import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class Account
private NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
private final double RATE = 0.035; // interest rate of 3.5%
private long acctNumber;
private double balance;
private String name;
// Sets up the account by defining its owner, account number,
// and initial balance.
public Account (String owner, long account, double initial)
name = owner;
acctNumber = account;
balance = initial;
// Validates the transaction, then deposits the specified amount
// into the account. Returns the new balance.
public double deposit (double amount)
if (amount < 0) // deposit value is negative
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Deposit amount is invalid.");
System.out.println (acctNumber + " " + fmt.format(amount));
balance = balance + amount;
return balance;
// Validates the transaction, then withdraws the specified amount
// from the account. Returns the new balance.
public double withdraw (double amount, double fee)
amount += fee;
if (amount < 0) // withdraw value is negative
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Withdraw amount is invalid.");
System.out.println ("Account: " + acctNumber);
System.out.println ("Requested: " + fmt.format(amount));
if (amount > balance) // withdraw value exceeds balance
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Insufficient funds.");
System.out.println ("Account: " + acctNumber);
System.out.println ("Requested: " + fmt.format(amount));
System.out.println ("Available: " + fmt.format(balance));
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
public double transfer (double amount, double fee)
amount += fee;
if (amount < 0) // withdraw value is negative
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Withdraw amount is invalid.");
System.out.println ("Account: " + acctNumber);
System.out.println ("Requested: " + fmt.format(amount));
if (amount > balance) // withdraw value exceeds balance
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Insufficient funds.");
System.out.println ("Account: " + acctNumber);
System.out.println ("Requested: " + fmt.format(amount));
System.out.println ("Available: " + fmt.format(balance));
balance = balance - amount;
//What should I put here to deposit the amount into another account?
if (amount < 0) // deposit value is negative
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Deposit amount is invalid.");
System.out.println (acctNumber + " " + fmt.format(amount));
balance = balance + amount;
// Adds interest to the account and returns the new balance.
public double addInterest ()
balance += (balance * RATE);
return balance;
// Returns the current balance of the account.
public double getBalance ()
return balance;
// Returns the account number.
public long getAccountNumber ()
return acctNumber;
// Returns a one-line description of the account as a string.
public String toString ()
return (acctNumber + "\t" + name + "\t" + fmt.format(balance));
public static void main(String[] args)
// This creates two different accounts :)
Account a = new Account("userA", 123, 200);
Account b = new Account("userB", 234, 500);
// Tranfer
a.withdraw(100, 5);
public static void transfer (Account from, Account to, double amount, double fee)
from.withdraw(amount, fee);
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class Account
private NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
private final double RATE = 0.035; // interest rate of 3.5%
private long acctNumber;
private double balance;
private String name;
// Sets up the account by defining its owner, account number,
// and initial balance.
public Account (String owner, long account, double initial)
name = owner;
acctNumber = account;
balance = initial;
public Account()
// This would be the default constructor and default account
name ="N/A";
acctNumber = 0;
balance = 0.0;
// Validates the transaction, then deposits the specified amount
// into the account. Returns the new balance.
public double deposit (double amount)
if (amount < 0) // deposit value is negative
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Deposit amount is invalid.");
System.out.println (acctNumber + " " + fmt.format(amount));
balance = balance + amount;
return balance;
// Validates the transaction, then withdraws the specified amount
// from the account. Returns the new balance.
public double withdraw (double amount, double fee)
amount += fee;
if (amount < 0) // withdraw value is negative
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Withdraw amount is invalid.");
System.out.println ("Account: " + acctNumber);
System.out.println ("Requested: " + fmt.format(amount));
if (amount > balance) // withdraw value exceeds balance
System.out.println ();
System.out.println ("Error: Insufficient funds.");
System.out.println ("Account: " + acctNumber);
System.out.println ("Requested: " + fmt.format(amount));
System.out.println ("Available: " + fmt.format(balance));
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
// Adds interest to the account and returns the new balance.
public double addInterest ()
balance += (balance * RATE);
return balance;
// Returns the current balance of the account.
public double getBalance ()
return balance;
// Returns the account number.
public long getAccountNumber ()
return acctNumber;
// Returns a one-line description of the account as a string.
public String toString ()
return (acctNumber + "\t" + name + "\t" + fmt.format(balance));
public class test
public static void main(String[] args)
// Created here
Account defaultAccount = new Account();
Account a = new Account("userA", 123, 200);
Account b = new Account("userB", 234, 500);
// Tranfer
a.withdraw(100, 5);
public static void transfer (Account from, Account to, double amount, double fee)
from.withdraw(amount, fee);
我目前正在开发一个应用程序,用户A可以从用户B那里购买东西。 我想做的是让用户A用PayPal付款。然后在后端,我增加用户B在我的数据库中的帐户余额,然后允许用户B将这笔钱提取到他的银行帐户。这是我的问题,是否可以将钱从PayPal转移到各种银行账户?例如,用户B通过表单发送他的银行帐号,并在后端进行适当的API调用以转移资金。 如果没有使用PayPal,那么我如何执行这种类型的转移,可能是使用其
我们不允许寻求书籍、工具、软件库等推荐的问题。你可以编辑这个问题,以便用事实和引用来回答。 有没有任何API可以让我们自动将钱转入其他银行账户?我只发现我无法使用PayPal API完成。 我在一个银行帐户上有用户资金,在应用程序中执行一些操作后,我需要将此资金转移到其他用户银行帐户。 总结一下,一步一步: > 用户1向申请银行账户汇款。 几个小时后,用户1通过单击按钮确认应用程序的某些操作。 在
是否可以通过某种服务向欧洲或其他地方的银行账户付款?(我想找到双向运营服务——这样我就可以从用户银行账户(信用卡凭证)支付到服务和!!从服务到银行账户。 到目前为止,我发现Stripe只能向美国银行账户汇款,而PayPal只能向另一个PayPal账户汇款,而不是银行账户。。。
本文向大家介绍Python实现银行账户资金交易管理系统,包括了Python实现银行账户资金交易管理系统的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 用类和对象实现一个银行账户的资金交易管理, 包括存款、取款和打印交易详情, 交易详情中包含每次交易的时间、存款或者取款的金额、每次交易后的余额。 如: 下面按照要求定义一个账户 Account 类。账户 Account 类的属性: 1. 当前账户金额
我需要找到向银行账户自动付款的最佳解决方案。我的场景是,我们有一个银行账户的资金(如果需要,可以注册一个像贝宝或条纹提供商帐户)。 当用户提交资金请求时,我需要从我们的银行帐户(或支付提供商帐户)自动将该金额发送到他们的银行帐户。有没有办法实现自动化?它需要能够支持大多数欧洲银行账户。
我对以下语法有一些问题。 我目前正在学习Java,并一直在复习过去的试卷,以帮助我积累Java知识。 问题是: 编写一个类帐户,其中包含帐户编号和当前余额的实例变量。实现一个构造函数和方法getAccountNumber()、getBalance()、借记(双倍金额)和贷记(双倍金额)。在执行借记和贷记时,请检查指定的金额是否为正数,并且在借记方法中不会导致透支。在这些情况下返回false。否则,