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改装响应。body()为null,但API JSON在Logcat中可见


我有我的AndroidJavaREST API代码与另一个使用JSON对象层次结构的REST API完美配合(又名列表-托架-对象1-托架对象2)。现在我转向一个简化的API(谷歌地图时区——只有一个简单的对象,有5个字段),但我不知道如何将谷歌数据放入我的对象。

我的状态代码是200,我可以在我的logcat中看到googlemaps输出/JSON,但我的对象是空的。我读了这篇文章“0改型2:response.body()为空,但状态代码为200 2”,我确信我也有同样的问题,但我不知道如何调整对象模型来修复它。这是我的东西。。。



D/OkHttp: {
D/OkHttp:    "dstOffset" : 0,
D/OkHttp:    "rawOffset" : -28800,
D/OkHttp:    "status" : "OK",
D/OkHttp:    "timeZoneId" : "America/Los_Angeles",
D/OkHttp:    "timeZoneName" : "Pacific Standard Time"
D/OkHttp: }


Log.e(" main ", " apt " + response.body().getResults());
E/ main:  apt null


ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.getClient(1).create(ApiInterface.class);
Call<ApiTimes> call = apiService.getTime(location,epoch,GOOG_TZ_KEY);
call.enqueue(new Callback<ApiTimes>() {
    public void onResponse(Call<ApiTimes> call, Response<ApiTimes> response) {
        int statusCode = response.code();
        Log.e(" main ", " apt " + response.body().getResults());
    public void onFailure(Call<ApiTimes> call, Throwable t) {
        Log.e(" getFS ", t.toString());


public class ApiTime {

    private ApiTime apitime;

    private Long dstOffset;
    private Long rawOffset;
    private String status;
    private String timeZoneId;
    private String timeZoneName;

    public ApiTime(Long dstOffset, Long rawOffset, String status, String timeZoneId, String timeZoneName) {
        this.dstOffset = dstOffset  ;
        this.rawOffset =  rawOffset ;
        this.status = status  ;
        this.timeZoneId = timeZoneId  ;
        this.timeZoneName = timeZoneName  ;

    public ApiTime getResults() {
        return apitime;

    public void setResults(ApiTime apitimes) {
        this.apitime = apitime;

    public Long getDstOffset() {
        return dstOffset;
    public void setDstOffset(Long dstOffset) {
        this.dstOffset = dstOffset;
    public Long getRawOffset() {
        return rawOffset;
    public void setRawOffset(Long rawOffset) {
        this.rawOffset = rawOffset;
    public String getStatus() {
        return status;
    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;
    public String getTimeZoneId() {
        return timeZoneId;
    public void setTimeZoneId(String timeZoneId) {
        this.timeZoneId = timeZoneId;
    public String getTimeZoneName() {
        return timeZoneName;
    public void setTimeZoneName(String timeZoneName) {
        this.timeZoneName = timeZoneName;

    public String toString() {
        return "ApiTime{" +
                "dstOffset=" + dstOffset +
                ", rawOffset=" + rawOffset +
                ", status='" + status + '\'' +
                ", timeZoneId='" + timeZoneId + '\'' +
                ", timeZoneName='" + timeZoneName + '\'' +


public class ApiClient {
    public static final String URL0 = blah blah
    public static final String URL1 = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/";
    private static Retrofit retrofit = null;
    public static  String BASE_URL = "www.google.com";
    public static Retrofit getClient(int url) {

        BASE_URL = URL0;
        if (url == 1){
            BASE_URL = URL1;
        //The following block of code generates OkHttpClient loggging to LogCat.
        //Only use if debugging.
        OkHttpClient.Builder client = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
        HttpLoggingInterceptor loggingInterceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

        //Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
        //        .baseUrl(BASE_URL)
        //        .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create())
        //        .build();

        return retrofit;

public interface ApiInterface {
    Call<ApiTimes> getTime(@Query("location") String location, @Query("timestamp") String timestamp, @Query("key") String key);





public interface ApiInterface {
    Call<ApiTime> getTime(@Query("location") String location, @Query("timestamp") String timestamp, @Query("key") String key);


ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.getClient(1).create(ApiInterface.class);
Call<ApiTime> call = apiService.getTime(location, epoch, GOOG_TZ_KEY);
call.enqueue(new Callback<ApiTime>() {
    public void onResponse(Call<ApiTime> call, Response<ApiTime> response) {
        int statusCode = response.code();
        Log.e("main", "apt " + response.body());

    public void onFailure(Call<ApiTime> call, Throwable t) {
        Log.e("getFS ", t.toString());


public class ApiTime {

    private Long dstOffset;

    private Long rawOffset;

    private String status;

    private String timeZoneId;

    private String timeZoneName;

    // getters here
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