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public class TheMovieDbActivity extends Activity {

    private GridView gridView;
    private List<MovieModel> movieModelsList;
    private String ENDPOINT_URL = "https://api.themoviedb.org";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        gridView = (GridView) findViewById(R.id.gridView);

        final RestAdapter restadapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setEndpoint(ENDPOINT_URL).build();

        apiLocation apiLocation = restadapter.create(apiLocation.class);

        apiLocation.getData(new Callback<List<MovieModel>>() {
            public void success(List<MovieModel> movieModels, Response response) {
                movieModelsList = movieModels;
                MoviesGridViewAdapter adapter = new MoviesGridViewAdapter(getApplicationContext(), R.layout.movie_gridview_item, movieModelsList);

            public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


public class MoviesGridViewAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<MovieModel> {

    String url="http://services.hanselandpetal.com/photos/";

    private Context context;
    private List<MovieModel> movieModelList;
    LayoutInflater inflater;

    public MoviesGridViewAdapter(Context context, int resource, List<MovieModel> objects) {
        this.context = context;
        this.movieModelList = objects;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.movie_gridview_item, parent, false);
        MovieModel movieModel = movieModelList.get(position);
        ImageView img = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.grid_item_image);
        Picasso.with(getContext()).load(url+movieModel.getPosterPath()).resize(100, 100).into(img);
        return view;


public interface apiLocation {
    @GET("/3/movie/popular?my api key")
    void getData(Callback<List<MovieModel>> response);


public class MovieModel {

private Boolean adult;
private String backdropPath;
private Object belongsToCollection;
private Integer budget;
private List<Genre> genres = new ArrayList<Genre>();
private String homepage;
private Integer id;
private String imdbId;
private String originalLanguage;
private String originalTitle;
private String overview;
private Double popularity;
private String posterPath;
private List<ProductionCompany> productionCompanies = new ArrayList<ProductionCompany>();
private List<ProductionCountry> productionCountries = new ArrayList<ProductionCountry>();
private String releaseDate;
private Integer revenue;
private Integer runtime;
private List<SpokenLanguage> spokenLanguages = new ArrayList<SpokenLanguage>();
private String status;
private String tagline;
private String title;
private Boolean video;
private Double voteAverage;
private Integer voteCount;

 * @return
 *     The adult
public Boolean getAdult() {
    return adult;

 * @param adult
 *     The adult
public void setAdult(Boolean adult) {
    this.adult = adult;

 * @return
 *     The backdropPath
public String getBackdropPath() {
    return backdropPath;

 * @param backdropPath
 *     The backdrop_path
public void setBackdropPath(String backdropPath) {
    this.backdropPath = backdropPath;

 * @return
 *     The belongsToCollection
public Object getBelongsToCollection() {
    return belongsToCollection;

 * @param belongsToCollection
 *     The belongs_to_collection
public void setBelongsToCollection(Object belongsToCollection) {
    this.belongsToCollection = belongsToCollection;

 * @return
 *     The budget
public Integer getBudget() {
    return budget;

 * @param budget
 *     The budget
public void setBudget(Integer budget) {
    this.budget = budget;

 * @return
 *     The genres
public List<Genre> getGenres() {
    return genres;

 * @param genres
 *     The genres
public void setGenres(List<Genre> genres) {
    this.genres = genres;

 * @return
 *     The homepage
public String getHomepage() {
    return homepage;

 * @param homepage
 *     The homepage
public void setHomepage(String homepage) {
    this.homepage = homepage;

 * @return
 *     The id
public Integer getId() {
    return id;

 * @param id
 *     The id
public void setId(Integer id) {
    this.id = id;

 * @return
 *     The imdbId
public String getImdbId() {
    return imdbId;

 * @param imdbId
 *     The imdb_id
public void setImdbId(String imdbId) {
    this.imdbId = imdbId;

 * @return
 *     The originalLanguage
public String getOriginalLanguage() {
    return originalLanguage;

 * @param originalLanguage
 *     The original_language
public void setOriginalLanguage(String originalLanguage) {
    this.originalLanguage = originalLanguage;

 * @return
 *     The originalTitle
public String getOriginalTitle() {
    return originalTitle;

 * @param originalTitle
 *     The original_title
public void setOriginalTitle(String originalTitle) {
    this.originalTitle = originalTitle;

 * @return
 *     The overview
public String getOverview() {
    return overview;

 * @param overview
 *     The overview
public void setOverview(String overview) {
    this.overview = overview;

 * @return
 *     The popularity
public Double getPopularity() {
    return popularity;

 * @param popularity
 *     The popularity
public void setPopularity(Double popularity) {
    this.popularity = popularity;

 * @return
 *     The posterPath
public String getPosterPath() {
    return posterPath;

 * @param posterPath
 *     The poster_path
public void setPosterPath(String posterPath) {
    this.posterPath = posterPath;

 * @return
 *     The productionCompanies
public List<ProductionCompany> getProductionCompanies() {
    return productionCompanies;

 * @param productionCompanies
 *     The production_companies
public void setProductionCompanies(List<ProductionCompany> productionCompanies) {
    this.productionCompanies = productionCompanies;

 * @return
 *     The productionCountries
public List<ProductionCountry> getProductionCountries() {
    return productionCountries;

 * @param productionCountries
 *     The production_countries
public void setProductionCountries(List<ProductionCountry> productionCountries) {
    this.productionCountries = productionCountries;

 * @return
 *     The releaseDate
public String getReleaseDate() {
    return releaseDate;

 * @param releaseDate
 *     The release_date
public void setReleaseDate(String releaseDate) {
    this.releaseDate = releaseDate;

 * @return
 *     The revenue
public Integer getRevenue() {
    return revenue;

 * @param revenue
 *     The revenue
public void setRevenue(Integer revenue) {
    this.revenue = revenue;

 * @return
 *     The runtime
public Integer getRuntime() {
    return runtime;

 * @param runtime
 *     The runtime
public void setRuntime(Integer runtime) {
    this.runtime = runtime;

 * @return
 *     The spokenLanguages
public List<SpokenLanguage> getSpokenLanguages() {
    return spokenLanguages;

 * @param spokenLanguages
 *     The spoken_languages
public void setSpokenLanguages(List<SpokenLanguage> spokenLanguages) {
    this.spokenLanguages = spokenLanguages;

 * @return
 *     The status
public String getStatus() {
    return status;

 * @param status
 *     The status
public void setStatus(String status) {
    this.status = status;

 * @return
 *     The tagline
public String getTagline() {
    return tagline;

 * @param tagline
 *     The tagline
public void setTagline(String tagline) {
    this.tagline = tagline;

 * @return
 *     The title
public String getTitle() {
    return title;

 * @param title
 *     The title
public void setTitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;

 * @return
 *     The video
public Boolean getVideo() {
    return video;

 * @param video
 *     The video
public void setVideo(Boolean video) {
    this.video = video;

 * @return
 *     The voteAverage
public Double getVoteAverage() {
    return voteAverage;

 * @param voteAverage
 *     The vote_average
public void setVoteAverage(Double voteAverage) {
    this.voteAverage = voteAverage;

 * @return
 *     The voteCount
public Integer getVoteCount() {
    return voteCount;

 * @param voteCount
 *     The vote_count
public void setVoteCount(Integer voteCount) {
    this.voteCount = voteCount;



{“post_path”: “/nn4cejmhjhbjbsp3vvvhtnwlgqg.jpg”,




class MovieDBResponse {
    int page;
    List<MovieModel> results;
    int total_pages;
    int total_results;


public interface apiLocation {
    @GET("/3/movie/popular?my api key")
    void getData(Callback<List<MovieDBResponse>> response);


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