个ObjectId添加到字符串Id字段中,但在某个地方有一个小bug。我将尝试调用datastore.get(example.class,new ObjectId(id))。

  • c.POST请求(使用Postman和contenttype:application/json)... d.执行POST后,MongoDB集合中的数据看起来很好... E.一切都像魅力一样工作,直到这里,SysOut打印出组织新创建的ID... null 感激任何帮助和提前感谢... SG

  • 我发现了这篇文章,其中讨论了是否应该建立文档之间的引用。我想注释我的类,以便在文档中创建引用: 这里,列表先决条件的对象具有对列表BS的对象的引用。在中可能吗?它是如何被称为的(我无法使用关键字“嵌入引用”和“文档内引用”找到任何信息。)Morphia的解决方案会是什么样子? 编辑:我知道引用注释,但它似乎引用了anoter集合,而不是同一个文档中的对象列表。我只想确保序列化的java对象被正确地

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  • 我尝试将Drools 7.4.1集成到tomcat中的webapp中。 当我调用以下语句以获取KieService时,我得到。 当从测试方法调用相同的方法时,这是正常的。 有人能帮忙吗?

  • 我正在尝试编写一个sokoban求解器,我的代码可以工作,但是计算解决方案需要很多时间。我想这是因为我使用ArrayList,我尝试使用Hashtable,但是方法get不起作用, 因此,当我填充哈希表,并使用键获取列表时,我得到空值。 然而,顶点存在于图形中。 如何解决此问题以提高Sokoban解算器的速度。

  • 我正在开发一个Java的Restful Web应用程序,并计划将MongoDB与吗啡用作ODM。由于我是MongoDB的新手,我需要一些建议。 > 处理db连接的最佳方法是使用db连接池,mongoClient负责处理。 所以我需要重用上面的数据存储,而不是在每次请求时创建一个新实例,因为它会浪费大量资源并影响性能。我应该将上述实现为单例类吗?有人能帮我解决这个问题吗?