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Feature: Save Resource
    In order to keep interesting resources that I want to view later
    As a user
    I need to be able to save new resources

    Scenario: Saving a new resource
        Given "http://google.com" is a valid link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert "Google Search Engine" as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should have 1 additional resource with the inserted link and title

    Scenario: Aborting saving a new resource
        Given "http://google.com" is a valid link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I abort
        Then I should have the same number of resources as before

    Scenario: Saving a resource with invalid link
        Given "http://invalid.link" is an invalid link
        When I insert "http://invalid.link" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link is invalid

    Scenario: Saving a resource with already saved link
        Given "http://google.com" is an already saved link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert anything as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link already exists







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    Scenario: Saving a new resource
        Given "http://google.com" is a valid link
        When I insert "http://google.com" as the new resource link
        And I insert "Google Search Engine" as the new resource title
        Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
        When I accept
        Then I should have 1 additional resource with the inserted link and title


    Scenario: Bookmarking
      When I save a bookmark
      Then my bookmark should be saved


    Scenario: Saving a resource with invalid link
      Given "http://invalid.link" is an invalid link
      When I insert "http://invalid.link" as the new resource link
      And I insert anything as the new resource title
      Then I should see a confirmation message with the inserted link and title
      When I accept
      Then I should see an error message telling me that the inserted link is invalid
    Scenario: Bookmark with invalid link
      When I bookmark with an invalid link
      Then I should see an invalid link error

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