------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/12 08:44:41 - Process(1720412.1165) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9209: Connection to host 'HOST.B (' closed. EXPLANATION: An error occurred receiving data from 'HOST.B (' over TCP/IP. The connection to the remote host has unexpectedly terminated. ACTION: Tell the systems administrator. ----- amqccita.c : 3094 ------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/12 08:44:41 - Process(1720412.1165) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally. EXPLANATION: Channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.B' ended abnormally. ACTION: Look at previous error messages for channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.B' in the error files to determine the cause of the failure. ----- amqrccca.c : 777 -------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/12 08:44:41 - Process(1720412.1175) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9209: Connection to host 'HOST.C (' closed. EXPLANATION: An error occurred receiving data from 'HOST.C (' over TCP/IP. The connection to the remote host has unexpectedly terminated. ACTION: Tell the systems administrator. ----- amqccita.c : 3094 ------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/12 08:44:41 - Process(1720412.1175) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally. EXPLANATION: Channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.C' ended abnormally. ACTION: Look at previous error messages for channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.C' in the error files to determine the cause of the failure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
08/04/2012 08:44:09 AM - Process(17174.16023) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9259: Connection timed out from host 'HOST.A'. EXPLANATION: A connection from host 'HOST.A' over TCP/IP timed out. ACTION: Check to see why data was not received in the expected time. Correct the problem. Reconnect the channel, or wait for a retrying channel to reconnect itself. ----- amqccita.c : 3546 ------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/2012 08:44:09 AM - Process(17174.16023) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally. EXPLANATION: Channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.B' ended abnormally. ACTION: Look at previous error messages for channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.B' in the error files to determine the cause of the failure.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/12 08:44:35 - Process(462890.4658) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9259: Connection timed out from host 'HOST.A'. EXPLANATION: A connection from host 'HOST.A' over TCP/IP timed out. ACTION: Check to see why data was not received in the expected time. Correct the problem. Reconnect the channel, or wait for a retrying channel to reconnect itself. ----- amqccita.c : 3341 ------------------------------------------------------- 08/04/12 08:44:35 - Process(462890.4658) User(mqad) Program(amqrmppa) AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally. EXPLANATION: Channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.C' ended abnormally. ACTION: Look at previous error messages for channel program 'CHANNEL.TO.C' in the error files to determine the cause of the failure. ----- amqrmrsa.c : 468 --------------------------------------------------------
看起来您正在运行MQ的V7.1前版本?在MQ V7.1中,错误消息从以下位置更新:-
AMQ9259: Connection timed out from host 'HOST.A'.
A connection from host 'HOST.A' over TCP/IP timed out.
Check to see why data was not received in the expected time. Correct the
problem. Reconnect the channel, or wait for a retrying channel to reconnect
AMQ9259: Connection timed out from host 'HOST.A'.
A connection from host 'HOST.A' over TCP/IP timed out.
The select() [TIMEOUT] 60 seconds call timed out. Check to see why data was
not received in the expected time. Correct the problem. Reconnect the channel,
or wait for a retrying channel to reconnect itself.
我们正在使用Apache Ignite作为一个缓存来加速我们的授权和权限调用。在客户端加载应用程序期间,应用程序使用get调用访问Ignite缓存大约18次,在此期间,我们从Ignite获得频繁的缓存关闭异常。我们一直试图在大量调用中复制相同的调用,但在本地运行时,每18个调用中有3/4的调用发生错误 日志:
本文介绍 TiDB 集群运行过程中常见异常以及处理办法。 TiKV Store 异常进入 Tombstone 状态 正常情况下,当 TiKV Pod 处于健康状态时(Pod 状态为 Running),对应的 TiKV Store 状态也是健康的(Store 状态为 UP)。但并发进行 TiKV 组件的扩容和缩容可能会导致部分 TiKV Store 异常并进入 Tombstone 状态。此时,可以按
本文介绍了如何恢复误删的 TiDB 集群。 TidbCluster 管理的集群意外删除后恢复 TiDB Operator 使用 PV (Persistent Volume)、PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) 来存储持久化的数据,如果不小心使用 kubectl delete tc 意外删除了集群,PV/PVC 对象以及数据都会保留下来,以最大程度保证数据安全。 此时集群恢复
如果我尝试对其运行第一个命令行,则输出视频将给出一个错误。 所有的反馈赞赏缩短一个视频,然后添加结尾。 干杯!瑞安
注: 内容翻译自 Disaster recovery etcd 被设计为能承受机器失败。etcd 集群自动从临时失败(例如,机器重启)中恢复,而且对于一个有 N 个成员的集群能容许 (N-1)/2 的持续失败。当一个成员持续失败时,不管是因为硬件失败或者磁盘损坏,它丢失到集群的访问。如果集群持续丢失超过 (N-1)/2 的成员,则它只能悲惨的失败,无可救药的失去法定人数(quorum)。一旦法定人
PD Recover 是对 PD 进行灾难性恢复的工具,用于恢复无法正常启动或服务的 PD 集群。 下载 PD Recover 下载 TiDB 官方安装包: wget https://download.pingcap.org/tidb-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz ${version} 是 TiDB 集群版本,例如,v4.0.7。 解压安装包: tar -xzf ti